2023 Weekly Run Down 43/52 – Halloween-themed

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

Since I finished the  Power Zone Pack “Power Zone University: Class of 2023” Challenge last week and the next challenge doesn’t start for another week, I am enjoying two weeks of a “less structured” workout schedule. I am still getting rides and runs in but I am free to choose randomly, which can be nice.

I took advantage this week and took some Halloween-themed classes (I love that they do this every year on the Peloton platform!) and also focused on finishing the Streakers365 trackers for October. I haven’t done my “Halloween Run” through our neighborhood yet (which I do every year to enjoy all the Halloween decorations), but I am hoping to get around to it this coming week.


  • 10 Min Spooky Season Lane Break — Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min Halloween Ride – Bradley (10/30/21) — Pick Your Poison/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hamstrings – Kristin (10/3/23) — Personal Streak/Spooktacular Stretch/Instructor Bingo

Today we traveled home from SoCal and I decided on a small stack before dinner. I used the Spooky Season Lanebreak as a warm-up (I forgot how fun these Lanebreak rides can be sometimes) and I also finished my Pick Your Poison tracker with Bradley’s Halloween Ride and chose a focus flow for hamstrings as my yoga class for the day. 


  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Core – Kristin (2/9/23) — Personal Streak
  • 20 Min Pop Pilates – Aditi (7/18/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 15 Min Barre: Lower Body – Hannah C (9/18/23)
  • 45 Min Hip Hop Boot Camp – Tunde (7/13/21) — Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Lower Body Stretch – Logan (8/30/23)

I joined my Streakers365 friends Lindsay, Sherry, and Melissa for some core and strength work this morning. Then Sherry, Melissa, and I tackled a 45-minute Boot Camp with Tunde and not surprisingly, left as “sweaty messes”.


  • 10 Min Pilates – Sam (12/16/20) — Core Halloween Party
  • 15 Min Strength Roll Call: Core – Callie (9/21/22) — Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min 90s Ride – Cody (10/17/23) 
  • 30 Min Pop Run – Kirsten (7/15/22) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Ben (10/9/23) 

I started my day with pilates, then joined Sherry, Lindsay, and Melissa for a core class and a 20-minute 90s ride with Cody. I was drenched even though the class was not that hard. I had to change shirts before heading out for my 30-minute run because the temps were only in the high 50s and it would have been cold with a wet shirt. I finished with Ben’s full-body stretch. which was so good – does anyone else like to hang out in the deep squat? Or just me?


  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hips – Mariana (5/15/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • 15 Min R&B Pilates – Anna (8/3/23) — Core Halloween Party/Instructor Bingo
  • 30 Min 2000’s Ride LIVE – Jenn (10/26/23) 
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Jenn (9/26/23) 

I started my morning with some yoga and pilates and then joined Sherry for her 800th ride on Jenn’s LIVE ride. This was all I had time for as I had to get ready to head to the office. 


  • 20 Min Rock Pilates (LIVE) – Kristin (10/27/23) — Personal Streak
  • 30 Min Boot Camp: Core – Callie (10/20/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min 90s Rock Ride – Bradley (10/20/23)
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Bradley (10/10/23)

I started my Friday with Kristin’s Live Pilates class and then joined some friends for the 30 Min Boot Camp with Callie. I really enjoy doing Boot Camps more often! It’s a nice mix of riding and strength. I decided to add some Bradley to my day to finish my stack.


  • 20 Min Focus Flow: Healthy Back – Anna (1/4/22) — Personal Streak
  • 5 Min NBA Warm Up Ride – Ally (10/25/23)
  • 30 Min Power Zone Endurance 80s Ride – CDE (11/7/22)
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Leanne (10/5/23)

I finally got to ride with Tanja again. She was away from her bike for a little while, but we planned to get together for some yoga and a power zone endurance ride today. Yay!


  • 30 Min Disney Villains Ride – Sam (10/29/23) 
  • 5 Min Core Strength – Logan (9/26/23) — Core Halloween Party
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Floor Poses – Kristin (10/17/23) — Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Seasonal Meditation – Kristin (10/31/22) — Spooktacular Stretch

I procrastinated today and didn’t get on the bike until 5:30 p.m. I picked Halloween Ride with Sam and chose a couple of classes to finish up my October trackers. The Seasonal Meditation with Kristin was so good. She looked lovely in her “snake costume”.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 Pick Your Poison ✔
Streaker365 Spooktacular Stretch ✔
Streaker365 Core Halloween Party ✔
Streaker365 OctoberPersonal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates) ✔
Streaker365 Boo-tcamp Tracker ✔
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) –  2 bingos

This week’s stats:

Running: 3.3 mi
Cycling: 45.1 mi
Boot Camp: 75 min
Strength: 20 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 140 min
Warm up + Stretching: 35 min
Meditation: 10 min

What was your favorite workout this week?


Spooktacular Stretch = Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Core Halloween Party = Core Tracker
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo

  1. Ha – as usual my workouts were mostly just walks, but in the fall they are especially lovely. I did two short treadmill runs which were just long enough to get a bit of a sweat, but not so long I looked red as a lobster.

  2. I’ve probably said this before, but you are the Pelo Stack Queen! Well done!! I also did Sam’s villain ride (yesterday) as part of an indoor 20-miler on the spin bike.

  3. To randomly answer your question- yes I do love to hang out in a deep squat! My low back gets really achy, and being in a deep squat really stretches it out and makes it feel good.
    Anyway- nice mix of workouts this week! I have to admit those Peloton classes sound really fun. I always like anything holiday-themed. I hope you get in your “Halloween Run” this week!

  4. I spy those holiday trackers LOL! You are ready to go! Themed workouts classes are too fun!

    I have been loving my leg days, lately. I feel so accomplished when I can add weights and feel stronger.

    Hope you had a great trip!

  5. Love all the themed workouts! Looks like a great week. I can’t say I’ve hung out in a deep squat for that long, ha!

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