2023 Weekly Run Down 5/52

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This was week 3 of the Power Zone Pack Groovy Zones Challenge. It’s also a new month and that means new Streaker365 Challenges. I love that our admins put together fun challenges for us every month to keep us entertained and motivated. I have a hard time saying no and would love to “do it all”, but February will be a busy month for me on multiple fronts. So, I’ll have to pick and choose and see what I can fit in, but I am planning to participate in the following challenges:

Self Love & Care 2/1-2/28 — check off four short self-care classes/week
Love Tree 2/1-2/14 — complete a specific kind of workout (posted the night before)
Personal Streak February — minimum of 5 min meditation every day

  • 30 Min Upper Body Strength Class – Selena (8/2/21) — GZ Strength W3C1*
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Robin (8/9/21) — GZ Strength W3AR2
  • 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Bradley (9/25/22)
  • 20 Min Recovery Run – Adrian (3/11/22)
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Adrian (9/10/20)

There was a 2-mile recovery run on my training plan and I thought about skipping it, but then I thought to myself, when will you get another excuse to only run 2 miles? So, I went and it was fun to just do a quick run around the block. Haha.

  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Adrian (3/24/21)
  • 15 Min Classic Rock Run – Andy (5/31/22)
  • 30 Min HIIT & Hills Run – Adrian (7/2/22)  — PZ W3C2
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Adrian (2/23/21)
  • 10 Min HIIT Cardio – Erik (11/5/22) — Streakers365 Love Tree Challenge 
  • 30 Min Glutes & Legs Strength – Logan (6/10/22) — PZ Strength W3C2
  • 10 Min Low Impact Ride – Bradley (1/29/22)
  • 5 Min Full Body Stretch – Callie (2/28/22) — Streakers365 Self Love & Care Challenge
  • 20 Min Power Walk – Becs (8/1/19)
  • 10 Min Cool Down Walk – Selena (12/9/22)
  • 5 Min Sleep Meditation – Kristin (1/3/23)

I officially started the February challenges. I knocked out a couple of classes for those in the morning and also since it was my office day, I also took advantage and went for a lunch walk.

  • 15 Min Slow Flow – Denis (10/3/21) — Streakers365 Love Tree Challenge
  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Camila (10/5/22)
  • 30 Min USHER Run – Chase (4/28/21)
  • 30 Min Queen Run – JJ (12/9/21) — Streakers365 Artist Series
  • 10 Min Cooldown Run – Jon (10/7/22) — Streakers365 Artist Series
  • 10 Min Post-Run Stretch – Becs (1/5/23)
  • 10 Min Kindness Meditation – Kristin (2/14/22) — Streakers365 Self Love & Care Challenge

It’s still so cold. Luckily, I ordered some thermal running pants and they arrived this week. They didn’t seem very thick/warm, but I got to test them out on my 8-mile run and they made a huge difference!

  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Healthy Back – Kirra (1/31/23) — Streakers365 Self Love & Care Challenge
  • 45 Min Power Zone Ride – Matt (11/9/22) — PZ W3C3
  • 5 Min Lower Body Stretch – Ben (10/31/22) — Streakers365 Self Love & Care Challenge
  • 5 Min Relaxing Meditation – Kristin (2/1/23) — Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Rebecca (11/18/21) — Streakers365 Love Tree Challenge/ GZ Strength W3AR3

The Power Zone Ride was fun – we got to ride intervals in the “sweet spot” (just on the edge of Zone 3 and 4). That doesn’t happen to often in Power Zone training. Also, I had to do the core class before bed because I *almost* forgot to complete the GZ Strength challenge for the day. Oops. (In my defense, there are a lot of challenges to keep track of.)

  • 5 Min HIIT Cardio Warm Up – Adrian 11/14/20 — Streakers365 Love Tree Challenge
  • 45 Min Progression Run – Susie (11/29/22) — PZ W3C4
  • 30 Min Verzuz Run – Andy  (4/25/21) — “V” for the Streakers365 Artist Series
  • 30 Min Duran Duran Run – Susie (1/11/23) — “Z” (free choice) for the Streakers365 Artist Series
  • 10 Min Post-Run Stretch – Selena (2/5/20)
  • 5 Min Kindness Meditation – Aditi (1/12/23) — Personal Streak

11 miles on the schedule – the long runs are getting longer. What does that tell you? The race is three weeks out, guys.

  • 5 Min HIIT Cardio Warm Up – Adrian 11/14/20
  • 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Denis (5/18/21) — PZ W4C1
  • 5 Min Post Ride Stretch – Hannah F (1/15/23) — Streakers365 Love Tree Challenge
  • 5 Min Relaxing Meditation – Kristin (2/1/23) — Personal Streak

Streakers365 Challenges:

I completed the first week of the February Streakers365 Challenges. I also finished the “Artist Series” Challenge – U for Usher, V for Verzuz and Z (free choice) for Duran Duran. This was such a fun challenge. If you don’t have anything else to do, do your own Artist challenge some time.

This week’s stats:

Running: 26 miles
Cycling: 33 miles
Strength: 80 min
Yoga: 25 min
Walk: 30 min
Warm up + Stretching: 85 min
Meditation: 30 min

How did your week go? Did you feel good about your training?

GZ Strength = Groovy Zones Strength Challenge
PZ = Groovy Zones Power Zone Challenge
W3C1 = Week 3, Class 1
W3AR1 = Week 3 Accelerator Class 1

  1. Darlene S. Cardillo

    February 5, 2023 at 6:05 pm

    I ran 12 today. My race is in two weeks.

    But I admit I just run. Nothing else.

  2. Our workout schedules are very similar but I take a full day off on Saturdays. Wow 3 weeks out from your race! Is this week your longest run? I am doing Marty’s core challenge this month. So many challenges so little time :)

  3. Another solid week for you! I don’t currently have anything specific I’m training for. Well, there is a 10K the first weekend of March, but I’m pretty much in shape for that (as far as distance goes). I could throw in some speedwork, but I know the course will be hilly and I think I’m better suited to keep my stair-climbing front & center, which is like hill training, LOL. NIce job on the artist alphabet challenge!

  4. Great week! I broke my streak over the weekend, but popped back on it today.

    That artist series sounds fun!

  5. This sounds exhausting to me! I’m glad you’re having fun and that race prep is going so well!

  6. That’s another good week of running and other training. I’m very happy with my week, especially my lifting session on Friday. Otherwise I’m watching some running coaching channels on YouTube and will try to work some on my running technique when I get back to it. I bought a pair of thermal leggings this winter and they are really comfy and warm. Ironically I haven’t had reason to use them yet!

  7. Luckily I’m not training so I guess the answer is yes. :)

    If the race is 3 weeks out, you are already ready! Time to coast into the race.

    Glad your new running tights made the difference in the cold.

  8. Great week of workouts! Even though I love pretty much any type of exercise, challenges are another great tool for motivating me, too.

  9. You sure have a lot of challenges you are participating in! Good for you! I was tired just reading it. I’m sure you’ll do fantastic with your race with all that training.

  10. Yes, you do have a lot of challenges to keep track of! It should make for a fun month. Nice job on getting all those workouts in- you’ll be well-prepared for your race. Wow, it must really be cold there if you need thermal running pants! Glad you got them- you should be comfortable on your runs.

  11. I had to laugh at your comment about the 2mile run! When indeed is that ever on the plan – so grab the chance when it’s there, LOL! That was me at the beginning of my Half Training plan – lots of 4km runs and I thought, what excuse do I have to miss these?!

  12. You had another strong week of training. You have to be in one of the top percentiles of Peloton users! You do so many different classes and are really really getting your money’s worth which is great!

    I’m not training for anything right now but have kept up with working out 3-4 times/week. I did more runs this past week than strength training since the weather warmed up (by warmed up I mean it was above 0!). My running is really impacted by the weather! But even during a nice week, at most I’m running maybe 16 miles? But I’ve decided to focus on 10k races for now so I don’t have to log many miles.

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