2023 Weekly Run Down 41/52 – An emotionally hard week

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This was an emotionally heavy week with all the horrific news out of Israel/Gaza. I am devastated by all the innocent lives that have been – and are still being – lost in this conflict. There are no winners and all I want is this senseless violence to stop. As always, exercise helps me keep my head above water in these emotionally hard times.

I focused on finishing up Week 5 of the Power Zone Pack “Power Zone University: Class of 2023” Challenge and checking off classes for my trackers and for Instructor Bingo. It’s also been nice to coordinate with Streakers365 friends, as it’s nice to not work out alone and because they hold me accountable. Win-win.


  • 10 Min Courage Meditation – Ross (8/23/23) — Spooktacular Stretch/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – JJ (12/5/21)
  • 30 Min HIIT Run – Alex T (4/19/23) — PZU-W5R2/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Mariana (5/4/23)
  • 15 Min Core for Runners – Becs (6/1/21) — Core Halloween Party
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: For Runners – Denis (4/10/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

I was able to sleep in a bit because of Columbus Indigenous People’s Day and didn’t start my stack until 9:30 a.m. It was nice :) I knocked out a HIIT run with Alex “Drill Sergeant” Touissant in the morning for the PZ Challenge (it had cooled down considerably overnight and it was perfect running weather) and then followed up with some core and yoga. 


  • 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Bradley (9/12/23)
  • 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Classic Rock Ride – Ben (3/8/22) — PZU-W5R1
  • 15 Min 90s Ride – Jenn (10/10/23) — my 1050th ride!
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Tunde (8/8/23) — Spooktacular Stretch
  • 20 Min Strength Roll Call: Core – Callie (8/9/23) — Core Halloween Party
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hips – Chelsea (5/3/22) — Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Peace Meditation – Anna (10/10/23) — my 250th meditation!

It was “Milestone Tuesday” around here, as I celebrated three milestones (4,000 total Peloton workouts, 1050 rides, and 250 meditations). I was joined by Sherry, Lindsay, and Kristin for my milestone ride with Jenn (although she wasn’t her cheery self today, as she was struggling with all the horrible things going on in the Middle East right now – who isn’t?), and then Lindsay, Kristin, and I all celebrated meditation milestones together with Anna’s peace meditation. How fitting!


  • 10 Min Yoga Flow – Aditi (7/6/22) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Full Body Challenge – Jess S (9/19/22) — Pick Your Poison
  • 30 Min Boot camp – Tunde (9/22/23) — Bootcamp Tracker/Core Halloween Party/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Low Impact Ride – Hannah F (7/7/22) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Callie (6/28/23) — Spooktacular Stretch

Phew, if you pick a boot camp with Tunde, you know what you sign up for. It was a sweatfest but I am glad I didn’t do it alone.


  • 20 Min Arms & Shoulders Strength – Adrian (4/21/22) — Pick Your Poison/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Rebecca (7/25/22) — Core Halloween Party/Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min Tabata Ride – Cliff (2/14/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Yoga Flow: Lower Body – Kristin (4/26/20) — Personal Streak/Spooktacular Stretch/Instructor Bingo

I scheduled a few classes this morning to cross off squares on my Instructor Bingo card and some other trackers. It can be tricky to coordinate between all these trackers, but it also forces you to take classes you might have otherwise not chosen. Ugh, but I realized I was trying to get credit for not one, but two “Pick Your Poison” classes, but we can only do one per day. So I’ll have to do another Tabata (or HIIT & Hills) ride next week. NBD. 


  • 20 Min 80s Pilates – Kristin (10/13/23) LIVE — Personal Streak
  • 30 Min Hip Hop 50 Boot Camp – Jess S (8/12/23) — Pick Your Poison/Bootcamp Tracker
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Emma (2/6/23)
  • 15 Min Core Strength – Emma (8/27/23) — Core Halloween Party
  • 10 Min Peace Meditation – Anna (10/12/23) 

I joined Sherry and Kristin for the LIVE Pilates class and Sherry joined me for the Hip Hop Bootcamp that I still needed for the “Pick Your Poison” tracker. I also did Anna’s Peace Meditation in recognition of the conflict between Israel and Gaza. It’s been a heavy week emotionally and I appreciated this meditation. You should check it out if you haven’t taken it yet.


  • 30 Min Bootcamp: Core – Jess S (6/11/23) — Core Halloween Party/Bootcamp Tracker/PZU-W5AR
  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Selena (10/21/20)
  • 60 Min Endurance Run – Mariana (6/16/23) — PZU-W5R4
  • Extra 10: Walk – Joslyn (9/25/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Basics: Figure Four – Kristin (4/27/22) — Personal Streak

I met up with a bunch of Streakers365 for a Core Bootcamp this morning and then headed out for a 60-minute endurance run for the PZ Challenge. I ran during the partial solar eclipse that happened this morning and only realized it when it got gloomy and eerie for a few minutes, and then I looked at my watch and put 2+2 together. 

Oh, and remember how I mentioned that I am a steady-pace runner? Here’s more proof. 


  • 10 Min Yoga Flow – Nico (6/12/23) — Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Selena (3/13/22) — Core Halloween Party/Instructor Bingo
  • 30 Min Power Zone Ride – Sam (4/4/23) — PZU-W5R3
  • Extra 10: Low Impact – Benny (3/22/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • Extra 10: Walk – Kirsten (11/1/22) — Instructor Bingo

I slept in this morning (glorious!) and moved my workout stack to the afternoon. I usually like getting my workout done in the morning, but sometimes it’s worth moving it. I had a 30-minute power zone ride left for the PZ Challenge and picked out another few classes for my trackers. As a cool-down, I walked in circles in my backyard for 10 minutes to get a few more steps in and complete one more bingo. Ha.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 Pick Your Poison ✔
Streaker365 Spooktacular Stretch ✔
Streaker365 Core Halloween Party ✔
Streaker365 OctoberPersonal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates) ✔
Streaker365 Boo-tcamp Tracker ✔
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) – 5 bingos

This week’s stats:

Running: 9.5 mi
Walking: 1 mi
Cycling: 29.8 mi
Bike Bootcamp: 90 min
Strength: 100 min
Yoga/Pilates: 75 min
Warm up + Stretching: 45 min
Meditation: 30 min

How was your week? Does the news affect you? 


Spooktacular Stretch = Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Core Halloween Party = Core Tracker
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo

  1. Congrats on all of your Peloton milestones this week! I am always impressed by how many you fit in and the variety each week.

  2. Sweet week!! I had to laugh at your comments about Alex & Tunde…they are both badazz instructors (and that’s what o love about them) :-) Congrats on those milestones!

  3. I am glad you have something to get you through those heavy times. It’s tough right now. I think my coping mechanism is reading.

  4. Look at all those milestones! Go San!

  5. Sounds like you had a great week. I try not to let the news affect me- which sounds very cold and unfeeling, I know. I just get overwhelmed if I focus on it too much, and there’s nothing I can do. Keeping active is a good coping mechanism for all of us! You had a great week, and i love all the Halloween-themed classes.

  6. Love the Pick your Poison theme! Congrats on the milestones. Impressive! What is the band you wear on your arm? Fitness tracker, HR tracker?

  7. Awesome week! Fitness definitely helps refocus the mind…such tragedy all around.

  8. I have been saddened by the news but I am a little bit removed from it since we do not have the news on like we did before we had kids or when the kids were younger. We haven’t felt prepared to discuss what is going on with Paul so we have just kept the news off and have just lightly referenced what is happening. I’ve been so busy at work that I haven’t looked at newspapers much either.

    You had a really great week of workouts – and that milestone for # of workouts is so impressive!!

  9. I actually don’t watch TV news, but my husband does — but there’s no escaping this news & I think everyone had a heavy week. You’re very right — there are no winners, and it seems as there’s no conclusion either.

    Great week for you in the fitness world, though! You are a steady runner indeed. That’s not a bad thing!

  10. Great week of workouts, again!

    Yes, the news gets me down. Some days are worse than others. But it’s important to bear witness for the innocent and I’m trying to remember that.

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