2023 Weekly Run Down 37/52 – Milestones, Conqueror Finish, and a new PZ Challenge

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This week, we started the new Power Zone Pack “Power Zone University: Class of 2023” Challenge. It’s a 6-week challenge and I opted for the 2 rides/ 2 runs option, as I am still in half marathon training with four scheduled runs each week, and didn’t want to stretch myself thin. (Ha. You probably think I am already.)

I continued Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge as part of my half marathon training. We’re in week 5 and intervals are back. I missed them.

I also finished another Conqueror Virtual Challenge that I embarked on at the start of this year. Tanja and I had signed up to virtually run, walk, and bike the 2,280 mi (3,669km) of the iconic Route 66. I finished the distance on Thursday.


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Denis (9/5/23)
  • 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Denis (6/20/23) — PZU – W1R1/Instructor Bingo
  • Extra 10: Climb Ride – Cody (3/27/23) – B2S Hustle/Instructor Bingo 
  • 30 Min Power Zone Ride – CDE (9/11/23) LIVE – Barkle 9/11 Challenge
  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 3, Day 1 – Andy (3/6/23) PUTV5-W3D1/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Robin (9/4/23) — Core Bingo/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: For Riders – Mariana (11/15/22) — Personal Streak/Self-Care/Instructor Bingo

I started this week with a bang. I first hopped on a swarm ride to kick off the new Power Zone Challenge “Power Zone University: Class of 2023” with my Team “Streaking 101”.  Then, I participated in the Barkle 9/11 Challenge to pay tribute to the victims of 9/11. The Twin Towers each had 110 floors, so the 220 participants (yes, there were limited spots for this challenge) were allocated a floor that they represented. After the 45-minute power zone endurance ride earlier, I didn’t think I would want to follow the power zone ride structure of CDE’s Live ride, but I felt good and just went for it. I followed up with a bit of strength training and yoga and got a good start on my Instructor Bingo in the process. Super-happy with my workout this morning!


  • 20 Min Focus Flow: Core – Aditi (3/29/23) — Personal Streak/Core Bingo/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Jess S (3/18/21)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off – W5R1
    • 15 Min 90s Run – Adrian (3/22/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 15 Min Warm Up + Striders
    • 30 Min Endurance Run – Hannah F (9/1/23) — PZU W1R2
      • 20 Min Canova Style Intervals (2 x 2 min M-pace/2 min HM-pace + 4 min Recovery in between)
      • 10 Min Cool Down 
  • 20 Min Roll Call: Glutes & Legs – Adrian (3/28/23) — B2S Hustle
  • 10 Min Lower Body Stretch – Adrian (8/22/23)

I started off my morning with some yoga (which I also counted for core bingo) and then headed out to my Summer Send-Off training run. Have you heard of Canova-style intervals? Me neither! But it’s basically alternating between different pace efforts with no (or fewer) recovery intervals. It was totally doable and I enjoyed it. I thought it was going to be a challenge to dial in and alternate between marathon and half marathon paces outdoors (as there is only a 25-second difference) but I am getting better at it and I was quite pleased with my graph.


  • 10 Min Classic Rock Barre – Ally (LIVE 9/13/2023) 
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hamstrings – Anna (6/2/21) – Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Rock Barre: Upper Body (Ally (LIVE (9/13/2023) 
  • 20 Min Upper Body: Week 3, Day 2 – JJ (3/6/23) — PUTV5-W3D2/Instructor Bingo/600th strength class!
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off – W5R2
    • 15 Min AFO Run: Lil Baby – Marcel D (8/19/22) — Instructor Bingo
      • 15 Min Warm Up + Striders
    • 30 Min Indie Rock Run – Mayla (3/26/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 25 Min Hill Repeats (switched to Threshold/V02 Run)
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 10 Min Post-Run Stretch – JJ (6/6/22)

Today was a day for milestone celebrations. I joined a friend for her 1300th strength class first thing in the morning and then my Streaker365 friend Sherry and I celebrated our own 650/600th milestones in the Pump Up The Volume 5 class with JJ. 

Then, I had a hill run on my training schedule but had to pivot again. Because as you know, “no tread + no outdoor hilly terrain = no hill run”. I did V02 Max and threshold speed intervals instead. The graph is all over the place, but someone commented that it looks like a skyline and I like that. 


  • 30 min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Erik (7/30/23) — PZU W1R3
  • 30 Min Wedding Celebration Ride – Ally (7/22/21) — B2S Hustle 
  • 10 Min Lane Break 
  • 20 Min Lower Body: Week 3, day 3 – Jess (3/6/23)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Forward Folds  – Kristin (3/16/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

I started the day with a power zone endurance ride for the PZU challenge, then joined my Streakers365 friend Lindsay for a wedding celebration ride – because she’s getting married in two weeks! So fun to celebrate her this way with some other Peloton friends! I finished week 3 of the Pump Up The Volume 5 program and ended with a yoga stretching session.


  • 10 Min Relaxing Meditation – Kirra (6/1/23) — Self Care/Instructor Bingo

Jon and I traveled to Socal on Thursday and attended his dad’s memorial service today. I only had time for meditation in the morning before heading out for a day with family (and family friends).


  • 15 Min Evening Stretch – Matty (2/8/23) — Self Care/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Savasana – Nico (8/30/23) — Self Care/Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

Today we traveled back home and I was exhausted and took a (long) nap in the afternoon. Matty’s evening stretch and savasana with Nico were a nice way to end a long day by stretching and relaxing my body.


  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Rebecca (7/4/23)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off — W5R3/W5R4
    • 45 Min Endurance Run
      • 45 Min Endurance Run – Matt (8/23/23) — PZU W1R4
    • 60 Min Endurance Run
      • 20 Min 2000s Rock Run – Camila (5/16/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 30 Min Pop Run (LIVE) – Mariana (9/17/23) — 450th run!
      • Extra 10: Endurance – Camila (2/27/23) — B2S Hustle 
  • 20 Min Core Strength – Jess S (4/5/22) — Core Bingo
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Floor Poses – Chelsea (9/11/23) — Personal Streak 

Back to the long run! I had 11 miles on my half marathon training schedule. I doubled up on the endurance runs again to finish week 5 of the Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge. I timed it so I could join Mariana’s LIVE Pop Run for another milestone, my 450th run!

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 Back to School Hustle ✔
Streaker365 Self Care September — week 2 complete ✔
Streaker365 Core Bingo ✔
Streaker365 September Personal Streak ✔
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 5 Strength Program (4 weeks) — week 3 complete ✔
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly)  — 1 Bingo

My bingo planning wasn’t quite up to par this week and I only managed one Pelotrak Instructor Bingo, even though I checked off quite a few instructors on the bingo card. I also continued my daily yoga streak, only missed a day on Friday, finished week 3 of the Pump Up The Volume 5 program, and chipped away at classes for the other September trackers.

This week’s stats:

Running: 20.4 mi
Cycling: 46.3 mi
Strength: 110 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 90 min
Warm up + Stretching: 50 min
Meditation: 10 min


B2S Hustle = Back to School Hustle Tracker
Self Care September = Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Core Bingo = Back to School Core Bingo Blackout Edition
Barke 4×4 = Barkle 4×4 Kennel Club Challenge (4 weeks)
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo

  1. Wow! You did alot that week! Congrats on your 450th run!!

  2. Those conqueror challenges are fun! Congrats on your 450th. I should hit a strength milestone tomorrow. Always motivating right?! I miss doing the intervals as well and hope I can get back in the next challenge. Have a great week!

  3. Whew, that looks pretty busy to me! Nice mix of workouts ;-)

  4. Congrats on those milestones! I hadn’t heard of Canova-style intervals either, but it sounds fun. Overall it sounds like a nice variety and a busy week!

  5. As always…I’m exhausted just reading this. You just continue to kick MAJOR BUTT with your workouts and I love, love, love that it brings you so much joy. <3

  6. What a nice week- congrats on the milestones!

  7. You packed a lot in last week! I don’t know how you keep track of all those challenges.
    The meditation sounds like a good way to start the day before heading to a memorial service. I hope the time with family and friends was comforting for your husband.

  8. Listen. You are an absolute rock star with all your challenges and workouts. But you know this. I just don’t know how you make it all work.
    Sending thoughts of peace and comfort to you all.

  9. Wow, that is a big week. Congratulations on finishing your virtual Route 66.

  10. Wow, you really did do a lot! Getting to 2280 miles is a huge accomplishment and you still have three more months for this year! You are really kicking butt!

  11. I’m so glad you listened to your body and slept, and meditated, around the time you were traveling. And you really did have another amazing week. Just love your consistency, my friend. <3

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