2023 Weekly Run Down 34/52 – My Millennium Ride!

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This week, it was time for another milestone. Tanja and I joined the comma club (1,000 rides on the Peloton bike) on Saturday. As usual, we tried to coordinate to celebrate our milestones together with a LIVE ride.

I also continued with the Barkle 4×4 Kennel Club Challenge (four 20-minute rides per week) and the Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge this week and finished up the Pump Up The Volume 3 program and the upper body strength challenge (Sun’s Out Guns Out) for my Streakers365 group.


  • 20 Min Lower Body: Week 4, Day 1 – Rad (12/19/22) — PUTV3-W4D1
  • 20 Min Dance Ride – Jess K (5/25/23) — Barkle 4×4/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Arms & Light Weights – Sam (4/20/23) — Sun’s Out Guns Out/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Yoga Flow – Kirra (5/18/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

I started the week off with the fourth and final week of Pump Up The Volume 3, followed by a 20-minute ride for the Barkle 4×4 Challenge. The Dance Ride was much more challenging than anticipated (think intervals and climbs). And then, if you want a challenging, more unusual yoga flow, I recommend this flow with Kirra. I am not sure how elegant I looked when I attempted the poses, but I surely tried my best. Haha.


  • 10 Min Pre-Run Warm up – Becs (10/6/20)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge – W2R1
    • 15 Min Rock Run – JJ (10/30/22) — Instructor Bingo
      • 15 Min Warm Up
    • 30 Min Intervals Run – Matt (6/15/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 20 Min Intervals
      • 10 Min Cool Down 
  • 20 Min Upper Body Strength – Logan (6/6/23) — Sun’s Out Guns Out
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Ben (6/29/23) 
  • 10 Min Restorative Yoga – Anna (1/25/23) — Personal Streak/Sunset Stretch/Instructor Bingo

Today was run 1 of the Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge and it was a run with marathon and half-marathon pace intervals. Hitting exact paces outside is still a struggle but I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. I also did an upper body strength workout (finishing up the Sun’s Out Guns Out Challenge) and yoga for my personal streak.


  • 10 Min Yoga Flow – Ross (4/15/21) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min Climb Ride – Denis (1/17/23) — Barkle 4×4
  • 20 Min Upper Body: Week 4, Day 2 – Matty (12/19/22) — PUTV3-W4D2/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Arms & Light Weights – Bradley (2/23/23) — Sun’s Out Guns Out
  • 10 Min Upper Body Stretch – Adrian (8/14/23) — Instructor Bingo

Tanja and I completed a ride for the Barkle 4×4 challenge and then met up with some of ourStreaker365 friends for this week’s upper body class for PUTV3.  I also finished the Sun’s Out Guns Out upper body strength challenge for my Streakers365 group. Can you see a difference? (I don’t know if I can, maybe if I squint?)


  • 20 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Mariana (8/5/23) — Personal Streak
  • 20 Min Pop Punk Ride – Robin (5/3/23) — Barkle 4×4
  • 10 Min Year of Yes Full Body Stretch – Robin (1/7/21) — Sunset Stretch

I usually run on Thursdays but got a bit of a late start and decided to pivot. I did some morning yoga (needed it) and completed the fourth ride for the Barkle 4×4 challenge. The punk playlist was fun!
There wasn’t much time for anything else because it was my office day and I had to get ready to leave the house. 


  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 4, Day 3 – Callie (12/19/22) — PUTV3-W4D3
  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Matt (8/21/23)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge – W2R2
    • 45 Min Intervals Run – Mariana (6/25/23)
      • 15 Min Warm Up
      • 20 Min Intervals
      • 10 Min Cool Down 
  • 10 Min Yoga Flow: For Runners – Kristin (6/7/23) — Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Foam Rolling: Chest & Back – Hannah C (12/13/22) — Sunset Stretch

I finished up the Pump Up The Volume 3 program with my Streakers365 friends Sherry, Lindsay, and Kristin this morning and then went for a 45-minute Intervals run for the Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off. It’s been fun working with my new paces.


  • 60 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Matt (8/26/2023) — 1000th Ride! PR! 
  • 20 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Mariana (3/3/22)

Today I got my butt up at the crack of dawn to celebrate my 1000th ride with Tanja on Matt’s LIVE Ride at 5 am PDT. Matt’s LIVE rides are always super-early for us West Coasters, but it was worth getting up for because Tanja and I got an awesome shoutout for our milestone. It really made my day! I also got a new 60-minute PR in the process, which is probably due to my new zones from my last FTP test. I was so stoked!


  • Extra 10: Low Impact – Hannah C (12/19/22) — Instructor Bingo
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge – W2R4
    • 45 Min Pop Run – Kirsten (4/23/22) — Instructor Bingo
      • 10 Min Warm Up
      • 30 Min Endurance
      • 5 Min Cool Down 
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge – W2R3
    • 30 Min 2010s Run – Adrian (7/9/21) — Instructor Bingo
      • 10 Min Warm up
      • 15 Min Endurance
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 20 Min 90s Rock Run – Tobias (12/12/22) — Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Cool Down Run – Matt (5/23/23)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hips – Nico (5/8/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Peace Meditation – Ross (4/11/22) — Sunset Stretch

Sunday Runday! I usually do my long runs on Saturdays but had to switch things up a little bit this week. I doubled up on the Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off and completed runs 3+4 back to back. Not ideal, but it worked out fine because I was going to add mileage to my long runs for half marathon training anyway.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 Sun’s out Guns out
Streaker365 Sunset Stretch
Streaker365 July Personal Streak (yoga daily)
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 3 Strength Program (4 weeks)
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) 

I finished up the Sun’s Out Guns Out Challenge, the Pump Up The Volume 3 Program and the Sunset Stretch Recovery Tracker. I also kept up my daily yoga streak and got 3 instructor bingos this week.

This week’s stats:

Running: 20.3 mi
Cycling: 41.8 mi
Strength: 100 min
Yoga/Pilates: 90 min
Warm up + Stretching: 135 min
Meditation: 5 min

Did you hit any milestones (of any kind) this week?


Sun’s Out Guns Out = Streakers365 Upper Body Strength Tracker
Sunset Stretch = Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Barkle 4×4 = Barkle 4×4 Kennel Club Challenge (4 weeks)
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo

  1. Way to go on your 1000th ride! Always fun to get a shoutout from Matt :) I am in the 900’s somewhere . I did hit my 150th walking class today which I did not realize until I saw the badge. Great week of training for you!

    1. Congrats to 150 walks! :) I’ve definitely hit milestone classes without realizing it beforehand. I mostly pay attention the cycling and running classes ;)

  2. Congrats on joining the comma club! That had to feel great. I’m always so impressed by everyone’s dedication to hitting those goals!

    1. Thank you, Wendy. It was a great milestone to hit!

  3. Yay! Congrats on your milestone and getting that shoutout! That’s what you get when you show up for a 5 am class on a Saturday. Sounds like you had a great week overall.
    I think your arm looks muscular in the before AND after photo. You probably need more time to see a huge difference. If you keep up the way you’ve been going I imagine you’ll see even more definition.

    1. That what I thought. If I show up at 5 am, I’d better (!) get a shoutout LOL
      You’re probably right and I need more time to build more muscle (although I am looking for toned, not muscular per se!).

  4. Congrats on your 1,000th Peloton ride. That’s quite an accomplishment!
    To answer your question, I earned my fourth 100-mile ride badge from Garmin on Sunday when I finished my fourth century ride.

    1. Congrats on your fourth (!) Garmin 100 mile ride badge. I collect Garmin badges too :) They are fun.

  5. Wow, you really pack a lot into your week! Congrats on the “comma ride!” That’s huge!!

    1. Thank you, it was exciting to hit 1000!

  6. Congratulations on getting to the 1000th Peloton ride! Looks like a good week of various workouts. And keep lifting, “squinting” and flexing.. it takes a while to see a big difference. It’s taken me a year to go from skinny arms to nice enough shoulder/chest muscles. I think yours look good, maybe especially in the Millennium picture!

    1. Thank you :) I know it takes time to build muscle and I am really just going for toned, I don’t need “big guns”LOL

  7. CONGRATS SAN! And you got a shoutout to boot! That’s fantastic. 1000 is a huge milestone!

    1. Thanks my friend, it was exciting! :)

  8. Wow, 1,000 rides- that’s a lot! Way to go. You do such a great job with a mix of different types of fitness!

    1. Thanks Jessie. It was exciting to hit 1000!

  9. Your underarm looks tighter in the after photo (and I am envious of that!).

    Sounds like you’re doing a great job with all of your challenges!

    I do like to get my long-ish run done on Friday or Saturday (or mid week) — doing it on Sunday usually means Monday will be a rest day. I’m lucky I can sometimes choose a day!

    1. Thanks so much, Judy! My underarm! I didn’t even pay attention ;)
      You’re lucky you can do your long runs mid-week…

  10. Wow! This is epic, San. Huge kudos and a sheet of gold stars.

    Also, you always look so happy in all your exercise photos (and those floral tights are SO fun). I look like I’m inches from death after a run, and you look like you stepped out of an athletic gear catalogue <3

    1. Thank you so much for your enthusiam, Elisabeth. You’re so kind <3
      Working out does make me happy and I apparently do get the endorphins (that seem to be elusive for others), so I am quite thankful ;)

  11. 1000 rides? Dang! That’s incredible! Your dedication is always so impressive.

    1. Thank you Jenn. I appreciate it :)

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