Tuesday Topics (on a Wednesday) | Global Running Day 2022

If you been around for a while, you might have seen these posts come around in June, because it is Global Running Day every year on the first Wednesday of June. If you don’t know what it is, here’s the official description:

Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running that encourages people of all ages and abilities to get moving. This day plays an important role, reminding us of the positives that running can offer and the power of unification. During the past two years, many people have turned to running as a solution to help release anxiety, gain perspective, cope with cabin fever, and keep up wellbeing. This year let’s run together on Global Running Day to reflect upon the challenges we’ve faced and how our communities have endured.

As a runner, you cannot NOT participate. The running community is amazing as is, but it’s something special to join other runners to celebrate a day that is dedicated to running around the world!

As every year, I am pledging miles for #GlobalRunningDay and I am also joining the Virtual NYRR Global Running Day 5k powered by STRAVA. (Between May,28 and June 5, lace up your shoes and run the world with thousands of other participants in celebration of a day that encourages everyone to stay active and healthy).

I also signed up for the Global River Run where you pledge miles and run for a river of your choice. The hope is to spread awareness about the importance of keeping our waterways clean. #worldriverrun

The Virtual Running Club is also a doing a virtual 5k for Global Running Day and I really like their motto this year: “I just felt like running”. So simple, so powerful. I think many of us can relate to it. At least I can say that this is how I feel more often than not.

As you can see, there is no shortness of good reasons and good causes, least of all your own physical and mental health, to get out and run for on this Global Running Day. Come join me and move your body to show your support!!

What do they say? There’s nothing a nice, long run by the river can’t fix, amirite?

How will you be celebrating Global Running Day?

This week, I am linking up with  Kookyrunner and Zenaida  for Tuesday Topics

  1. Happy running day!! Should be a worldwide holiday so everyone can take off work and get out for a run haha!

  2. I love Global Running Day and how it brings everyone in the running community together!

  3. I will sadly not be running today. :( I forgot it was global running day! I logged into work late as I had to take Will to his 18m appointment and I’ve been in and out so much this week that it doesn’t feel right to take a break from work and run. But I will log some miles later this week hopefully. My sister flies in tonight and stays with us for a night but I bet she fit her miles in before their flight since she is a HARD CORE runner!

    1. I didn’t run on Wednesday either. It was my first day back at the office… but I got to run today! Yay!

  4. Whoops, I did not even know it was Global Running Day and it was a Wednesday, which is not a regular run day for me! So, I guess I missed it!

    1. That’s ok – we can celebrate running any day of the year. I actually didn’t get to run on Wednesday either … but today! Today I got out :)

  5. I went for a run! It was a beautiful day here and I just went out there and did, mostly because I was inspired by this post.

    1. Oh yay, I love to hear that, D!

  6. Had no idea about this; I didn’t run but fit in multiple long walks which sorta, kinda counts?

    1. Absolutely counts :)

  7. I had never heard of this, either! Very cool. My oldest has been getting up and going for a run first thing when he wakes up, now that school is out! I hope he sticks with it. It’s really cute- he puts his headphones on and heads out. Not running super far right now, but he says he will work on expanding his route. :) I was going to help him map out a route on Map my Run so he can see the distances. :)

    1. Oh, I love that your son is getting into running :)

  8. I had the same idea as Gretchen: it should be an international holiday! Or at least on the weekend, so that everyone can celebrate it.
    Did you know that it was World Bike Day on Friday? That eluded me completely.

  9. I saw a tweet that said something like it is OK to NOT run on Global Running Day. I did run and had a good one.

  10. Well, I’m glad you’re feeling well enough to run again. I read your previous posts about the back and neck issues- how annoying! I hope that’s all resolved. Yes, I definitely ran on Global Running Day- there have been years where I couldn’t (for various reasons) so I was super happy to be running this time.

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