5: Recipe | Chicken with Lemon-Garlic-Pepper-Sauce

Edited with Phonto. https://phon.to

I made this for J’s birthday dinner a couple of weeks ago and I’ve gotten some requests for the recipe, so I am more than happy to oblige and share this. It was a fairly quick and super-tasty dinner that only uses a little bit of cream and makes it a lot lighter than other creamy sauces. The lemon and pepper gave it a nice, fresh note.

If you want to make the Spätzle from scratch (which I highly recommend, because they’re super-easy and quick to make and taste so much better – and are less expensive – than the store-bought kind!), you might want to invest in a “Spätzle maker”. They make this whole process of making fresh pasta from scratch really easy! I have one similar to this one.

[yumprint-recipe id=’1′] 


  1. Ooooooooooooooooooooooh. Yum!!!

  2. Yum! That sounds so good. I should make this for Phil and I. I have never had spätzle before. I wonder if it would work with gf flour… I guess I could always sub out the spätzle for rice or pasta though!

  3. Yummy!!! I need to try this! And get a “Spatzle Maker” prior to trying it. :)

  4. Pinned for later! This sounds amazing, I love spatzle.

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