22: Currently | November


working on a photobook from our family vacation this summer and hoping that I can finish it in time to give it as a gift for Christmas. Why is this always so much work?

watching Adam ruins everything. Have you heard of this show? It’s hilarious and quite educational.

running my official first 10k race when this post goes live.

eating all the winter dishes…. stews, and soups, and casseroles, and baked goods.

drinking my first holiday drink out of a red cup. (Nah, just kidding. It’s just a plain old – afternoon-pick-me-up – vanilla coffee that you can get any day of the year!).

shopping for some Christmas presents. I am trying to keep it rather simple this year for a few reasons, but I still want to make sure that I have a little something for the special people in my life.

loving that the holiday season is upon us. Even though I’m not going home for Christmas this year, I am looking forward to the magic of the season (and try to embrace it as much as I can).

avoiding the news (and Facebook) these days. I mean, I still read the news, but I don’t watch as much news TV as I usually do because  every news outlet has one – and only one – topic right now and it sometimes weighs too heavy on my heart and I am trying to do something more positive with my time. Of course, it doesn’t mean that I am turning a blind eye to what’s going on in this world right now, but I really don’t know if I need to hear all the hate and fear-mongering that seems to be part of the discussion.

keeping in mind that every change begins with a small step. Let’s all take a small step together.

  1. I hope your 10k race went well today and that you had fun! I am looking forward to racing on Thursday although the weather forecast looks so crappy (mix of rain and snow – boo!!).

    I am hoping to finish the rest of my shopping on Black Friday. I’m planning to do it all online as it just simplifies things so much (plus I hate hate hate shopping malls).

  2. I am trying to keep it a little more simple with Christmas presents this year as well – of course with having a teenager and all, there are some things that need to be done! haha
    Hope your 10K went awesome! So amazing of you to do this! Such a great accomplishment!
    I agree on taking a small step together – there is so much going on in the world, it makes me dizzy to even start to think about it!
    Happy Sunday and get some rest after your race xxx

  3. ‘Adam Ruins Everything’ is so great & informational! Erik & I try to watch it every week. I’m rushing to figure out Christmas gifts, or at least some of them, so I can keep an eye on Black Friday sales in case there are any great deals.

  4. The photobook sounds like a great gift idea and something I must keep in mind for next year. Hope your 10k went well :)

  5. Congratulations on the 10k!

    We’re trying to keep Christmas simple this year as well. It’s just nicer when it can be more of a break/time to relax instead of a stressful occasion.

  6. No Christmas presents over here! But we will be doing a small, real tree this year (I have agreed to that mainly, and only because I think Matt really wants the feel of Christmas in our house and his mom usually goes all out – I, uh, do not).

    Ugh Facebook must be awful right now. The media also tends to just stick with one huge topic only and it gets sickening. So much more is happening, but they stick with what gets them the most views/clicks which of course means more money.

  7. I took a break from FB over the weekend because I was tired of all the negativity and ignorance going on. :P

    Can’t wait to hear more about your first 10K!

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