On new things

This weekend was full of new things…

On Friday, I finally had an appointment at the hair salon. After letting my hair grow wild for, oh only 5 months, I desperately needed a haircut. Seriously, it was not even funny anymore. To add a little extra sunshine, I went with some highlights in the ends of my hair and it turned out just beautifully. It’s not quite as copper-tone-ish as the Instagram picture wants you to believe, but it’s pretty. I ♥ it!

On Saturday, I very spontaneously decided that it was time to upgrade my cell phone to… a white iPhone 4!  My old cell phone at three years was practically a “granny” and even though Internet-capable, not quite up to par anymore. (“Apps, what are those?) My upgrade had been due for over a year, but I had secretly hoped to hold out for the iPhone 5.
But, I am a girl and girls are weak (sometimes ;)). I had been eyeing the white iPhone 4 since it came out a few weeks ago, and my sister has one, too (and hey, we’re twins after all!), and it’s just so pretty, and to be honest: I just couldn’t wait any longer. I mean, who knows when Apple will finally announce the iPhone 5, right? That could be months and months away, for all we know.
No, the time was now. And it’s so beautiful (and I can’t stop thinking about all the new possibilities!)

On Saturday, I also got a surprise package in the mail. My dear friend Sanna sent me the “cassette tape”-necklace with the beautiful green bead that I am wearing in the picture. I had been telling her how much I loved the necklace in her Etsy shop and she just decided to send one to me – how sweet is that? Let me tell you, very, very, very sweet!!!

We also went to Target and bought a new toaster. How we survived without a toaster for the last month or two, since I threw the old one out (it was just disgusting and totally gross, couldn’t even be cleaned to hold us over temporarily), I have no idea, but now we have a new one. It even has a “bagel” button. I guess, all new toasters now do. Fancy!

J got some new running shoes at Footlocker. How he manages to always pick out the high-end, expensive ones with blind determination is a mystery to me, but he does (and ok, they’re nice shoes, I admit it!).

One thing we didn’t get this weekend was  a new shelf for our living room. I still have two boxes of stuff sitting in the living room that has no place to go right now, so I am thinking it’s going to be another visit to IKEA next weekend. I mean, nobody would complain about that! (Kim, are you coming?)

  1. eh, i am SO coming to ikea. and you know it. i thought it was hilarious that, even though we’re thousands of miles apart, we still manage to pick out and buy almost the exact same things at ikea. “great minds think alike” – like i said. and YAY (!) to the new purrty phone! :)

  2. I love your hair :) I went to Ikea this weekend and got a new shelf and a new desk. I picked out other things I wanted but my husband cut me off :( Next month!

  3. You look gorgeous – love the hair! And that necklace is so cute (how sweet of her to send it)! IKEA, I am so in as well – that is, if you two will have me! :)
    And, your phone….LOVE IT!!!
    Happy Tuesday sweetie xxx

  4. I love your hair! That was the first thought that popped into my head before I even scrolled down to read that you just had it done! And I am of course a little jealous of you and your new iPhone… though I have to say I am actually more jealous of your new toaster! I have lived without a toaster since December and I desperately want one.

    (I think it goes without saying that I also envy you for having a legitimate reason to go to Ikea?? :P)


  5. I love your hair – looks really pretty. ;)

  6. Love your hair. Looks almost the color of your eyes. So pretty!

  7. Your hair looks great! Doesn’t it always feel so much better to have your hair freshly cut and colored? I go months and months in between cuts too. =)

  8. I love the haircut. It looks great! Very similar to the one I have at the moment…
    We could make a virtual date at IKEA, because that’s where I’m planning to go within the next few weeks. We still need shelves for our study…

  9. wow!you look stunning! the necklace also adds to the overall look. Haha. That was so sweet of Sanna!!! I just went to Ikea yesterday, sorry I missed you! :) Seems like everything is going very well. So glad to hear sweets!! You deserve it, cant wait to see pics of your new place!! :)

  10. Your hair looks so pretty! Definitely very summery.

    Love the necklace too! I’ve been wanting a camera one :)

  11. Love the new do with your hair – loving your hair always makes you walk taller, doesn’t it? I’m due for a cell phone upgrade this fall, but I think I’m going to stick with the Droid platform. We’ll see…

  12. Hope you enjoy the iPhone 4. I love mine so much that whenever anyone is considering one, I say, “Do it!”

  13. Love your new haircut and yay iPhone!!! You will have to get Angry Birds! ;-)
    And you are very very welcome! :) <3

  14. Love the necklace and the hair! You look stunning!

  15. Love your new hair color! And a new iPhone, so jealous! ;)

  16. I’d LOVE to go to IKEA! Picking out furniture & decorations are so much fun! And of course the white iPhone had to come out right after I upgraded my phone.

  17. Cool!
    Steht dir ;)
    ich habe meins ja auch “bestellt”. Es dauert ca. 2 Wochen, bis es in Deutschlande wieder lieferbar ist.
    Ich freue mich so sehr für dich!

    p.s.: gut, dass du nicht mehr aufs 5er gewartet hast… irgendwann ist auch mal gut mit Warten :)

    Liebsten Gruß!

  18. Schoene Haare!! (ich habe heute eine email mit dem Iphone 5 erhalten :-()

  19. Oh my, I looove your new haircut. Suits you very well!! Very pretty! Also, I’m so jealous about your Iphone. I’ll never be cool enough, I guess. ;-)
    And I really don’t need to say anything about the necklace… Ok, I do: beautiful!! :)

    Have fun at Ikea!!

    Here’s to a great weekend. Enjoy and relax! Lots of love!

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