Why I love her

Greta at the Zoo’s playground, babbling away.

This is too cute not to share… unfortunately, it’ll be much more entertaining, if you understand German :)

  1. wie süüüüüüüüß! *sigh* i can understand you missing her! :*(

    PS: when i first read the title i thought this post was gonna be about me but ooooookayyyyy :)
    .-= kim´s last blog ..i love it all =-.

    1. Next time I’ll write about you :)

      Miss you.


  2. That is just so adorable! Your Greta is far cuter than mine!
    .-= Maribeth´s last blog ..Family =-.

  3. Awwww, she’s adorable!

  4. lol She’s SO adorable! What’s she saying?
    I love that going down the slide is this huge production that requires a lot of thinking out loud. I love kids :)
    .-= Kyla Roma´s last blog ..Here’s to finishing- =-.

  5. This is so cute! *spinnst du?* haha :-)

  6. Oh, I’m at work and can’t watch! Remind me to come check it out later, I want to see/hear her!!

  7. lol “Spinnst Du?” – unbezahlbar!

  8. hahahahah. niedlisch. wann kriegst du ne greta?

  9. Awww she’s such a cutie! :)
    .-= Stephanie´s last blog ..Fancy that- =-.

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