Month: April 2006


My sister and I never really had a “real grandma” growing up. My Mom’s Mom died before we were born and my Dad’s Mom died when we were 6. I still remember the first few years of our childhood, because we spent so much time with her. She was a...

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I really don’t have much to say these days. I feel like nothing exciting is happening, although I am doing so much every day, but you can’t really write elaborated entries about surfing the Internet for deco stuff and things like that. Monday evening we had my great-aunt, my granddad...

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Happy Easter!

well, I thought the picture just reflects my mood today… lazy in front of the computer :) I hope you all had a great Easter weekend… I didn’t have much planned, spent some time with my sister and my family. Oh yeah, and I finished a quilting project – a...

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Wow… time flies

This week went by so fast, unbelievable. I don’t really know where the days went, but I guess I was busy. First good news, I decided on some wedding shoes. I ordered some shoes on the Internet last week and they arrived on Wednesday and they look great. So I...

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My busy weekend

I went to Oberhausen-Centro on Friday to do some more shopping for the wedding. I was hoping that they had some more shoe shops to look for wedding shoes and maybe also some different fashion stores with more variety of dresses. I also met with a few girls for [Starbucks]...

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