Wow… time flies

This week went by so fast, unbelievable. I don’t really know where the days went, but I guess I was busy. First good news, I decided on some wedding shoes. I ordered some shoes on the Internet last week and they arrived on Wednesday and they look great. So I think I’ll keep them. Here they are. They seem to be very comfortable and still have 6cm-heels which is a nice mid-height.

I’ve also been spending hours online looking for potential wedding ring styles. Honestly, I think they all look the same and I really don’t know what I want right now :( I think my best bet would be to go to a jewelry store and look at some rings and try them on, maybe I’ll fall in love with one then.
Personally I don’t believe that the groom should have much say in the wedding ring style at all, as long as you decide on the material [I personally hate golden jewelry and would always go for white gold or silver], I think the groom’s wedding bands look pretty much the same. But with the rings it’s like with the shoes – it seems like all the wedding bands look the same and I want something different. Yeah, I know, I am exhausting :)

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday I was gone in the afternoon, because I tutor two students right now. It’s nice to have something meaningful to do and it’s a nice little financial cushion in these times of being short of cash :) I wish I could have gotten the job at my old school as a substitute teacher, but that unfortunately didn’t work out. Ah well, I’d better try to enjoy the free time as long as it lasts ;)

Wednesday, my great-aunt and -uncle came to visit in the afternoon which was nice and Nina and I also went to see one of Nina’s close friends [the one that was diagnosed with cancer a while back] for a short visit. It was a shocking experience to see him like that – obviously marked by the chemotherapy, but I am glad I went.

Thursday morning I was invited for a really nice breakfast at my friend Ira’s place with two other girls – one of them brought her 7 week-old son Simon. Sooooo adorable. I wish I had brought my camera with me. I usually NEVER forget to take my camera, but I had to charge the batteries and took it out of my purse, bad timing!
The breakfast was yummy and so plentiful: muesli, rolls, dark bread, croissants, and all that good stuff! I didn’t eat anything for the rest of the day!

Last but not least, I spent a whole lot of time at my sister’s place because she and Dirk still have some computer problems that I tried to fix. The most annoying thing is that installing new software or working on the operationg system can take so much time. Oh well, at least, I could spend some more time with Nina that way :)