Happy Easter!


well, I thought the picture just reflects my mood today… lazy in front of the computer :)

I hope you all had a great Easter weekend… I didn’t have much planned, spent some time with my sister and my family. Oh yeah, and I finished a quilting project – a baby comforter that I made for Cathy’s baby.
Since she seems to be very busy with her new little family, I don’t expect her to read this here and spoil the surprise… I am going to send it to her on Tuesday!

On Wednesday morning, we had another appointment with a [female] singer that had been recommended by a friend… she sang at his wedding and Nina wanted to check her out, if she could sing at her wedding, too. She seemed to be really nice and she has a great voice, so there seems to be one item off Nina’s checklist ;)
In the afternoon we went shopping again but without luck… I’ve decided that I am not going to mention the shopping trips again until I find a dress :(

I called the bridal shop, because I have to get an appointment for the dress fitting… unfortunately, my sister still hasn’t gotten a letter saying that her dress arrived as well, but I want to wait until her dress arrived, so that we can go there together.

I also called our pastor… the one who’s doing the ceremony. I asked if he wants to meet with me some time next week – before J comes, so that we can talk about the details of the ceremony, but he didn’t want to and said that it would be early enough, if we meet the week before the wedding when J is here. Ok… if he says so.

I hope you’re all going to have a nice rest of the weekend…