Global Running Day 2024

Hooray, it’s Global Running Day again. If you are a runner – or have been around here for a while – you might have seen these posts come around in June, because the first Wednesday of June the official holiday for all runners.

If you haven’t heard of it before, here’s the official description:

Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running that encourages people of all ages and abilities to get moving. This day plays an important role, reminding us of the positives that running can offer to our physical and mental health and the power of unification. Let’s run together on Global Running Day to celebrate our love of running and take strides toward healthier and more active lives.

As a runner, you cannot NOT participate in the festivities. The running community is amazing as is, but it’s something special to go for a run and know that millions of other runners are also getting out there, dedicating miles to this event, and coming together as a community.

No excuses! I even encouraged my Mom yesterday that she had to go for one of her walks today in celebration of Global Running Day! (And she did!)

I already did my part this morning. At first, I wasn’t going to run today. I had a power zone ride scheduled for today, but then I thought, it’s Global Running Day! You have to run!

I had a Team Wilpers Interval Run on schedule for tomorrow but decided to get out and get it done today. It also killed two birds with one stone by counting for the Virtual NYRR Global Running Day 5k powered by STRAVA.

I chose to run with a fantastic group of Peloton run instructors because they put out a brand-new Global Running Day Run on the platform this morning. If you haven’t taken it, I highly recommend you do. So fun to have us all run together, Jess, Camila, and Becs in New York, Susie and Jeffrey in London, and all of us on the leaderboard!

Today is a day to get out and “just run”. It doesn’t matter if you run for the first time, return to running after a break, or if you’re just chugging along in your training.

Today is a good day to be a runner.

Because remember:

It’s not too late, you can earn the NYRR Global Running Day badge on Strava by lacing up your shoes and running with thousands of other participants between June, 1 and June, 9 – or finish the June 5k Brooks Challenge by June, 30!

How are you going to celebrate today? Let’s earn these badges, baby!

  1. Jenny recently reminded me that there is no running police out there and your meme there at the end reminded me of that. I’m going to try to get out for a run soon!

    1. You’ll probably laugh when I tell you that I didn’t call myself a runner for the LONGEST time… go enjoy your run! Long, short, fast, slow… it does not matter!

  2. I did not know about Global Running Day; how can that be? I did not run yesterday, but I went for a bike ride and maybe I will go for a run this weekend to have a belated celebration! I think it is great to get outside and I am so happy that it seems like more and more people are running these days! I remember my first ultra, there were barely any women, and now I see more and more women (still the number is low but it is rising!) running, and am so glad.

    1. You did NOT know about Global Running Day? I’ve been posting about it for years, Kyria. Where have you been? Especially since you’re a runner :) I love how the sport has taken off, esp. for women!

  3. I did not run on Wednesday unfortunately. It would have been hard to fit in as it was an office day and it’s hard to run on days when I am in the office. And then I am not in the stage where I can run after work because it’s an all hands on deck kind of situation with the boys. So no run for me but I ran on Tuesday since I WFH that day. I had intended to run on Thursday but was tending to a puking child… so I will think of my run this morning as a belated celebration. Wednesdays are a hard day for running so until my kids are like teens, I probably won’t celebrate this holiday but oh well! I am glad you got out there!!

    1. If you ran on Tuesday, then that counts! ;)

  4. I have never heard of this day but it sue doesn’t surprise that it exists. Happy Running day to you. Happy you found such a great community. I have never been a runner… not even my very sporty and athletic years. Everything more than 200 meters has killed me. I don’t think I’ll ever find joy in it.

    1. Haha, isn’t there a day for “EVERYTHING” these days? :) It’s ok if you’re not a runner… there’s plenty of things to love and be good at.

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