2024 Weekly Run Down 21/52 – Birthdays and Milestones (not mine)

This week’s stats:

Running: 4.8 mi
Cycling: 39 mi
Walking: 2.3 mi
Bootcamp: 60 min
Cardio: 20 Min
Strength: 75 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 130 min
Warm-up/Stretching: 85 min
Meditation: 35 min

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.


  • 20 Min Morning Mobility – Irène (5/7/24) — Sunflowers and Selfcare
  • 20 Min Mother’s Day Pilates – Anna (5/11/24) — We Bee Streaking
  • 20 Min Low Impact Cardio – Callie (3/29/24)
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Callie (4/30/24)
  • 20 Min Country Walk – Becs (4/13/23)

Today I had limited time in the morning and focused on low-impact classes and mobility. I also went for a 20-minute walk (to the post office) in the afternoon. 


  • Flash 15 – Jess S (8/6/21)
  • 30 Min Bootcamp: Full Body – Callie (3/28/23) — Beehives ‘n’ Bootcamps
  • 15 Min Low Impact Ride – Jess K (4/6/23)
  • 20 Min Core Strength – Ben (3/11/24) — Honey’Core’
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Matty (4/28/24)
  • 10 Min Savasana – Ross (6/21/21) — Personal Streak

I met up with the #BCBabes for Callie’s Bootcamp and a 15-minute low-impact ride this morning. I also did Ben’s 20-minute Core Strength for the Honey’Core’ tracker. 


  • 15 Min Strength Roll Call: Core – Callie (1/18/23) — Honey’Core’
  • 10 Min Warm Up: Palomar Mountain – CDE (4/29/24)
  • 45 Min Climb: Palomar Mountain Part 1 – CDE (4/29/24)
  • 10 Min Cool Down: Palomar Mountain – CDE (4/29/24)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hips – Kristin (5/14/24) — Personal Streak

It was Tanja’s birthday and I am sure we would have done a “birthday ride”, if Tanja wasn’t sick right now. I hope she feels better soon because the next Power Zone Challenge is coming up in June. 

Speaking of which, Sherry, Kristin, and (maybe) Melissa have decided to join us this time for PZ this time. This morning, I tackled the Palomar Mountain Climb with Sherry and Kristin and we all agreed that it felt more like a Power Zone endurance ride than a climb, because CDE kept the resistance below 55 and cadence relatively high the whole time. This prompted a conversation and ended with their subsequent decision to join for the next PZ Challenge (I am sure the incentive to win a Peloton tread or rower through PZPack also helped) and I am so freakin’ excited.


  • Flash 15 – Jess S (6/27/22)
  • 15 Min Hip Hop Pilates – Anna (5/23/24) — Personal Streak/Honey’Core’
  • 10 Min Barre: Upper Body – Ally (12/7/22) — Buzzing for Barre
  • 30 min 80s Ride – Jenn (5/23/24)
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Ally (4/10/24)
  • 10 Min Just Ride: Outdoor
  • 10 Min Just Ride: Outdoor

Today was Melissa’s birthday and we celebrated her (and two of her milestones and one of Kristin’s milestones) on Anna’s Barre Class and Jenn’s 80s Ride and she got shoutouts from both instructors! Hooray! That’s like hitting the jackpot. 

I also finally rode my (outdoor) bike to work again for the first time since last summer. 


  • 5 Min Barre – Ally (2/28/24)
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Matty (5/16/24) — Honey’Core’
  • 30 Min Justin Timberlake Bootcamp – Jess (5/16/24) — Beehives ‘n’ Bootcamps
  • 30 Min 90s Ride – Cody (4/27/24)
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Ben (5/5/24)
  • 10 Min API Heritage Meditation – Aditi (5/8/23) — Sunflowers and Selfcare

I joined the #BCBabes for the Justin Timberlake Bootcamp and a 90’s Ride this morning and it was a great start to the long holiday weekend.


  • 20 Min Mother’s Day Barre – Ally (5/7/22) — Buzzing for Barre
  • 30 Min The Rollings Stones Run – JJ (5/23/24)
  • 15 Min Mindful Walking Meditation – Mariana (10/10/23) — We Bee Streaking
  • 20 Min 80s Walk – Susie (4/9/24)
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Susie (3/26/24)

I let myself sleep in until 9 am and had a lovely and slow Saturday morning. I didn’t start my workout until the early afternoon when I warmed up with Ally’s Barre class and then headed out for JJ’s 30-minute Rolling Stone run. What a great playlist. I took Mariana’s Mindful Walking Meditation as a recovery/cool-down run and added another 20-minute walk to get me home.


  • 20 Min Focus Flow: Core – Kristin (3/16/22) — Honey’Core’/Personal Streak
  • 20 Min Restorative Yoga – Kirra (5/16/24)
  • 10 Min Mental Health Meditation – Anna (5/21/24) — Sunflowers and Selfcare

Today was a rest day. I slept in and only did some yoga and meditation in the afternoon. I did clean up our patio though (if that counts as a workout, haha).

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 We Bee Streaking
Streaker365 Beehives ‘n Bootcamp
Streaker365 May Honey’Core’
Streaker365 Buzzing for Barre
Streaker365 Sunflowers and Selfcare
Streaker365 May Personal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates/Barre)

Did you do some yard work that counted as a workout this week?

  1. That would be fun to get a shoutout from the instructors! Housework, yardwork and gardening all count as workouts :) Enjoy the holiday!

    1. Haha, I think so too… anything where you move your body counts as a workout :)

  2. As always, a great mix of workouts & lots of action! You definitely keep busy on a daily basis!

    1. Thanks Kim, I know you relate :)

  3. Another busy week for you! It is great that you have so many Peloton connections. Still don’t know how you keep up!

    1. Haha, I don’t know myself sometimes… but working out with friends makes it easier for sure.

  4. What a busy week of workouts! And yes, cleaning the patio also counts. The hubs and I did a lot of that over the weekend, so I know of what I speak! :p

    1. Yes, for also getting your patio cleaned up!

  5. Sleeping in until 9 sounds so delightful! I feel like I would need to take a tranquilizer to do that. Ha. Right now my sleep is so horrible thanks to being on steroids so even sleeping until 6 is challenging which is annoying because then I get so tired mid day.

    You had a great week of workouts!! My milestone of last week was running 5.75 miles on Saturday. I haven’t ran that long in over a year I think!

    1. I know so many people who have trouble sleeping in… I am sorry about that (and I am thankful I sleep so “easily”).
      Great Saturday run, my friend. I know you treasure those.

  6. Yay for biking to work. A great summer milestone!

    1. With all the structured workouts that I do, I still love everyday movements!

  7. Sounds like a great week. LOL on recruiting friends to do PZ with you. I’ve got no motivation to do that test!

    1. The test is the worst of it, the PZ rides are super-fun and motivating IMHO :)

  8. Sounds like you had a great week and thoroughly enjoyed your workouts! A huge hooray for biking to work, and also cleaning the patio. It’s way too hot for patio cleaning here, but that’s okay- it’s also too hot to sit out there. I’ll just stay inside with the AC blasting!

    1. Haha, Jenny, I definitely understand about it being to hot to sit outside… it’ll be too hot here too pretty soon, so I wanted to take advantage of the few weeks that are moderate.

  9. Oh, yay! Biking to work! Sounds like you were back to the usual fun stuff this week, and getting to do it with friends is a huge bonus. I love how all of you in the BCBabes support each other. What a lovely community you have built. :)

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