2024 Weekly Run Down – 1/52 | A new year!

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This week’s stats:

Running: 3.2 mi
Cycling: 43.7 mi
Bootcamp: 90 min
Strength: 65 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 150 min
Warm up + Stretching: 55 min
Meditation: 30 min

A brand-new year, a brand-new month, a brand-new week, a brand-new set of trackers, and it all starts on a Monday. Is anybody as excited about that as I am? For a planner like me, this just feels so perfect.

I have decided to continue these weekly recaps. I am fully aware that not everybody might be interested in this level of detail, so feel free to skip some or all of these weekly round-ups. I won’t be offended. This is just my form of a “workout log” that I like to be able to look back on.

My Streaker365 team came up with a bunch of exciting new challenges/trackers again for January (see below) and – as always – I want to do *all of them*. It’s a problem, especially considering that I’ll be starting a new PZPack Power Zone Cycling Challenge AND a Team Wilpers Run challenge next week as well (I KNOW! You probably think I am a little bit crazy. But the good kind of crazy, amirite?) Please, don’t be concerned about me. All I can say is, I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t fun for me. There’s no competition (other than with myself) and I won’t hesitate to drop something if I feel that it’s getting too much. I promise.

So, let’s talk about this week!


  • 20 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Mariana (6/10/23) — Collecting Badges in 2024/Better Yourself Bingo
  • 30 Min New Year’s Day Run – Tobias (1/1/24)
  • 5 Min Core Strength – Emma (3/19/19) — Base Core of 2024
  • 20 Min New Year’s Day Full Body Stretch – Adrian (12/31/23)
  • 5 Min Sleep Meditation – Kristin (2/20/20)

I started the new year just like I ended the last: with a run. I am not really superstitious, but I like to stick to my routine. It was a beautiful cool, but sunny morning! I also knocked out a few classes for the January trackers. I decided to repeat Emma’s Crush Your Core Program (which I did in 2020 when I first started with the Peloton App.) and I really enjoyed Adrian’s 20-minute NYD Full Body Stretch.


  • 5 Min Core Strength – Emma (5/27/19) — Base Core of 2024
  • 30 Min ABBA Bootcamp – Cody (12/15/21) — Collecting Badges in 2024
  • 15 Min 90s Pop Ride – Erik (3/19/23)
  • 10 min Barre – Ally (8/30/23) — Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Erik (12/28/23)
  • 10 Min Sleep Meditation – Mariana (5/4/23)

Tuesday it was back with the #BCBabes1 for the first Bootcamp of the year and we picked Cody’s ABBA class for the “Euro Pop” Badge. I jumped into a 90s Pop Ride with Erik to pedal out my legs and added 10 minutes of Barre and a stretch to finish my morning.


  • 5 Min Fitness Goals Meditation – Kristin (11/23/21) — Better Yourself Bingo
  • 20 Min Pop Barre – Ally 
  • 30 Min New Year’s Day Ride – CDE (12/31/23)
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Listening Party Ride – Camila (12/1/23) — Collecting Badges in 2024
  • 10 Min Arms & Light Weights Strength – Ben (12/13/23)
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Jess K 10/29/23)
  • 20 Min Slow Flow – Mariana (1/3/24) — Personal Streak

I did Ally’s LIVE Pop Barre Class with Sherry, Lindsay, and Melissa in the morning and then we hopped into Christine’s New Year’s Day Ride. I enjoyed the class. Sometimes CDE shares some really good nuggets of wisdom and I can usually get on board with her playlists (I also totally forgot that I liked Snow Patrol, I bet you did too.). I finished with an Extra 10: Listening Party Ride for my Collecting Badges Tracker and ALW class with Ben to get in some strength training. In the afternoon, I took a quick break from work to join Kristin for Mariana’s Slow Flow to celebrate her 450th Yoga milestone class. 


  • 10 Min Low Impact Cardio – Rebecca (12/13/23) — Collecting Badges in 2024
  • 20 Min 90s Pilates – Anna (1/4/24) — Personal Streak
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Emma (4/30/19) — Base Core of 2024
  • 20 min Rock Ride – Mayla (11/28/23)
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Alex T (11/16/23)

Lindsay and I started the morning with Rebecca’s Low Impact Cardio for the ‘Collecting Badges’ Challenge, which was – as you can guess – heavy on the dance moves. It took some coordination but was really fun (it reminded me of my ‘jazz dance’ days back in high school). Lindsay remarked that Rebecca had way too much energy this early in the morning (granted, we took the class at 6:15 am – haha.) Then we celebrated Lindsay’s Strength Milestone (1,750) in Anna’s LIVE Pilates class. Melissa joined us and a bunch of other Streakers were on the Leaderboard, too. It was a party!

I finished with Day 3 of Emma’s Crush Your Core Program for the Base Core of 2024 Tracker and a 20 Min Rock Ride with Mayla (just for fun).


  • 15 Min Flash 15 – Jess (5/14/21) 
  • 30 Min Hip Hop Tour: East Coast Ride – Alex & Tunde (12/11/23) — Collecting Badges in 2024
  • 10 Min Extra 10: Low Impact – Jess K – Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Emma  — Base Core of 2024
  • 15 Min Yoga Flow – Denis (11/12/21) — Better Yourself Bingo/Personal Streak

I started the day with a Flash 15 class to warm up and then the #BCBabes did Alex and Tunde’s Hip Hop Tour Ride for the ‘Collecting Badges in 2024’ Challenge. I added a few more classes for my trackers. 


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Sam (12/18/23)
  • 30 Min Motown Ride – Sam (1/4/24)
  • 10 Min Full Body Challenge – JJ (9/19/22) — Collecting Badges in 2024
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Assal (1/3/24) 
  • 60 Min EDM Bootcamp – Jess (1/2/24) — Give 2023 the “Boot”
  • 10 Min Extra10: Low Impact – Kendall (12/18/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Sun Salutations – Chelsea (5/10/22) — Personal Streak

I got up bright and early and met with Tanja for a 30-minute Motown Ride at 7 a.m. We hadn’t been able to ride together for a couple of weeks and it was good to see her on the LB again. I did a few strength classes before I joined the #BCBabes for my first time ever 60-minute Bootcamp with Jess. It was fun but challenging. Did I want to do it? No. Would I do it again? Absolutely yes. Because as Jess likes to say, we don’t have to do this, we GET to do this, and what a privilege it is to do it with friends.


  • 10 Min Mental Health Meditation – Aditi (5/16/22) — Collecting Badges in 2024
  • 20 Min Restorative Yoga – Denis (8/15/21) — Better Yourself Bingo
  • 5 Min Full Body Stretch – Emma (5/28/19) — Base Core of 2024
  • 15 Min Slow Flow – Ross (11/2/22)
  • 15 Min Sleep Meditation – Nico (2/27/23)

Rest Day! After a full week, I let myself sleep in (until 10 am! Gasp!) and only did some meditation, light yoga, and stretching today. It felt like a true rest day.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 Collecting Badges in 2024
Streaker365 Base Core of 2024 – Core Tracker
Streaker365 New Year – New Rear – Barre Tracker
Streaker365 Better Yourself Bingo – Self-Care Tracker
Streaker365 Give 2023 the “Boot” Bootcamp Tracker
Streaker365 December Personal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates/Barre)
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly)

This felt like a good kick-off to 2024. How did you feel about the first week of the new year?

  1. aka Bootcamp Babes (a small “subgroup” of Streakers who started doing Bootcamp Classes (Bike + Strength) together ↩︎
  1. The first week was good. And I’m really happy that I decided to do a 30-day yoga challenge. It has a clear start and end and one of my demerits for YEARS now has been not enough stretching. So now I know I’m going to have at least 30 consecutive days. Though I’m tempted to do another 30-day series in February.

  2. You are such a rock star! I have meditation as my quarterly goal and so far it is not going well. Ha! I need to be more disciplined about it, like you.

  3. We walked into our wedding reception while a Snow Patrol song was playing – Just Say Yes! I love Snow Patrol. I wonder if they are still playing together? I’m so out of touch with music.

    Great start to the year for you but that is no surprise! I had a great first week of January, too! No runs as it’s been kind of icy here w/ the snow we’ve been getting on and off but I’ve done lots of Caroline Girvan workouts (well lots for me).

  4. You are off to a great Peloton start! I’ve been doing less cycling and more strength. It is hard to fit it all in isn’t it!? Nice work this week

  5. Great start to your year! And I hadn’t thought of it like that… a new year starting starting on a Monday. Yes, that’s nice and tidy for a planner like you!

  6. Whew! Another rock star week of action! I do like seeing all the classes you share; it’s a great reference for potential classes to add to my “to do” roster. Does it take long to put all your stacks together?

  7. Amazing start to the year! 2024 is going to be grand :)

  8. Very impressive. I would never be able to participate in a dance type workout class. No zumba for me. Decades ago I did a step aerobics class and I was so lost. I decided to stay in the back of the room so no one would see met – then there was a move that I couldn’t figure out how to do and it involved having everyone turn around. So there I was, facing the class who was now facing the back of the class. So embarrassing. I ended up sticking with it and I did step aerobics for years until they cancelled it for more hip classes.

  9. It IS so much more fun workout out with friends. I did try to learn how to run, but my body doesn’t seem to be made for it – my left knee still makes a crunching noise going up the stairs left over from that time. I did love step aerobics and zumba – when we were bad we would just laugh.
    This all sounds very satisfying, although I don’t know how you do it and work full time. Admirable.

  10. I, personally, love these workout recaps. They also demonstrate to me just how out of touch I was with, I think, 90s music. Snow Patrol? I should check them out, maybe… I think I need a crash course in “music I missed”. It should also include “movies I haven’t seen” (which would include Elf, as well as many, many other well-loved movies…). :)
    Glad you are back on your challenges and badges and group workouts. Looking forward to following along for another good year!

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