2023 Weekly Run Down 38/52 – one more week before my race!

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

I had a pretty good week overall. I felt a little fatigued on my last long run before my race and it makes me wonder if I can pull off my anticipated pace next weekend, but I think it’s fairly normal to feel tired towards the end of a training cycle. I am trying to trust the process.

This week was the last week of the Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge. 6 weeks fly by fast. I am so glad I participated again – the structured interval runs were so fun and extremely helpful to my training.

I also completed week 2 of the Power Zone Pack “Power Zone University: Class of 2023” Challenge. I chose wisely to do the 2 rides/2 runs option and I think the two power zone endurance rides fit perfectly with my running routine right now.

My Streakers365 friends and I finished Peloton’s Pump Up The Volume 5 program this week. Another 4-week round of three different strength sessions per week. We’ll be taking a little break in October but will be starting Pump Up The Volume 6 together in November.


  • 20 Min Full Body Strength: Week 4, Day 1 – Andy (3/13/23) — PUTV5-W4D1/Instructor Bingo
  • 15 Min Core Strength – Jess S (10/16/20) — Core Bingo/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Floor Poses – Denis (9/5/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Fit Family Brain Break – Jess S (7/11/22) — B2S Hustle
  • 15 Min Thirty Seconds to Mars Ride – Charlotte (9/6/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Hannah C (7/26/23) — Self-Care 

I usually get my workouts done in the morning but since I had the day off, I turned off the alarm and postponed my stack until the afternoon. I know now why I usually get my workout done in the morning (when my brain is not awake enough to know what I am doing) because I was seriously “procrastinating” to get started in the afternoon. The good thing was that I already had my stack planned out and I just had to push “start” on the Peloton screen (once I finally peeled myself off the couch). The best workouts are the ones that you don’t have to think about, but just “do”.


  • 10 Min Yoga Flow – Anna (9/12/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min Rock Core Strength – Selena (6/12/23) — Core Bingo/Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Matty (3/30/22)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off – W6R1
    • 30 Min Intervals Run – Andy (8/26/23) — PZU-W2R2
      • 10 Min Warm Up
      • 18 Min Marathon Intervals
      • 2 Min Cool down
  • 10 Min Post-Run Stretch – Jon (6/15/22)

There was a 30-minute marathon pace interval run on my training schedule. 30-minute runs feel like a treat during half marathon training. I had time to do some yoga and core training beforehand and then headed out for the run around 7 a.m. when it was light enough outside.


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – CDE (8/8/23)
  • 30 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Olivia (7/13/23) — PZU-W2R3/Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Low Impact Cardio – Rebecca (9/13/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 20 Min Upper Body: Week 4, Day 2 – JJ (3/13/23) — PUTV5-W4D2/Instructor Bingo
  • 15 Min Core Strength – Logan (4/25/23) — Core Bingo
  • 10 min Morning Yoga Flow – Kristin (8/4/22) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • Extra 10: Low Impact – Alex T (7/17/23) — B2S Hustle 

I had a power zone endurance ride on the schedule and then met with Sherry and Lindsay for PUTV’s Upper Body class. My arms and shoulders were on fire! I also added a couple of shorter classes for my trackers and checked off the last item of the Back to School Hustle Challenge (Alex’ Extra 10: Low Impact Ride).


  • 10 Min Yoga Flow – Nico (9/18/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo
  • 15 Min Core Strength – Ben (5/15/23) — Core Bingo
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge – W6R2
    • 30 Min Trap Run – Adrian (8/24/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 15 Min Warm Up
      • 10 Min V02 Max Intervals
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 10 Min Lewis Capaldi Full Body Stretch – Ben (5/22/23)

I warmed up with a nice yoga flow and some core strength this morning before heading out for my V02 Max Intervals run. These short speed bursts are so much fun.


  • 10 Min Britney Spears HIIT Cardio – Matty (7/15/20)
  • 20 Min Lower Body: Week 4, Day 3 – Jess S (3/13/23) — PUTV5-W4D3
  • 30 Min 2000’s Ride – Cody (9/30/22)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off – W6R3
    • 30 Min Endurance Run – Marcel D (5/22/22) — Instructor Bingo
      • 10 Min Warm Up
      • 15 Min Endurance
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 5 Min Barre: Core – Ally (7/19/22)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hips – Ross (10/28/21) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

I started the day with the last PUTV class with my Streakers365 Sherry and Lindsay and then joined them for a 30-minute Cody ride. Tanja was able to hop on a little belatedly. I was able to squeeze in a quick 3-mile run while she finished up the ride and then met up with her again for barre and yoga. It’s nice to know someone’s waiting for you on the leaderboard.


  • Extra 10: Low Impact Ride – Jenn (9/11/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 5 Min Pre-Run Stretch – Matt (7/22/21)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off – W6R4
    • 45 Min Endurance Run – Hannah F (8/11/23) — PZU-W2R4
    • 15 Min 80s Run – Jeffrey (3/6/23) — Instructor Bingo
      • 10 Min Warm Up
      • 45 Min Endurance Run
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 15 Min 90s Run – Susie (3/24/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 15 Min Pop Run – Kirsten (6/15/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 30 Min Endurance Run – Matt (8/3/23) — Instructor Bingo
  • 10 Min Lower Body Stretch – Adrian (9/20/23)
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Ben (9/20/23) — Core Bingo
  • 10 min Focus Flow: For Runners – Mariana (6/7/23) — Personal Streak/Instructor Bingo

Phew. Today was the end of the Team Wilpers Summer Send-Off Challenge. I did not repeat the 20-minute distance test, because I am in the last stage of half marathon training and it seemed more relevant to focus on my last long run before my race. As you can see, I stacked a bunch of shorter classes to break up the 12 miles. I hope I am ready for next weekend.

A little bit of TMI: I took along some energy chews on my run and let’s just say, it did not end well. I usually do not eat during the majority of my runs (even the longer ones), and I know I should have experimented with running fuel earlier, but I thought these chews were safe (because I had used them before). Well, not this time.

What is your go-to race fuel? (Don’t worry, I won’t be trying anything new during the race – just asking for future reference.)


  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Sam (8/22/23)
  • 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Denis (11/2/21) — PZU-W2R1
  • 15 Min Core Strength – Emma (4/13/23) — Core Bingo
  • 10 Min Restorative Yoga – Mariana (4/26/23) — Personal Streak/Self-Care
  • 5 Min Seasonal Meditation – Ross (7/16/21) — Self-Care

I finished up week 2 of the PZ Challenge with ride 1 (which I had saved for later in the week, so I could ride with Tanja). We also got our abs crushed by a core class with Emma. I was happy to just lie on the floor afterwards in Mariana’s restorative yoga class.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

Streaker365 Back to School Hustle ✔
Streaker365 Self Care September ✔
Streaker365 Core Bingo ✔
Streaker365 September Personal Streak ✔
Peloton Pump Up The Volume 5 Strength Program (4 weeks) – complete ✔
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo (weekly) – 7 Bingos

I continued my daily yoga streak, I finished Peloton’s Pump Up The Volume 5 program and chipped away at classes for the other September trackers. I also managed 7 instructor bingos this week.

This week’s stats:

Running: 22.1 mi
Cycling: 43.1 mi
Strength: 150 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 75 min
Cardio: 25 min
Warm up + Stretching: 50 min
Meditation: 5 min

Did you have a good week? What stood out for you?


B2S Hustle = Back to School Hustle Tracker
Self Care September = Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Core Bingo = Back to School Core Bingo Blackout Edition
Pelotrak Instructor Bingo

  1. That’s so true about the leaderboard; it’s nice to know someone is there – even when they’re not right there! Bummer about the chews, but better to try that now than in your race!

    1. Thank you, Lindsay. Yes, the LB is super-motivating for me (not just to compete, just to work out with friends!).

  2. The fueling issue definitely takes time to figure out. Maybe try some regular food instead of gels on some shorter runs this week. You are more than ready for your race. Good luck and have so much fun!

    1. That’s a good idea, Deb. I have used apple sauce, gummi bears and protein bars before… but not in a while, so I should maybe try those.

  3. You’ve trained well, and you’ve been very consistent with all your cross-training. I bet your race is in the bag ;-) Fueling is SO tricky, and it’s such an individual thing. I used to use GU gels, now but they are bad news to my tummy about 30-minutes post finish line, LOL. Currently, Honey Stinger chews are my preferred fuel…but I have not done many long-distance races (or training) to experiment with other options.

    1. Thank you Kim for the encouragement.
      Funnily, I used the Honey Stinger chews on my run (and I had used them before without issue) so i am confused on what changed. Or maybe it was just something else I ate? I don’t know. I’ll have to experiement. At least the “bad news” (for you and for me) happened AFTER the run, not during LOL

  4. I think I missed somewhere what race you are running! But it looks like you are ready. Good luck!

  5. Your peloton recaps are really inspiring! We have a bike that I never use (it’s more my husband’s thing) but maybe getting more involved in challenges and following others like you will motivate me!

  6. Good luck on your race!!! I use gels for long runs, but am thinking of mixing things up a little and trying real foods. Gels do agree with me, but they’re probably not the healthiest thing to be eating.
    Yes, working out in the afternoon is hard! It’s SO much easier to just get up and get it done right away.
    I can’t wait to hear all about the race- you’re going to crush it!

  7. Trust your training and have fun at your race next weekend! Good luck!

    Over the years I’ve had so many GI issues when I run. I finally landed on Honey Stinger gel and chews which seem to work best to not cause problems.

  8. Yay for making it through your training — you did great with the MW program and your long runs. I like the Cliff chews, but I’ve done applesauce pouches too.

  9. I’m so excited for your race! I hope you give yourself a little time to rest from that fatigue. Sorry about your tummy troubles. At the moment, I use Honey Stinger waffles before a long workout, and HS gels during. It works for now, but it’s always subject to change. Good luck!

  10. Good luck on your race!! You seem very prepared. I feel like I haven’t even had enough long runs this training cycle to even test out anything, but I’m just sticking with my favorite GU flavors for my marathon. I just need to force myself to eat them because nothing inspires me to fuel after 15 miles!

  11. I don’t fuel well either but for long distance races, it’s a must. so I’ve been training with Maurten gel and humma gels during this cycle and they don’t bother me and I do feel stronger during my runs.
    good luck with your race!

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