14: The 9th annual Secret SANta Swap 2024

After yesterday’s post, I thought it would be a good time to lighten things up a bit. If you’ve been around here for a while, you might know that I organized a little gift exchange every holiday season for the last few years. Maybe you’ve secretly waited for this post to pop up.

Well, I am happy to announce that I’ll be hosting again this year.

I started this gift exchange as a “mug swap”, but have taken suggestions over time to loosen up the rules. While I self-identify as a mug addict and will always be excited to receive a new mug, I am giving people the option to simply put together a little surprise package for their swap partner. The main objective is to put a smile on someone else’s face this holiday season.

The swap is set up in ‘Secret Santa’-style, which means you won’t know upfront who the sender of your package will be. Of course, you can reveal yourself to your assigned partner, if you’d like, when you send out your package. In the sign-up form, I will ask you to give your Secret Santa some help by answering a few basic questions and sharing your blog/social media account so they can get to know you a little (in case they don’t already).

As in previous years, the swap will be open to people in the United States, Canada, and Germany to have at least two people per country that I can match with each other to avoid international shipping charges and delays. I apologize to any other international readers who I cannot accommodate at this time. Hopefully, there will be enough people this year to make this work again. So, go and invite your friends.

How to participate

  • Sign up to participate (see link below). Sign-up closes on November 21st.
  • I’ll send out an email on November, 22nd to each participant. You’ll receive a name + address, plus some information about your swap partner.
  • You then have roughly two weeks to put together a little surprise holiday package for your Secret SANta Swap participant. My suggestion is to spend around $10-15 (plus postage) or whatever you’re comfortable with. 
  • Please send out your package by Saturday, December 7th (to allow plenty of time for delivery). Hopefully, that will give you enough time to shop and get the package on its way. I am hoping that everybody receives their package before Christmas.
  • The swap is open to US residents and participants in Germany and Canada (if I can get at least two people per country to sign up).
  • Last but not least, I’d love it if you shared your Secret Santa gift(s) with us on your blog or Instagram with the hashtag: #SecretSANtaSwap2024. As always, I am hoping to put together a swap recap post after everybody has received their gifts!

So, if you’re interested in participating this year, please sign up through this link:


Please remember: if you sign up, you’re expected to purchase (a) gift(s) and send a package to your Secret Santa partner by December, 7th. If you can’t commit to this deadline, please be fair to the other participants and maybe consider signing up another time. 

I hope you join in a little bit of holiday fun!
And please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2024
Links to the Participants List and NaBloPoMo2024 Blog Post Ideas! Happy writing!

  1. I’m actually going to sit it out this year (life is quite busy right now and, in the spirit of a year of rest, I have to say No to some things!)…but I will be posting about this on my blog to spread the word!! It’s such a wonderful event and I just love you continue to do the work of organizing it. Gold stars, San <3

  2. What a fun event San! Arranging a swap is a lot of work everyone, I know from experience. I hope you get many takers. Since I am excluded as the only NaBloPoMo participant in the history of Sweden (?) I won’t mind sitting this one out. 💕

  3. Aw yiss! I am in for the Christmas cheer! I can’t wait!

  4. Ha, I’m one of those who has been secretly waiting for this post! You know I’m IN! I love a secret SANta gift exchange!

  5. I’d love to participate, hopefully the Canada Post strike will be resolved by then. If there are no other Canadians (I see Elisabeth is bowing out, usually it’s just the two of us) then I will bow out too, if that makes sense? But I’ll sign up hopefully.

  6. I have not been secretly waiting I have very OBVIOUSLY waiting for this post. Of course I am in. It will be interesting if I get matched with a new person. I may run out of mug ideas otherwise… I am very much looking forward to going and will go and sign up now.

  7. I signed up so fast!

  8. That just made my day San! Thanks for organizing it!

  9. Yay! I’m in, and I’m willing to exchange internationally if you don’t have enough to match up!

  10. I’m so excited your doing this again. I had so much fun doing it last year. Already signed up. Thanks, San.

  11. […] may I direct your attention to the 9th annual Secret SANta Swap 2024, a holiday swap that I’ve been hosting for a few years now and that I simply created because […]

  12. First time commenter, but a longer time reader enjoying reading your blog.
    Thank you for doing the Secret Santa swap.
    Unfortunately I will not be able to join – as I am living in the Netherlands (originally German, but no visit to Germany planned before Christmas).

  13. I had fun doing this last year, but I’m going to pass this year—my life is a bit much right now. But I hope to be able to do it next year. And I’ll enjoy seeing what people send!

  14. I was going to skip, but if Nicole and I are The Canadians then we will both know if the Canada Post strike is prohibitive, so I will!

  15. Well, crap. I missed the deadline. My own damn fault. I know it will be amazing, though, thanks to your efforts. <3

  16. […] you’ve been waiting for the email with your swap partner for the Secret SANta Swap, I apologize for the delay. Today got busy (with my mother-in-law arriving for the weekend ) and I […]

  17. […] a quick little reminder for my Secret SANta Swap participants: I hope you all had time to shop for your swap partner and will be getting something in the mail […]

  18. […] participated in San’s Secret SANta exchange and received the most delightful package from Meike at Home Here and There! I don’t know how […]

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