Happy Halloween.


So, here we are. Today is the first day of NaBloPoMo and traditionally that is also the day after Halloween.

Naturally, my first question will be: did you do something fun?

Secondly, I need to mention that the (Catholic parts of) Germany is doing something right having a holiday today.

“The term Halloween, and its older spelling Hallowe’en, is shortened from All-hallows-eve, as it is the evening before “All Hallows’ Day” (also known as “All Saints’ Day”)” (Wikipedia) which we celebrate in Germany today. So in a way, Halloween should have always traditionally been celebrated in Germany, too (and believe me, these days, Germany has undoubtedly adopted Halloween traditions like carving pumpkins and scary movies, as well as the opportunity to throw parties and get drunk!)

We here in the US, however, are back to work today (hopefully most of the partying was done on Saturday and the hangover is gone by now).

J and I didn’t go out on Saturday, but hung out with some friends yesterday. Here’s a glimpse of what we were up to.






Especially the pumpkin-carving was a lot of fun. I had never attempted to carve any of the patterns that you can buy, but only made my own silly pumpkin faces in previous years. I have to say though, the patterns are really fun (and so much easier to use than I thought!)
My friend cooked a delicious chili and in the evening we watched “Paranormal Activity” (well,  for me watched meant “hiding behind a pillow and just taking little glimpses at the TV screen every now and then”. Yeah, sorry, I am such a wuss! Haha!)

We still had a blast!

So tell me, how was your Halloween?

  1. Our actual Sunday Halloween was pretty quiet — recovering from Saturday, eating, watching Dead Like Me, but we had a party the night before and that was a blast!

    Love the kneesocks!

  2. Happy NaBloPoMo!
    Our Halloween was fun, except for the fact that the entire family is recovering from strep! I spent most of Saturday in bed coughing. We trick or treated at the businesses downtown on Friday, then around the neighborhood last night. My son was really into it for the first time this year.
    .-= Jen L. blogged this: Happy NaNaBloPop =-.

  3. Holy. Cow. That chili looks amazing. Almost as amazing as your mad pumpkin carving skills. We watched hocus pocus and ate candy…totally wild, I know.
    .-= Ashlee blogged this: on going for it =-.

  4. I soooo wanted to watch a scary movie this Halloween!! Instead, I was hanging out with my niece while my sister and brother in law give out candy to all the trick or treaters in their neighborhood. I’m sad October is over…but, um, I already can’t wait for the holidays ahead!
    .-= Hannah blogged this: 30 days x 2 =-.

  5. Those muffins are adorable! How did you write on them like that? Before or after baking? I had no idea that they celebrated Halloween in Germany as well. It’s one of my favorite holidays for sure :)
    .-= lauryn blogged this: I feel God in this Chilis tonight =-.

  6. I am a Halloween fan since my time in the US and always carved pumpkins (friends and neighbors think I am weird but oh well) I would love to dress up the kids and go trick or treating but they are only 3 and 1 1/2 and here it is not so very common. We only had about 4 (older) kids come to our door last year and NO ONE this year.

    We planned to have friends (Kids Godfather and GF) and neighbors over but our friends had other plans and the neighbors had to nix our invitation because they were sick with a cold so only their daughter came over to play, watch me carve some small pumpkins and eat dinner with us.

    My daughter played dress up and was a princess, I did her hair and put on some of my make up, I wore a black dress and black make up to be a witch.

    We had homemade meatballs (with lots of ketchup, ahhm, I mean blood:) ) and pumpkin soup. For dessert hubby had made Tiramisu but we saved it for coffee today with the neighbors. Instead we had candy because we bought some (not much) and when no one came we just ate some of it (my daughter loved the fact that she was allowed to have so much chocolate and candy)

    We didn’t watch scary movies because I totally hate them, they scare me and give me nightmares.

    If we ever get to spend some time in the US I will totally make Halloween a huge party, invite friends and have lots of pumpkins, food and everything else!

  7. Our Halloween was totally quiet and yet fun too. I made a nice roast beef and Jack really enjoyed that. Sadly, we did not have one Trick-or-Treat-er!

  8. oooh sounds like a fabulous halloween weekend, your pumpkins look great and that chili looks delicious.

    and i’ll share the germany story one day, well the stories but i’ve always wanted to talk about and just never have.
    .-= katelin blogged this: The luck of the pumpkin =-.

  9. your pumpkins look amazing! Is the dress-up picture on the beach? Did you spent the weekend in Ventura?

  10. Love the pics! As for the movie that was one freaky movie. I have no desire to see PA2. The first one was creepy enough for me.

  11. I borrowed your NaBloPoMo button, and wanted to pop in here to say hi! Those are some incredible carved pumpkins…I can barely manage that simple face with the triangle eyes! I still haven’t seen Paranormal Activity — I had to hide behind pillows when the previews came on!

    Happy NaBloPoMo!
    .-= Crystal @ Semi-Crunchy Mama blogged this: Insect Love =-.

  12. That looks like so much fun!!!! And your pumpkins look amazing.

    We had a quiet Halloween night handing out candy and playing Wii. :)
    .-= Stefanie blogged this: Where I spend most of my time these days =-.

  13. Mmmm that chili looks good… I should make some chili.
    .-= Jen blogged this: Hello NYC- remember me =-.

  14. wow klingt toll! Super Fotos hasi!!! Wie unsers war weisste ja schon :) Drueck dich lieb und geile Struempfe!!!!

  15. Looks like you had a great weekend!! (quite better & more productive than mine, haha).

    Looking forward to your NaBloPoMo posts! <3
    .-= steph anne blogged this: Ghostly Greetings =-.

  16. I pretty much ignored the fact that it was Halloween. But that sounds like so much fun. Invite me over next year? I’m all for chili eating, muffin baking and pumpkin carving!
    .-= Karen blogged this: Structure =-.

  17. Those muffins look AMAZING! And I love chili, mmm.. hehe. I didn’t really do anything for Halloween!
    .-= Holly blogged this: Barbies full name was Barbara Millicent Roberts =-.

  18. WOW! Your pumpkins look amazing! I’m super impressed. We didn’t get around to carving this year because we were much too busy with work and travel and things, but it’s usually one of my favorite Halloween traditions.
    .-= terra blogged this: Five Points Tasks I’d Like to Outsource =-.

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