I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2022

Around the Interwebs
Why are elections always so close now? Interesting read.
Say this, not that: Email-etiquette. How do you open or end your (work) emails?
I hope Aldi will come to Northern California someday. I miss it.
The How To Start Cooking Guide.
Do you sometimes wonder: Are you the same person you used to be?
Five Phrases that might make people discount what you’re saying. Eek, I am definitely guilty of putting out “disclaimers” too often. Time to work on that confidence.
A best friend is a different kind of home entirely, one that reveals itself to be more miraculous with the passing of time. Home is where your best friend is. This was beautiful and sad, and I feel this.
Around the blogosphere
Tobia shared her experience with the Too Good To Go App earlier this month. Have you heard of this “food-saving” concept?
Melissa shared a great list of (digital) organizational tools that she uses. Check out the list!
My blog friend Shathiso has some great points that I agree with: 8 similarities between running and blogging.
This is so pretty! Papercut Winter Woodland Mobile.
Macrame Wood Ring and Bead Ornaments. So pretty!
For my runner friends
Prehab over Rehab. Ways to prevent injury.
10 tips for exercising in cold weather.
How to determine your training paces with a training pace calculator.
Are you also a fan of Compound Butters?
Vegetarian Thanksgiving Recipes.
This Pantry Staple Is the Key to Next-Level Muffins. Who knew?
Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin. A possible Thanksgiving side dish.
Share a good link with me in the comments!
November 16, 2022 at 6:29 amOoh, i love a good link list! I like the one about elections- on election day last week my co-worker said “Tomorrow 50% of the country will be livid.”
Even though I’m not crafty, I love all the DIY links you include- and I love the handmade gift guide (there’s a mug in there!) Thanks for the great articles.
November 16, 2022 at 7:34 amI love this list and so honoured to have been included on it! Thank you for the awesome shout out!
November 16, 2022 at 7:34 amSo many great links! Thanks for putting these together!
I loved that piece about best friends. My best friend still lives in our hometown and it does still feel like home to me, even though I haven’t lived there in decades. She and I share such a history. I miss her.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
November 16, 2022 at 7:55 amEmail etiquette – I start my emails with Hi [Person] and sign off with Thanks, [signature with my email and phone # so that whoever sees the email has two ways to reach me]. My peeves are when a woman sends an email to a group of women with “Hey Ladies” or “Hey Girls” as the opener and yes I got one of those this morning and when someone uses “Cheers” as their fixed sign off. I appreciate a spontaneous “Cheers” but not a generic one.
Five phrases – this was so timely since I teased that something cool happened at work that started with me saying “hey I know this sounds like a stupid idea”.
Nicole MacPherson
November 16, 2022 at 12:05 pmFabulous links as always, San!
November 16, 2022 at 1:17 pmMy husband signs his work email with “Best” and I can not get behind that. It sounds fake and unnatural. I generally opt for a “Thanks” or just my name. But, in general, I agree with the advice about how to write an email. I don’t need chit chat in my business emails – just cut to the chase and tell me what you need me to do.
My husband and I used to say “that’s not a bad idea” until the day I sort of snapped and said “it’s a GOOD idea – why don’t we just say that?!” and now we’ve really reframed how we use that phrase. It is crazy how just a simple change in language can impact how you feel about something that’s being said to you.
November 16, 2022 at 1:42 pmI forgot to add my link! My husband sent me a link about how walking in bad weather is good for you when I suggested that I wasn’t looking forward to walking the dog in the upcoming winter. It’s an interesting read and I think I just need to reframe it as “get to walk the dog” instead of “have to walk the dog.”
Tobia | craftaliciousme
November 16, 2022 at 2:06 pmMelissas post is so interesting to read and definitely inspiring.
Thank you for linking my post as well. I hope a lot of people will have the chance to use the app and make it more popular.
November 16, 2022 at 9:32 pmHa, now I know how to get those holes in a tin can (rice and water in the freezer?) – I actually may try that out.
Here is my link for you:
I signed up for e-mails from the Berkeley News website and this time there was a link to an article about the “Sounds of the American Indian Occupation of Alcatraz”. Farther down in the article there is a youtube video from a noon concert recording (the program is run by the music department on campus) played on a cedar flute – I think it sounds beautiful.
November 17, 2022 at 2:37 amI loved the Best Friend article; my best friend does live in my town and so when I think of potentially moving from here one day, it is that single reason that most fills me with dread.
But the e-mail link was my fav/FASCINATING. E-mail is literally 95% of one of my roles at my local university. I also, like NGS, dislike Best, but I use it constantly because it is the go-to signature in academia. I sometimes also say Warm regards or Best regards – which I also dislike. My favourite is when I can sign it Thanks. I will also say there are a lot of “Cheers” when it’s internal communication between colleagues, so I do use that too. Or – sometimes, no signature at all. One of my bosses often just signs off with the first initial of his name. I actually love doing this – it feels slightly rebellious because I don’t even HAVE to think through a signature.
One note that the article didn’t make – if you are not the lead on communication, it can be wise to follow the pattern of those who sent the e-mail to you. For example, I know someone who works closely with companies in Japan and they have a very specific e-mail etiquette. At least loosely following their lead can go a long way to making that relationship (this was in a business context) run smoothly. I do the same here, too. I have to submit quarterly reports to a big granting agency and I ALWAYS look at how the head I report to there signs his e-mails and copy that (for the record, I checked again this week when I went to submit the latest quarterly report and….drumroll…it’s “Best”). Also…this person always spells my name with a “z.” Sigh.
With family/friends, I say Love, Hugs, or XoXo
November 17, 2022 at 2:45 amA big shout-out for Suzanne’s post today; I love reading through questions like this!! https://lifeofadoctorswife.wordpress.com/2022/11/17/two-kinds-of-people/
Lisa of lisa's yarns
November 17, 2022 at 7:27 amWhen I opened the link about running with a cold, I was thinking the answer would be ‘it depends.’ So it was nice to see they don’t recommend running when sick. I used to run/workout even when I wasn’t feeling well but have had to learn to listen to my body. Doing too much when I’m ill will just prolong the illness!
And email and 5 phrases articles were great, too. You always find the most interesting things!
November 17, 2022 at 9:17 pmThese are great links.
When I have Grammarly turned on in Outlook it picks up any language that might make me seem less certain of myself. I need Grammarly working when I’m talking though!
Thanks for linking to me.
And here’s a link about walking every street in your city.:https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/may/04/every-single-streeters-explorers-city-street-urban-landscape
November 22, 2022 at 12:12 pmAhh, email etiquette! I have a colleague who starts every email apologizing profusely for bothering other people. (Can you guess if it’s a man or a woman?!) It drives me crazy because why are you apologizing for asking for something you need?! Argh. I try very hard to edit down my emails so I’m saying exactly what I need and not using any language that limits my point (like using “just” or exclamation points).
December 13, 2022 at 4:53 pmOK, I need to second, third, and fourth this from Beckett:
My peeves are when a woman sends an email to a group of women with “Hey Ladies” or “Hey Girls” as the opener
OMG. This is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves.
I probably drive people bonkers, though, by using either “Take care” or “Thanks” (depending on how well I know the person) as my sign off. Never, ever Best. Never.