I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.
I had a solid week. I didn’t run as much as I had planned to, even though I started out strong, but that’s ok because I am starting Team Wilpers Running Challenge tomorrow to hold myself accountable and get back to running 3x per week with a goal in mind. I heard about this program before – and I know, Deborah participated in the winter challenge and wrote a great recap if you’re interested – and I had been looking forward to joining. I am hoping to see some progress over the next 8 weeks.
I focused on the Powerzone Pack Zone Wars “Race to Beat the Evil Purge” Mini Challenge this week and started some new June challenges with my Streakers365 Group.
- 10 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Matt (4/17/23)
- 30 Min 80’s Rock Run – JJ (4/30/23) — Instructor Bingo
- 30 Min 80’s Run – Susie (5/21/23) — Instructor Bingo
- 10 Min Post-Run Stretch – JJ (11/30/22)
- 20 Min Strength Roll Call: Upper Body – Andy (10/27/22) — Strength/Instructor Bingo
- 10 Min Focus Flow: Quads – Ross (11/22/22) — Instructor Bingo
- 10 Min RIOPY Meditation – Aditi (5/1/23) — Instructor Bingo

- 20 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Kristin (5/26/22)
- 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Erik (4/2/23)
- 30 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Matt (7/25/19) — Zone Wars W2C1
- Extra 10: Low Impact Ride – Ally (2/6/23) — Instructor Bingo
- 30 Min Glutes & Legs Strength – Jess S (3/24/22) — Strength/Instructor Bingo
- 10 Min Lower Body Stretch – Erik (4/29/21)
The Power Zone Endurance Ride was two 9-min intervals in zone 3. While I love endurance rides (and it was totally doable), the 9 min were mentally intimidating at first, even though I knew I could handle it. So weird.

- 20 Min Yoga Flow – Nico (5/16/23) — Instructor Bingo
- 20 Min Full Body Strength – Rebecca (7/18/22) — Strength/Instructor Bingo
- 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Bradley (2/20/22)
- 20 Min 90’s Rock Ride – Bradley (4/20/23)
- 5 Min Post Ride Stretch – Bradley (4/6/23)
- 10 min Just Ride: Outdoors
- 10 Min Just Ride: Outdoors
Kept it sweet and short this morning. Bradley’s 90’s ride was a moderate climb ride and I liked it. I also commuted to the office by bike again.
- 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Sam (9/13/22)
- 30 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Matt (8/8/19) — Zone Wars W2C2
- 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Jenn (5/5/23)
- 20 Min Bodyweight Strength – Tunde (3/8/23) — Instructor Bingo
- 10 Min Focus Flow: for Riders – Mariana (11/15/22)

Tanja joined me for a Power Zone Endurance Ride with an interesting structure. You don’t see this progressive interval structure very often. It was fun though. Different.
- 10 Min Linkin Park Warm Up Ride – Bradley (12/14/22)
- 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Denis (8/1/19) — Zone Wars W2C3
- 10 Min Cool Down Ride – Bradley (12/11/22)
- 10 Min Focus Flow: Hips – Chelsea (5/8/23) — June Color Hunt/Personal Streak
- 10 Min Full Body Stretch – (3/13/23) — Rainbow Reach

- 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Leanne (2/26/23)
- 20 Min 90’s Ride – Camila (11/2/22) — Instruct Color Hunt
- Extra 10: Low Impact – Camila (2/21/23)
- 30 Min Evening Yoga Flow – Kirra (5/16/23) — Personal Streak
I took a bit of a rest day and did a low key ride and a longer yoga class.
- 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Hannah F (10/21/21)
- 30 Min Tabata Ride – Robin (8/14/19) — Zone Wars W2AR
- 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Ben (1/17/20)
- 20 Min Power Yoga Flow – Anna (5/20/23) — Instructor Color Hunt/Personal Streak
- 15 Min Core Strength – Ben (5/15/23)

I started my Sunday with a Tabata ride and I – once again – had forgotten how fun they are. I am so glad they’re included as accelerator options in this Power Zone Mini Challenge.
Streaker365 Challenges:
I’ve started some fun new challenges for June – the Instructor Color Hunt (take a class with either of the given instructors whose outfit matches the color circle), the Rainbow Reach Challenge (choose four restore and recovery classes per week), Eat The Rainbow Bingo (complete the nutrition to get one – or multiple bingos!), and I started a personal streak for June (10+ min yoga/day).
I also played Pelotrak Instructor Bingo again this week but forgot to take a screenshot. I switched the “start of the week” from Sunday to Monday and then couldn’t see my previous week anymore). You gotta trust and believe me that I hit two bingos this week (as if you care !).

This week’s stats:
Running: 7 mi
Cycling: 77.4 mi
Strength: 105 min
Yoga: 120 min
Warm up + Stretching: 100 min
Meditation: 10 min
Question: does a week start on a Sunday or Monday for you? Is this a controversial question?
Rainbow Reach = Streakers365 Recovery Tracker
Strength = Streakers365 Strength Tracker
Zone Wars = Power Zone Pack Mini Challenge “Zone Wars: Race to Beat the Evil Purge” (4 weeks)
W1C1 = Week 1, Class 1
W1AR1 = Week 1 Accelerator Class 1
June 4, 2023 at 8:16 pmThat’s a tough question. In my head, a week starts on Monday, but I get really confused by my Garmin calendar that starts the week on Monday.
Good luck with the MW program. I really enjoyed the first session I did, but I dropped out of the second one.
June 9, 2023 at 1:07 pmThank you. I think I’ll like the Team Wilpers program. Great to hear you tried it, too.
June 5, 2023 at 5:44 amI am firmly in the camp of the week starting on Monday! It might be because I work a corporate job or have a school-age child, but our lives run Monday – Sunday right now (and I change all my calendars to match that, haha)!
June 9, 2023 at 1:08 pmYes, the week definitely starts on Monday for me… I think for me it’s because I grew up in Europe and that’s where the week starts. The calendar on my phone confused me and I switched it :)
Darlene Cardillo
June 5, 2023 at 5:47 amBoth Cari & Deborah had positive experiences with Team Wilpers so I hope it works for you.
Those Bingo games seem like fun and motivating.
My goal is to run 2x a week (if life and weather cooperates). The other days I’ll walk or I may join the gym to work out.
June 9, 2023 at 1:08 pmThank you – I’ve only heard good things so far about the Team Wilpers program!
Two runs and then walks and gym on the other days sounds like a perfect balance.
Deborah Brooks
June 5, 2023 at 6:08 amYou are going to love the TW program! I did it for a whole year and got so much out of it. I am taking the summer off but hope to be back for fall. Can’t wait to hear what you think have fun
June 9, 2023 at 1:09 pmI am so thrilled to hear that you had such a good experience. I’ll report back!
June 5, 2023 at 6:21 amSounds like you had a great week! I’ve heard great things about Matt Wilper’s program so I’ll be interested to hear what you think of it. For me, the week officially starts on Monday- but when I write my Weekly Rundown posts I start with Sunday, which always feels weird. I just do it that way because I write and publish the post on Saturday night.
June 9, 2023 at 1:10 pmHaha, I always scramble on Sundays to get my post together because it’s the last day of my week, not the first day of the next week LOL (I think I am just preconditioned to think of Monday as the start of the week because that’s how Germany does the calendar).
June 5, 2023 at 7:22 amI sort of reset on Sunday, but Monday is when things really get started. Is that weird? I don’t know!
Love that you are keeping up with so many fun challenges! I just have one for the month, and it’s going well!
June 9, 2023 at 1:10 pmNo, that makes total sense that Sunday is a reset day!
Glad to hear your challenge is going well. One challenge is enough, don’t use my craziness as a measuring pole LOL
June 5, 2023 at 9:17 amMonday is the start of my week, at least mentally. Sunday is still part of the weekend. But I think it would really freak me out if my calendar started the month on a Monday instead of a Sunday because it would be hard for me to change my mental map of how calendars look!
June 9, 2023 at 1:11 pmYes, Sunday is still part of the weekend…. and I think you’re just “used” to seeing the calendar weeks starting on Monday. In Germany, it’s different… so I was very confused for a long time looking at my iPhone calendar until I figured out how to switch it .
June 6, 2023 at 2:36 amI guess I always recap my weeks starting on Mondays and I think about my weekly mileage that way, but either way sort of makes sense :)
Good luck with the Team Wilpers program, sounds really fun!
June 9, 2023 at 1:12 pmDoesn’t England also start their “calendars” with Mondays? I know Germany does and that’s how I think of the week.
Kimberly Hatting
June 6, 2023 at 11:04 amGosh, you are SO active on Peloton! Do you plan out your workouts the evening prior, or a few days ahead? It seems like it takes forever for me (sometimes) to find the “perfect” workouts that fit my goals…and I usually only do 2-3 (max) at a time. As for the week…I log things from Sun-Sat (so it corresponds with the WRD linkup) , but my brain still thinks it should be Mon-Sun (and so does my planner, LOL).
June 9, 2023 at 1:13 pmHaha, I am a little Peloton crazy…. one could say. I definitely plan out (most of) my week ahead of time and usually pick the classes that correspond with my trackers. It makes picking classes a little easier because there is a little guidance :)
Interesting that you log things Sun-Sat for the link up but your brain thinks otherwise ;)
June 7, 2023 at 6:43 amI’m retired, so I count it as a win if I can remember the day (especially lately!). Doesn’t mean I’m not busy though! Before that I WFH for many years.
Sounds like you’ve got a really good mixture of fitness going on! like my running, I’m very slowly increasing my stationary bike cycling. 40 minute rides sound like a lot! I think I’d be happy with a 30 minute ride (I’m trying to sub it for running a bit more, my heart needs that!).
Good luck on your June challenges!
June 9, 2023 at 1:14 pmYou do what you can Judy! I impressed with your commitment to keep moving!
June 7, 2023 at 11:35 pmExcellent week San and I love the new challenges! I’m not familiar with Peloton stuff but sounds like TW will be amazing. For me the week always is Monday – Sunday. I don’t want a new week to already start whilst still having weekend!!
June 9, 2023 at 1:15 pmI get way to excited about programs/challenges, can you tell? :)
I am glad to hear you always think about the week from Mon-Sun. Do you think it has to do with your living in Europe? Because for me it’s definitely the case because this is how I grew up (the German calendars start with Mondays).
June 9, 2023 at 10:27 amMonday!
June 9, 2023 at 1:15 pmYES! Thank you!!
July 2, 2023 at 1:25 pmWell, huh. Am I the only person for whom the week starts on Sunday? I think this is for 2 reasons: 1) the standard American calendar, which runs Sunday-to-Saturday, and 2) the mental representation I have in my head of my week. This is so hard to explain, but when I think about the week ahead there is an image/representation in my mind. And, as I move through the week, I “move’ through the representation. It’s really hard to describe. I do the same thing for months of the year. And hours in the day. I know, I’m weird. :)
On another note, go you with all the challenges and bingos and accomplishments! :)
July 2, 2023 at 5:11 pmI think it’s what you grow up with. I think of Monday as the start of the week and Sunday the end, so naturally my calendar runs Mon-Sun. But I can see how someone can have a different “mental image” of the calendar ;) Not weird, just different!
July 3, 2023 at 3:53 amTrust me, San. I’m just weird. ;) (But thanks!)
July 3, 2023 at 11:32 amWeird but wonderful then :)