I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.
This week was back to a regular week of training. I didn’t have anything on my calendar except for the last week (week 8) of the Power Zone Challenge. Now I am “free” for a little while. I am hoping to pick some fun rides and runs from my always-growing bookmark list. I usually like to sign up for challenges because they help me plan out my workouts for the week, but sometimes I also enjoy just randomly picking workouts that I feel like doing just for fun. How about you?
- 30 Min Full Body Strength – Andy (7/20/21) — GZ Strength W7C3
- 30 Min Intervals Run – Adrian (5/19/20) — PZ W7C2
- 20 Min Reggaeton Ride – Camila (6/18/22) — Clover Hunt
- 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Camila (3/19/22)
I still had to finish up week 7 (which was last week) of the Power Zone + Strength Challenge (luckily, we have until Monday night to do so and still get credit) and I also had to fit in a Clover Hunt class. So these were my priorities for the start of my week. It continues to be quite cold here in Northern California, it was 38F when I left the house for my 30 min run.

- 10 Min Full Body Strength Warm up – Jess S (2/15/23)
- 20 Min Upper Body Strength – JJ (6/14/22) — GZ Strength W8C1 + Clover Hunt
- 10 Min Core Strength – Callie (11/27/21) — GZ Strength W8AR1
- 30 Min Power Zone Endurance 2000’s Ride – Denis (4/20/21) — PZ W8C3
- 5 Min Six: the Musical Cool Down Ride – Sam (1/24/23)
- 5 Min Full Body Stretch – Matty (3/6/23)
I moved on to the last week of the Power Zone Challenge and got my first Power Zone Endurance ride and some strength classes out of the way.

- 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Cliff (2/13/23)
- 15 Min Afrobeats Ride – Cliff (4/27/22) — Clover Hunt
- 30 Min Full Body Strength – Matty (11/13/22) — GZ Strength W8C3
- 5 Min Full Body Stretch – Matty (5/4/22)
- 5 Min Pre-Run Warm up – Robyn (8/3/22)
- 45 Min Endurance Run – Marcel D (1/30/22) — PZ W8C4
- 10 Min Core Strength – Rad (8/29/21) — GZ Strength W8AR2
- 5 KM Scotland Glencoe Ride — Clover Hunt
- 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Ben (12/11/22)

- 30 Min Yoga Flow – Denis (3/10/23)
- 5 Min Pre-Ride Warm up Ride – Bradley (4/10/21)
- 20 Min Pop Punk Ride – Bradley (3/10/23)
- 15 Min 80’s Pop Ride – Bradley (3/10/23)
- 10 Min API Heritage Meditation – Aditi (5/7/22) — Clover Hunt
This was my birthday! I usually go for a morning run on my birthday, but because California was going to be hit by yet another atmospheric river, I opted to celebrate on the bike and a bunch of my Streakers 365 friends joined me for Bradley’s Pop Punk Ride. How fun!

- 5 Min Pre-Run Warm up – Susie (12/20/21)
- 30 Min Recovery Run – Susie (4/4/22) — PZ W8C2
- 10 Min Core Strength – Andy (4/5/22) — GZ Strength W8AR3
- 20 Min Glutes & Legs Strength – Jess S (1/15/21) — GZ Strength W8C1
- 10 Min Full Body Stretch – Ben (1/11/23)
I finished up the Groovy Zones Strength Challenge and found a break in the rain to squeeze in my last 30 min run for the PZ Challenge. It was supposed to be a recovery run, but my legs wanted to get back home – where it’s warm and dry – and decided to make a progression run out of it. Oh well, sometimes you gotta let your legs do what they want to do. Ha.
- 10 Min Warm Up Ride
- 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Matt (12/21/22) — PZ W8C1
- 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch
I finished up the Groovy Zones Power Zone Challenge. I cannot believe how fast 8 weeks went by again. It’s such a fantastic way to keep up with your fitness regime. Because of some personal scheduling issues, I am not sure yet if I can join the next challenge, but if you want to check it out, the Lights, Camers, Power Zones Challenge starts on April, 10.

The awesome new workout shirt was a birthday gift from Tanja.

Streaker365 Challenges:
I am almost done with the All Around the World Clover Hunt challenge. I have until the 20th, but only have three more classes left to complete!

This week’s stats:
Running: 12 mi
Cycling: 55.4 mi
Strength: 130 min
Yoga: 30 min
Warm up + Stretching: 75 min
Meditation: 10 min
How was your week? How’s the running weather where you are?
Abbreviations:*GZ Strength = Groovy Zones Strength Challenge
PZ = Groovy Zones Power Zone Challenge
W3C1 = Week 3, Class 1
W3AR1 = Week 3 Accelerator Class 1
March 13, 2023 at 8:55 amGo you! I’m really impressed with how you fit it all in! Planning your classes each week to meet your goals and challenges must feel a little bit like a logic puzzle.
March 15, 2023 at 11:21 amHappy (belated) Birthday! It must feel nice to get back to normal workouts. Sounds like you’ve had some challenging running weather! After my incessant complaining about the heat here, we’re having a little cooldown this week. Not as cold as you, of course, but a couple nights down to the 50s which feels amazing!
March 25, 2023 at 6:45 amI’m kind of flabbergasted at a) how you keep track of all the challenges, b) how you know what classes fit into which challenges, and c) how you create such astonishingly detailed yet comprehensive (in terms of working out) stacks of classes. Um, wow. I don’t have the bandwidth for this – for me, it’s “get on treadmill, start walking”, or “get on bike, start pedaling”. Anything more than that and my brain starts to melt. ;) (Go you, though, seriously. And happy happy HAPPY birthday!)