I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.
This was a tricky week for me when it came to working out. I was gone for fieldwork from last Saturday to Friday and we worked insanely long days (most were around 12-hour days). It was hard to fit in any workouts, let alone my half-marathon training runs, but I did what I could with the time and equipment that I had. The hotel gym had a treadmill, so I was happy to get at least one 5-miler in. I opted for stretching and meditation on the other days.
How do you stay on top of your fitness routine when you travel (for work)?
- 20 Min BHM: Icons Meditation – Chelsea (2/13/23) — Love Tree/Personal Streak
Long workday. A meditation before bed was all I could muster.
- 5 Min Courage Meditation – Ross (1/9/23) — Love Tree/Personal Streak
- 5 Min HIIT Cardio – Adrian (11/14/20)
- 30 Min 80’s Rock Run – Susie (2/5/23)
- 15 Min 80’s Run – Susie (6/21/22)
- 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Susie (9/16/21)
We got back to the hotel a little earlier and I seized the moment to get some miles done on the hotel treadmill after dinner (note to self: not ideal, but you do what you gotta do). I hadn’t run on the treadmill in such a long time, it definitely was a change from running outside.

- 20 Min Standing Yoga – Anna (6/26/21)
- 10 Min Sleep Meditation – Anna (2/9/23) — Personal Streak
Long day again, ended it with some yoga and a sleep meditation.
- 10 Min Happiness Meditation – Anna (10/13/22) — Self Love & Care W3C4/Personal Streak
This was another very long workday in the field, so I didn’t have time for more than meditation at the end of the day. But I did get to go hiking in a slot canyon at night. That was super cool!
- 5 Min Active Recovery: Feet – Rebecca (6/25/19) — Self Love & Care W3C1
- 5 Min Hip Stretch – Matty (2/10/21) — Self Love & Care W3C2
I drove back home on Friday. It was a 10+ hour drive and I just did a little bit of stretching before passing out on the couch at 9 pm.
- 5 Min HIIT Cardio Warm Up – Adrian (11/14/20)
- 45 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Matt (4/27/22) — PZ W5C1
- 10 Min Core Strength – Ben (6/22/21) — GZ Strength W5AR3
- 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Matt (12/20/22)
- 10 Min Calming Meditation – Chelsea (2/13/2023) — Personal Streak
I was finally reunited with my Peloton bike and knocked out a Power Zone ride for the Power Zone Groovy Zones Challenge (as I didn’t have access to a spin bike most of the week) and a bit of core work.

- 5 Min HIIT Cardio Warm Up – Adrian (11/14/20)
- 30 Min Power Zone Ride – Denis (4/13/22) — PZ W5C3
- 30 Min Feel Good Ride – Ally (2/19/23) — 750th ride!!!
- 10 Min Focus Flow: Lower Body – Aditi (1/7/21) — Self Love & Care W3C3
- 30 Min Upper Body Strength – Matty (1/13/22) — GZ Strength W5C1
- 10 Min Core Strength – Logan (6/18/22) — GZ Strength W5AR1
- 30 Min Glutes & Legs Strength – Adrian (3/4/21) — GZ Strength W5C2
- 5 Min Lower Body Stretch (10/8/20)
- 5 Min Morning Meditation – Ross (2/10/23) — Personal Streak
Sunday was a big catch-up day for me. I had to finish another Power Zone ride for the PZ Challenge and catch up on some Groovy Zones Strength classes. I also celebrated my 750th ride with Tanja on Ally’s Feel Good Live Ride, which was fun!

Streaker365 Challenges:
Self Love & Care 2/1-2/28
Love Tree 2/1-2/14
Personal Streak February
I finished my “Love Tree” this week and I also hit 4k Peloton minutes for 2023.

This week’s stats:
Running: 5 miles
Cycling: 32.5 mi
Strength: 80 min
Yoga: 30 min
Warm up + Stretching: 40 min
Meditation: 60 min
Overall, I am pretty happy with how the week went. I was able to do *something* every day, even if I had to deviate from my regular routine.
How was your week? Did everything go as planned or did you have to deviate from your routine as well?
GZ Strength = Groovy Zones Strength Challenge
PZ = Groovy Zones Power Zone Challenge
W3C1 = Week 3, Class 1
W3AR1 = Week 3 Accelerator Class 1
February 19, 2023 at 5:25 pmThis is so impressive when travelling with long days. Well done!
I had to deviate on Thursday. I woke with a sore tummy, so didn’t run straight away. Fortunately, it went away, and I ran a bit later, but it was hot by then (over 30C), and I wasn’t 100%, so I just did 5km instead of the 8-10km I had planned. So, happy I did something. It’s better to do what you can rather than give up because you can’t do the ideal thing.
Kimberly Hatting
February 19, 2023 at 6:30 pmWow, what a week! I cannot imagine exhausting (physically and mentally) it would be to have so many continuous long work days, in a strange place none the less. You definitely had a great catch-up day!
February 20, 2023 at 12:25 amIt must be hard to be away from your normal routine and work so many long hours too. You certainly managed to squeeze in a lot when you came back!
February 20, 2023 at 2:40 amWow! That’s a busy week! Kudos to you for fitting in things so creatively. My time exercising has nosedived recently because of a weird confluence of weather, kids home, and health stuff. I am “itching” to get outside. I am heartened that we’re well into February and while we can still get some major winter storms, the end is in sight!! I’m so excited for long walks without any ice on the sidewalks to navigate around.
Nicole MacPherson
February 20, 2023 at 4:32 amThe Power Zone top is so cute!
February 20, 2023 at 7:20 amIt’s so impressive that you kept your streak going while traveling and those long days in the field! My focus when traveling is to do what I can with what I have, but also not to put too much energy into thinking about what I would be doing back at home. Lots of hotel room body weight workouts or the mobility series on Peloton (which I love), meditations, and walks when I can.
February 20, 2023 at 8:04 amLove your Power Zone shirt.
I feel you on work travel/balance. In 2018 I think I had a work trip three time zones away two weeks before a Half. It wasn’t ideal, but it worked out. Glad you were able to get some in as well. When is your race?
February 20, 2023 at 9:19 amOh, wow! How could you even walk after Sunday! A catch up day, indeed!
February 20, 2023 at 9:39 amI am planning ahead for little to no workout time this weekend by doing a ton early in the week. I have my fingers crossed that time will magically open up anyway and I will end up with extra miles, so we’ll see…
Tobia | craftaliciousme
February 20, 2023 at 10:21 amAh you just. answered my question from last week. I guess I mixed that up. Mediation sounds. about right after so many long. days.
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures
February 20, 2023 at 1:57 pmSlot canyons are so cool! They are beautiful. Sounds like some tiring, long work days out of the office. Those are tough. Great job getting your workouts done this week!
February 20, 2023 at 3:49 pmWhat a long and tough week, AND you had to drive over ten hours each way, did I read that correctly? You must have been exhausted! Hopefully, this week is calmer and less stressful.
Kim G
February 20, 2023 at 3:59 pmWow! Those are some super long workdays. Kudos to you for getting in as many workouts as you did.
February 21, 2023 at 9:50 amHA!!! My week definitely didn’t go as planned… but what can you do?
I can tell you made up for a slower week on Sunday with all those classes- it must have felt great to get back into your routine. A cutback week every once in a while is a good thing, and now you’ll appreciate your normal schedule even more.
February 21, 2023 at 12:34 pmI think you did awesome! All those long work days! That long drive! I’d be hard pressed to meditate, no lie (although I almost always get one in before I go to sleep).
Great job keeping up with it! I hope you’re able to get back into your fitness groove quickly now that you’re home.
I’ve never hiked in a slot canyon at all, so that sounds super cool!
Lisa of Lisa's Yarns
February 22, 2023 at 8:10 amThose are long days!! And a long trip! My trips tend to be pretty short – typically 2 nights/3 days. But the days can be long. I try to work out one morning and opt to do a workout in my room that doesn’t require equipment. This week I am in Chicago and I’m on day 6 of having a lingering cold so I didn’t pack any workout clothes as I’m prioritizing rest/sleep over working out. Usually I would try to get some walks in but yesterday I was up at 4 for a 7am flight and then had dinner after work and didn’t think it was a good idea to walk to the restaurant that was 1 mile away in the dark… so I barely got any walks in yesterday. And now today it’s rain/freezing rain.
January was such a great month for me but February hasn’t been great in terms of workouts and such but I’ve travel twice, Phil traveled once, we hosted a friend, and I’ve have this stupid cold for almost a week now so I guess it is just an off month for me!