I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2021

I always start NaBloPoMo off by sharing some random things about me; as an introduction for any new readers (come say hi!), and to share something you might not have known for anyone who’s been around for a while longer. I have shared random facts in previous years, if you want to find out more (here, here, here, here, and here). This time, I am borrowing this list of questions from Birchie’s blog.
1. Physical stuff?
5 feet 7 inches, brown hair, brown eyes, one auricle piercing, zero tattoos.
2. Do you have any pets?
Sadly no. I live vicariously through all of you who have pets. I love both dogs and cats, but always wanted a cat. Maybe one day in the future.
3. Do you have any kids?
No. That wasn’t in the cards for us.
4. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I am a twin. I have a fraternal twin sister.
5. Where did you grow up?
As you might already know, I grew up in Germany. I’ve been in the US for the better part of 20 years though.
6. What activities did you do in high school?
The better question is what activities didn’t I do in high school. I played tennis, softball, and badminton, I was in a jazz dance group, sang in the student choir, and I also took piano and Italian lessons, and probably at least tried out any other extracurriculars that were offered.
7. What did you study in college?
I studied Geography, English, and Physical Education and finished with a Master’s degree (with teaching credentials for middle and high school).
8. What was your first job out of college?
I did not finish the “second (in-school) part” of the teacher training in Germany but landed a science internship here in the US. While I had a few jobs in college (postal carrier, receptionist, babysitter, tutor), I stuck with my career choice in science and I have been at the same job ever since. I know, I am an anomaly.
9. What kind of music do you like?
I am – and will forever be – a 90’s grunge girl at heart.
10. What’s your longest relationship so far?
My first relationship lasted 10 years, my second 20 years (and counting). I don’t have a very capricious personality.
11. Are you left- or right-handed?
Right-handed, but I have some ambidextrous tendencies.
12. What are your hobbies?
You probably already know that I love blogging, running and cycling (and any other form of exercise), reading, cooking, and knitting/crocheting (and all other kinds of crafts, although I haven’t been in a very creative mood lately).
13. Windows or Mac/Android or iPhone? Mac/iPhone.
14. Do you have any irrational fears?
I am afraid of heights, spiders, snakes, and losing family members and/or friends. None of these are irrational in my opinion.
15. Have you ever traveled outside the country? If so, where?
Since I didn’t grow up here, yes, I’ve traveled outside of the US, mostly all around Europe.
16. Where have you run other than your home state?
I’ve run in my hometown in Germany. All other runs and races were here in California. I need to branch out, clearly.
17. When’s your next vacation and where are you going? I hope to go visit my family back home soon. No reservations made yet though.
18. Do you speak any other languages? German (naturally)! Besides English, I also took French and Spanish in school, and I took some lessons in Italian, but I am not conversational by any means.
19. What’s one talent that you wish you had?
I enjoyed theater as a kid, but I am afraid my personality wouldn’t have been suitable for the “performing arts”.
20. If you weren’t in your current job, what would you want to be doing?
While I really love my work in the sciences, I think I could have been happy in many other fields. I think I would have loved pursuing any sports-related jobs, writing + editorial jobs, and maybe teaching (as I originally set out to do, although high school would have been tough, I think).
Your Turn: answer as many of these questions as you want. Better yet, do your own 20 questions post on your blog and leave the link here.
November 3, 2021 at 8:35 amI knew most of your answers but I enjoyed learning about some others I didn’t know. Thanks for sharing !
November 3, 2021 at 1:59 pm<3
Tobia | craftaliciousme
November 3, 2021 at 10:11 amI have followed long enough to know most of the answers. However I didn’t know you were into theater. I love to discover something know every time. The internet is still just a snapshot of who we are.
November 3, 2021 at 1:58 pmYes, that it is!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
November 3, 2021 at 12:21 pmYES!!! I love it. I knew that you had a sister but I don’t think I knew that you were a twin!
November 3, 2021 at 1:58 pmThanks for letting me borrow your post idea ;)
November 3, 2021 at 6:38 pmOooh! Fun. I’m a fairly new reader so I didn’t know most of these. I’m curious to know what your job is, exactly. I wouldn’t have guessed science!
November 3, 2021 at 7:37 pmI am a geographer by degree, mostly working in remote sensing/spatial analysis/GIS.
Nicole MacPherson
November 4, 2021 at 3:43 amOooh, I really liked reading this! You’re a very interesting person. And a twin, too!
My younger son – who is a drummer – is very into 90s grunge, so I hear a LOT of it these days!
November 5, 2021 at 2:42 pmCan I come to your house and listen to your son practice? :)
November 4, 2021 at 8:24 pmAye, you were so involved in High School! I have an Irish twin and she was super invested in High School while I was… not, ha. I was too goth to care ;) I hope you manage to visit your family as you hope!
November 5, 2021 at 2:34 pmYes, very much involved in High School. I never wanted it to end LOL
November 5, 2021 at 8:36 amThis was fun, even though I think I knew most of these answers! Just means I know you pretty darn well. :)
November 5, 2021 at 2:33 pmI’d say so :) we’ve been reading each other for a long time!
Lisa of Lisa's Yarns
November 8, 2021 at 7:17 amThis was fun! I knew most of these answers but there were some I didn’t, like height – even though I’ve met you in person! We are very similar – 5’7″, brown eyes, German descent.
I will have to do these on my blog sometime!
November 8, 2021 at 8:39 amI’d love if you shared your answers on your blog sometimes :)
November 15, 2021 at 4:12 pmI always forget that you are a twin! Thanks for the annual reminder. :)
Also? Most people are taller than I think they must be. Probably because I’m starting from a position of extreme disadvantage – rocking it at 5’2″. I think everyone should be my size! :)
November 18, 2021 at 11:22 amI realized, I am on the “taller” side here in the US… most women are shorter (and I think the average height for women is shorter in the US). 5’7″ is pretty average in Germany, I know a lot of women that are taller than me. LOL
November 19, 2021 at 5:50 amI lost out in the genetic lottery, unfortunately. Here, this will make you laugh – I often have to literally climb in the freezer case at the store to reach things on the top shelf way at the back. I have to do the same at Target to reach their top shelves. I think I’m going to start carrying a folding step stool! (Usually I just look for a taller person – like you! – who might be willing to help me. Ha.