Recipe: Salad alla San

{via my 365 project}


I thought I’d dedicate the Sundays of NaBloPoMo to sharing a recipe with you each week. I am always thrilled when other people post their easy, pre-approved recipes for me to try and I’d like to return the favor.

This week I’ll share the  recipe of our go-to dinner whenever we can’t think of anything else to cook and/or we haven’t planned ahead: mixed salad! Most of the ingredients are basics in our fridge/pantry. Besides, J and I love salads for dinner.

The dressing is a traditional French Vinaigrette (it’s imperative that you use Dyon mustard in this dressing!) and the salad ingredients can of course be changed to your personal liking. The ingredients in our salads also vary depending on what we have in the fridge/pantry at the time.


  1. Wow, that salad looks amazing! I love corn in my salad when I go to restaurants, but always forget to add it when I’m home. I can’t wait to see other Sunday recipes!

  2. You can make a salad for me any day! I love them too and now that I am being VERY good on WW I am eating a lot of them!

  3. Mmmmh sounds yummy! I had to look up what “craisins” are – thanks for enlarging my vocabulary! ;-)
    .-= alicely blogged this: Show me your ID! =-.

  4. I like your recipe cards! Much better than mine. :)
    .-= Suburban Sweetheart blogged this: The Wire Goes Suburban Or My Boyfriend Drinks a Raw Egg =-.

  5. Yum! that looks delish
    .-= olivia blogged this: Turn back the hands of time =-.

  6. I love the salad recipe except for mushrooms, yuck! ;)

    I always hear about people making great homemade dressings, I need to try it myself!

  7. Um hi, that salad looks AWESOME.
    .-= Kerri Anne blogged this: I Can Be Alone Yeah- I Can Watch A Sunset On My Own =-.

  8. Looks tasty!
    .-= Stefanie blogged this: Shaping up =-.

  9. Mmmm, my mouth is watering. This looks delicious! Thanks for the recipe!
    .-= Holly blogged this: Even after jellyfish are dead- they can still sting you =-.

  10. It’s only been very recently that I realized how easy it is to make my own salad dressing. For some reason I always assumed it would be difficult. Now, I make my own most of the time.

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