
There is nothing better than starting your weekend (early) by lounging around your apartment in your PJ’s on a Friday morning, you must agree. Especially if your weekend is going to be of the extra-long kind, what with having Monday off  as well due to President’s Day.

It almost feels like it’s a “snow day”, although it is in fact my regular day off, (I worked late, again, last night – thankyouverymuch), and the sun is actually shining today here in California. If it wasn’t for the still kind of chilly temperatures, I would say it’s almost springlike weather. Mmh, maybe I shouldn’t mention that, knowing that all of Germany is pretty much covered in snow right now.

I don’t have any big plans for the weekend, which translates into I’ll be spending a lot of my time crafting this weekend. I am determined to finally finish the cross-stitch project for my sister and also stamp/make a bunch of greeting cards. (Birthdays, many of them, are approaching fast! For almost every day in March, I know someone with a birthday. It’s insane really. Not that I am really sending a paper card to each and every one of them, but let’s just say, most of them. And if you recall, my goal is to personally hand-make every single birthday card this year.)

And then, I also started my crochet class with Amy this week, hence the yarn picture. It was a really fun first session and I am already looking forward to next week. Amy is an absolute gem and it was good to see her familiar face when I arrived for the class. Even though it was the first time we met, it was definitely like having someone that you already know by your side in this new endeavor. Ok, admittedly, it’s not a completely new endeavor for me (I’ve learned the basics of how to crochet back in Middle School and have completed some simple projects before), but a) I really wanted to take this class together with Amy and b) I also think that I’ll be learning many new things along the way. So, all is good :)

Have a great weekend! Any plans?

  1. I would LOVE to be able to hand-make every birthday card I give out but alas, my crafting skills are severely lacking. (Thank goodness for Etsy!) My weekend plans include a trip to Calgary to visit my sister and her family a relaxing Valentine's Day at home, and doing absolutely NOTHING on Monday (which is the Family Day holiday here). I can hardly wait until I'm off work!

  2. Your plans sound good to me :) I'll be making some cupcakes and just hang out !!! Have a fantastic weekend :)

  3. glad your are having fun! I have to do some school work this weekend and of course it is Valentines Day! So a great dinner with hubby is planned also. Do you have some time to come by at our house on Monday? I'll make lunch or dinner

  4. My whole week was a weekend. Haha. But you know that. ;) Do you have any plans for Valentine's Day? We don't. We are not going to do anything this year because we want to save up for a vacation later this year. Tonight we are getting a dog for a week. Our friend wants us to watch him. I am so thrilled about this. We were thinking of getting a dog and this will be the perfect opportunity to see how we will be able to handle a dog.

  5. dackelprincessmaribeth

    February 12, 2010 at 6:17 pm

    Yes, I am going to get some new yarn to make a scarf to go with my new coat. I'm going to knit it. Wish me luck as I am not an experienced knitter!
    My cousin, Janet and friend Michelle are coing for lunch on Sunday. I have great things planned!

  6. We should get 78 degrees this weekend and so we are going on a Whale watching tour on Valentinsday.
    Hope you have a great weekend – it's a bummer, I have to work on Monday!

  7. well, C's b-day is tomorrow so we'll be doing that. actually probably low key because he's got a cold :( today the plans are: cleaning the house, doing laundry, crafting some, possibly baking something for tomorrow, wrapping gifts, fine-tuning next saturday's kohlfahrt with my “king” :)

  8. You are fantastic. Teach me to crochet? Mmkay.

  9. wow very artsy! love it! my grandma was good at all kind of things but she didnt get the chance to teach us…post some pictures of your completed projects! <3

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