Hello June. 

As my co-worker said to me the other day, “Hey, guess what? It’s June!”. Freakin’ hell it is. How did that happen? It feels like it was just March, doesn’t it?

Things that are might be happening in June…

+ As previously mentioned, I have had  tickets for the Total Package Tour. Woot! The concert was on Saturday and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Separate recap to come, of course.

+ I am hoping to get back to more reading again this month.

+ I am thinking about going through my closet and getting rid off some things I just don’t wear. I have a few items that I love (on the hanger!) and always put back into the closet, but then never get out and actually wear, so maybe it’s time to finally let them go?

+ Temperatures have been pretty nice and bearable and I hope that stays this way for a few more weeks. No triple digits yet on the horizon (fingers crossed!). I am contemplating to finally get a patio umbrella, so we can sit outside and enjoy the backyard more often in the coming weeks. Do you have one that you love? Where did you get it?

+ We’re currently transitioning to a more summer-appropriate meal plan, which means ‘goodbye casseroles and stews’, ‘hello salads and BBQs’! What’s one of your favorite summer recipes? Share in the comments!

What’s going on with you in June?

  1. I love getting rid of clothes I don’t wear! Purging feels good.

  2. I wish I could have time to read – a book actually. I get my fill in blogs, of course, and an earful of audiobooks. What’s on your reading list?

    1. Oh, I have a bunch of books on my reading list… check out my Goodreads! ;)

  3. I have got a bag of clothes in my closet that is almost ready to be taken to a donation center/box. I’d like to add some more things (like those size 4 pants that I am holding on just in case they will fit me again some day which will most likely never happen).

    We got our patio umbrella from Lowe’s during their summer closeout sale last year. I think we scored it for $20 (Can’t beat that!).

    We recently started having more Caesar Salads but instead of buying each item individually I just get one of those salads in a bag kits and slice up a chicken breast (coated in olive oil and salt and pepper and roasted at 450 degrees F for 20-25 min). It’s super easy and quick.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation about the umbrella… will have to take a look around! And also thank you for the recipe suggestion!

  4. I went through a lot of my clothes last year, but I could probably do it again this year. I need to try things on and see what fits!


    1. I need to do the same ;)

  5. I’m a huge fan of anything on the grill! Seriously can’t believe it’s June already. I turn 3-1 this month. WHAT?

    1. 3-1… you’re a baby ;)

  6. I just did the “letting things go” off of the hanger in the closet over Memorial Day weekend and let me tell you – it feels SO good. And I have no idea how it got to be June already either.

    1. Thanks – you’re motivationg me!

  7. My favorite dinner salads are 1) Taco Salad: dark lettuce (red leaf is my fave), a couple scoops of taco meat, we used ground turkey with a chopped onion and cumin/salt/pepper/chili powder, shredded cheddar, diced tomatoes, diced green onion, olives, jalapenos (but not for me), cilantro, a scoop of sour cream and top the whole thing with salsa. I like to crumble corn chips on top, J puts them down as a base.

    2) BLT Salad: daaark lettuce (mix of spinach, massaged kale, and red leaf), a couple of pieces of crumbled bacon (could add leftover chicken if you have it), diced cucumber, diced green onion, diced tomatoes, chopped fresh mushrooms, minced fresh basil, parmesan cheese. Layer that up in a nice big pile, and then add the dressing, which I make with a big spoonful of greek yogurt, a spoonful of mayo, thin with buttermilk until it’s nice and pourable, add a big squirt of dijon and a lot of fresh cracked pepper. Homemade croutons are good on this too.

    I make one or both of these at least once a week.


    1. Thanks so much for the detailed suggestions! Sound yummy!

  8. Oh I could go through my closet… and I would find a ton. I have a hard time doing so.
    I sold two big items yesterday which I tried to get rid of for 7 months and it feels sooooo good.

    Looking forward to your new book recommendations.

    As for summer dishes. Are you familiar with: Schmorgurken? It is not commonly known in Germany only in my area and where my grandma came from. I posted the recipe on the blog two years ago https://www.craftaliciousme.com/schmorgurken-favorite-summer-dish/ Don’t let the pictures fool you. It is delicious! And you could add some grilled chicken breast or such if you need something more substantial but I just love it. You could also eat it cold.

    Have a great day,

    1. I’ve heard of Schmorgurken, but am not sure I have ever tried them. Thanks for the link!

  9. This year is going by so so fast. I have to read more this month as well. I have a book to finish and I want to start this book that I bought last month. I seem to buy books and never get a chance to read them lol. Have a great week.

    1. So many books, so little time… ;) I hear you!

  10. I did a little bit of purging this past weekend as I was bringing stuff to goodwill. Felt good to get rid of some things. I’ve been good at swapping out old kitchen stuff when we got new kitchen stuff as gifts but it’s been accumulating in boxes for the last several weeks. I dropped it off yesterday and now our house looks much less cluttered!

    In the summer I tend to grill quite a bit, too. I like to grill chicken for my salads and my technique it to pound the chicken breasts out into a thin, even layer and then marinate it in lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, oregano, parsley and salt & pepper! It tastes sooo good and when it’s an even thickness, it cooks evenly. Tomorrow night I’m making beef kabobs with some meat from our meat share and I”m using this recipe: https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/beef_kebabs/ I also am marinating the veggies for it (separately) as I have found that they cook better if they are marinated too.

    I can’t believe it’s June either! Crazy that the year is almost half over! It feels like it just started!

    1. Thank you for the recommendations! Sounds delicious!

  11. I just started going through my closet too. After way too much laundry piling up, I feel the need to get rid of everything! Well, at least a lot of the stuff I don’t wear anymore. It’s finally nice and warm here too, but I really can’t believe it’s June.

    1. I am glad to see others are purging, too :)

  12. I love love love emptying the closet. It’s a strange and cathartic experience for me and I totally feel like I wear the same clothes all the time anyway so it’s easier to say goodbye. Yay for summer BBQs and warmer weather! Xoxo

  13. I can’t believe it’s June either!! I was trying to convince my husband the other day that I was going to a meeting on the “27th of May”. He pointed out to me that the meeting was either going to be in June, or I had missed it by a few days! HA! Obviously my brain just can’t comprehend we’re half way through the year already!

    1. Haha… I tell you… time perception can be so tricky!

  14. I can’t believe we’re already in June! This year is going by far too quickly.

    We’re in full-on summer mode in Winnipeg now, so my June is going to be filled with lots of bike rides and generally being outside as much as possible. I’m really looking forward to it.

    1. I know… time is flying by!! But yay for summer!

  15. I can’t believe it’s June already! I decided not to set goals this month so I can focus on my husband and summer. While I didn’t set goals I want to deep clean our house, go through and re-organize everything, plan blog posts for July-September, and relax more. Good luck this month!!

    1. Great goals for not setting goals LOL

  16. Mmmm, BBQs and salads sound delish. BBQs are the One thing that I love about summertime.

    I’m totally with you on it being just march, wasn’t it? Where have the last six months gone for crying out loud?!

    Def go through your closet and donate/trash things you don’t wear/use or want anymore. It’s so therapeutic and I love doing that every 3-6 months. :)

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