As if NaBloPoMo wasn’t enough, I am jumping yet again on another bandwagon which may – or may not – result in blogging daily for the month of December.
Well, apparently, I already missed December 1st, so the daily blogging is obvioulsy not going to happen, but it’s the end of the year and what better way to reflect on the good things this year has given you by recapping some of the highlights.
So I am participating in The Best of 2009 Blog Challenge brought to the blogging community by Gwen Bell.
Check out all the details and how you can join here.
I don’t think I will write on all the prompts that Gwen has so generously provided us with, but I’ll pick and choose the ones that I feel like I can write something about.
Today’s prompt is to share our best Restaurant Moment.
I think I had a couple of “best restaurant moments”, but the one freshest in my memory (and on my tongue, I can basically still taste the delicious clams in white wine-cream sauce) was our spontaneous trip to “Formoli’s” about 4 weeks ago.
It had been a while since a place had truly impressed me.
I mean, you know how it goes: you pick out a sushi place and you end up having… well, sushi. Surprise!
At some places it’s better than at others, but overall you know what to expect. If you go out for Mexican food, it’s the same thing (even though I know that the quality of Mexican food can vary greatly!).
What I liked about Formoli’s Bistro was the fact that I didn’t really have any pre-fabricated perceptions of this place and therefore it went above and beyond my expectations. The restaurant was authentic, it was real.
At some places it’s better than at others, but overall you know what to expect. If you go out for Mexican food, it’s the same thing (even though I know that the quality of Mexican food can vary greatly!).
What I liked about Formoli’s Bistro was the fact that I didn’t really have any pre-fabricated perceptions of this place and therefore it went above and beyond my expectations. The restaurant was authentic, it was real.
I didn’t feel like I was sitting in just any other American Restaurant, but it was like entering a different world for a few hours. It felt very European, it was busy and bustling, but it didn’t feel crowded or rushed.
We had cucumber-iced water, freshly baked bread with olive oil and vinegar, a huge plate of those absolutely delicious clams and two very creative, very unique entrées. The servers were super-friendly and even though it was the first time for us there, we felt – and were treated like – old friends.
That is what I like: I like to be surprised. Even if I go to a restaurant and think that I know what I signed up for. Sometimes the passion for detail can make it or break it.
December 2, 2009 at 6:02 pmYou are experiencing withdrawals from NaBloPoMo? So am I!!! Haha. It feels weird not posting every day. Today I am giving myself a break though. :)
.-= Stefanie´s last blog ..What a month! What a great experience! =-.
December 4, 2009 at 4:39 amI write every day. Even if it isn’t much. I’ve gotten in the habit.
.-= Maribeth´s last blog ..I love Drugs!!! =-.
December 4, 2009 at 8:24 am*justleavingasweetcommentandsayingthanksforyouremailandhelp….I’mgonnaemailyoubacksoon* :)
.-= Tinka´s last blog ..Advent Season & Birthday =-.