Awkward & Awesome

Lemon-Poppyseed Muffins
{via my flickr}


This is a regular feature post on my blog. See the archives here.


  • You know, this stupid pinched nerve in my shoulder can kick it… I’ve been sleeping on a heating pad the last two nights and it seems to be – maybe – working? A little bit? I am not sure. I do think I’ll finally have to take Kim‘s advice and get a massage.
  • Cold bathrooms. I am really not a fan. We do have central heat in our new apartment, but of course, the bathroom doesn’t have a vent for hot air to come in. A space heater might be the solution for this, because honestly, shivering through the whole winter why I brush my teeth, when I get out of the shower, etc. is really not an option.
  • Situations, where you just feel “excluded” from a conversation. I wonder if the other people even notice when they’re doing this.
  • DST ended last weekend. For the most part, I am happy with the “falling back” in the fall, getting an extra hour of sleep. I don’t have any kids or pets, who adhere to their own inner clock and don’t give a thing about DST, so for me it is what it is: an extra hour of sleep. Do not like how early it gets dark in the evenings though. Soon enough, I’ll leave the house in the dark and come home in the dark, which is always a little bit depressing.




  • Lemon-Poppyseed Muffins that I baked for a crafty get-together on Saturday. Yum!
  • I am really looking forward to the holiday season.  I can’t wait for Thanksgiving to be over, so I can get out the Christmas decorations. We never get a tree, because we usually travel for Christmas, but I’ve been thinking “What the heck, maybe we can get a teeny-tiny one this year?”. We’ll see.
  • Very excited about #twookclub – I finally started the book last night! I am so much more motivated to read knowing that I’ll be discussing this book with a bunch of awesome ladies!
  • I’ve started working on some of the handmade presents for this Christmas and I am very excited about the projects. I hope I can get everything done in time – I mean, I just realized, Christmas is only 6,5 weeks away! Eep!
  • I’ve also started working on my Christmas Cards for this year. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that I do a Christmas Card Exchange with fellow bloggers every year. Look out for a post this November for more information and the sign-up form!!

Happy Thursday, peeps!

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  1. Those muffins look AMAZING! I really need to start the #twookclub book ASAP also- I know there aren’t great reviews going around but I’m still very excited about discussing it :)

  2. Your Christmas cards are so cute already! Can’t wait to see what crafty gifts you come up with! I’m so envious of all of you with creative talents, but you ARE inspiring. ;)

  3. Oh, I don’t have your new address! Please send it to me, K?

  4. Is there a chance you could share that Lemon poppyseed recipe with me. I’m on a lemon muffin quest! I meant to ask you on Twitter and clean forgot!

  5. You should definitely get a tree. We always have one (well, we have a fake one which makes things easier) up even if we travel. It’s just part of the holidays! :)

  6. 6.5 weeks?! Really?! Damn, off to go work on my Christmas presents!

  7. Ok, those muffins look amazing! And I hate cold bathrooms as well, so glad to have our floor heating back (not that I want to brag about it, hehe), I would get a space heater, we always had one in the US as well, right in front of me! haha
    Are you travelling to Germany for Christmas again? And, I am so in on the Christmas card thingy!! xxx

  8. Yeah you should defo get a tree! I always put a little fake tree up, even though I’m always going to my parents’ for Christmas. But I love coming home to my little flat in the evenings and putting on the lights on the tree.

  9. DST has never affected me before, but this time I just can’t seem to adjust! I can’t imagine making Christmas cards by hand – I have a hard time getting them out when all I have to do is address the envelope!

  10. yay for muffins and book clubs, mmmmm! yay!

  11. Ick! Cold bathrooms are beyond awkward!! I hope you find a good way to get a little cozier there! Brrrrr! Hugs!

    Those muffins look amazing and kudos for starting your Christmas cards!!

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