You say, there can never be too much sun?

But I say, there can be. Just look at that:


I know. Sacramento lies in the Central Valley and it gets hot in the summer. Real hot. I am aware of that. But this week is crazy. It’s not even summer yet!

Everything up to 85°F is manageable. I can handle that. But almost 100°F in the middle of May? Seriously – this is WAY out there. Those are temperatures for July/August – not May. We’re supposed to adjust to the heat slowly. If we have 100°F in May, how hot will it be in July?

The weather has been really roller-coaster-like lately. I definitely won’t complain about a nice 70-75°F-summer night where you can sit outside and chat away, but it has to cool down at some point before the next morning. Everything else is insane. Especially when it’s only May. [/rant]

You get my drift. Going back to Southern California sounds like a really good idea right now. A nice steady 73°F/23°C would be just fabulous.

I know there are many more important things going on in the world to bitch and moan about right now, but this would honestly be way too depressing. We’ve been following the news about the cyclone in Myanmar and the China earthquake quite a bit at the office [naturally] and all I can say is: I am equally fascinated by nature’s forces as well as petrified by all the destruction and loss of lives. The numbers are just incomprehensible. Someone is really angry. It feels like Mother Earth is carrying out a natural mission against overpopulating or something.


P.S. Happy Birthday, Danny Wood :)

  1. very scary. Even in Berkeley it is hot (95 degrees on the coast???!!!). *sweat*

  2. I couldn’t stand that kind of weather. I am not looking forward to the summer weather over here at all. New York gets so humid!!! The heat is so bad in the city… I can’t stand it. We go out to Long Island a lot in the summer.

  3. I know what you’re saying! The latest forecast is showing 103 near Downtown tomorrow. What the hell? I thought summer was going to come late, like spring did. It’s too early to be this hot in the valley!

  4. woah, that IS hot. just make sure to stay out of the sun and drink enough… *smooches*

  5. that is way too hot for may. especially when it doesn’t cool down. did u sing for danny yesterday?;-)

  6. Yeah, after living in Florida for 6 years with the hot temps there (also the threat of hurricanes and wildfires) I told Hubby that I just had to move home to NH.
    Yet, we just had our snowiest winter in 100 years!
    Mother Nature sure is trying to make a statement or two isn’t she?

  7. Yikes that IS hot for May! Reminds me of last August here “Welcome to Charlotte, the temperature is 46C”. uhu…. Hope you have access to a pool!

    The desasters in Asia are frickin scary not to mention that bloody government in Myanmar. Uhm yeah. I’m sure the numbers would look quite different if they just feckin did something. Grrr! OK enough aggrevation.


  8. We jumped from a 62 up to 96 in two days. Insane! God is it HOT! Froehliches Schwitzen! :-)

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