Long weekend and someone’s birthday is coming up :)

I realized that I write and post an awful lot about food lately. It’s just that both J and I enjoy good meals and I’ve been trying out new recipes… and J’s loving it :)

I received some requests for a recipe over at flickr, so over here in my Cookbook is the recipe for the Noodle Casserole I made last night.
Very easy (!) and ready in about 30-40 minutes [10 minutes preparation, 30 minutes baking].

On a different note, work was unusually busy this week.
I worked a 15.5 hour-day on Tuesday. My supervisor had a presentation in the evening and we spent all day setting up computers, monitors and big screens in the lecture room on Campus.
The lecture went great. Many images and animations were shown that I had worked on with him. It was really cool to see them on a big screen :)
Since it was a public lecture, we didn’t really know how many people to expect, but the turn out was great and every last seat in the lecture hall was taken.
During the lecture, the audience had the opportunity to wear 3-D glasses to view our 3D data and see the development of “disasters”, for example how a bridge that crosses the San Andreas Fault slowly began to bend after the 2004 Parkfield, California, earthquake. Exciting stuff!!

Of course, we also had to take everything down once the presentation was over, therefore I didn’t get home before 11 p.m. Needless to say, I was dead-tired after working from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. and decided to sleep in the next morning and go to work a little later than usual.

I am also working Friday this week – as in: today! – and what keeps me going is that I’ll still get my long weekend, because I’ll be taking Monday off :) Monday is my birthday and I don’t want to spend 10 hours of it at the office… I’d rather go and do something fun with J. Makes sense?

  1. makes sense! but working 15.5 hours doesnt make sense. that’s just crazy! :)

  2. your geeky excitement over your job and geology totally always makes me wanna hug you, like RIGHT NOW!

    also, i’m having my coffee out of the sacramento starbucks mug right now and i miss you. especially since i would like to hug you on your birthday :( oh well, with you having the day off, maybe i can squeeze in a call. if i get through… *smoochie*

  3. That sounds pretty interesting. (the lecture)
    I love to cook, but then you already know this!
    Monday is your birthday? Happy Birthday a little early!
    Sunday is Greta’s birthday and we are having a kid party for her!!

  4. Yes that totally makes sense! ;-)
    Hard working girl! Enjoy your time off and the birthday!!!

  5. Makes perfect sense to me!
    I would really love to see the things you are working with! Sounds all very interesting! Have a great start into your long birthdayweekend!

  6. Makes sense. Enjoy your special day!

  7. it’s almost midnight (monday) so before i forget… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! ENJOY YOUR DAY!

  8. Happy birthday girl!!
    Please excuse the card being late, im behind on everything this month!
    ENjoy your day!!


  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAUSELEIN!!! have a wonderfuk day!

    dicker *smooch* and i hope to get a hold of you later…

  11. aehem, i meant to say wonderful day. :D

  12. Happy Birthday!!!

    Long time no comment! :) Things have been busy but I’m still checking in from time to time!

  13. How was your birthday honeybunch?

  14. yes how was your birthday sweetie? hope you had a nice day!!! we were thinking about you!!!!!

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