What insanity can make you do…

… it can make you get frustrated and cranky on the phone.
… it can make you cry.
… it can make you tell people to “go to hell”.
… it can make you get fed up with bureaucracy.
… it can make you angry about being in this state of limbo.
… it can make you upset about the way the world works.
… it can make you hide in your room for extended periods of time.
… it can make you go up the walls and yell at people.
… it can make you not sleep at night.


… it can make you book a plane ticket to see your newlywed-spouse that you haven’t seen in 80 days.

Is that so? Then I think I’d better go and pick up J from the airport now :)

Sometimes a little bit of insanity doesn’t seem so bad.

  1. wohoooo! i was SO counting down to this with you getting more and more excited every day, hun! and i am SO happy for you two. enjoy those last minutes waiting, the butterflies and that first hug and kiss *sigh* those are just the best!

    aw, i LOVE that kind of insanity. do you think it’s contagious? if so, jon NEEDS to get together with chris. ASAP :)

    big *smooch* to the both of you!

  2. Oh wow *doing the happydance for you*!!
    Another one of those special spontanious San-ideas! They are the best, girl! Enjoy those wonderful, exciting airport moments and have a great time with your hubby!

  3. Aw yay! I suppose we won’t be hearing from you for a few days. Hee hee. That is so exciting!! :D

  4. That is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great! Enjoy you time! Big hugs,

  5. oohhh, I’m so happy for you!!!!!!!

    That’s so exciting….Have a great time with J!!

  6. Ohhhh awesome!!! So happy you get to see J!! Is he staying until you can go back to the States with him? And did he surprise you or did you know he was going to come here?
    Anyway, have loads of fun, I bet you have quite a bit to catch up with! ;)

  7. are you serious???????? im happy for you :-)

  8. Thank heavens for insanity then!!! Yaaay! Have a blast and I hope you can go “home” together!

  9. i see. how awesome! gosh this is just great! so excited for the both of you!!! ENJOY

  10. I just read it. How wonderful insanity could be.
    I am happy for you guys and hope you can go “home” together. But anyways have fun!!!

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