2025 Weekly Run Down 2/52 – A rocky start!

This week’s stats:

Cycling: 31.4 mi
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 95 min
Warm up/Stretching: 35 min
Meditation: 45 min

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

This was on Tuesday when I was still feeling well.

I was looking forward to returning home and getting into my normal routine. As much as I enjoyed the time off and the leisure workout schedule during my time away, I was excited to return to a normal schedule and finally join a Power Zone Challenge again after I had prioritized running during my marathon training last fall. But 2025 had other plans.

The week started well enough. We returned to Sacramento on Monday night and I got right back to work the next day. I think I completely tricked jetlag but on Wednesday I started to feel a little off. I am sure I brought something home from the plane (as multiple people were coughing up a storm around us on the long-haul flight). For me, it started with a scratchy throat on Wednesday night which was accompanied by coughing and fatigue for the rest of the week. I did not have any congestion or fever and my Covid test was negative. I got both the Covid booster and the flu shot in the fall, so I am guessing I am dealing with some sort of cold virus. Bleh. Not the week I was hoping for. I also hate how much time is wasted when you’re sick (I wanted to do so many things this weekend).

But patience is a virtue, friends. This was an opportunity to practice. We might need lots of it in the future. If you’re wondering if I will ever get back to regular posting, I will say: I surely hope so. Soon.


  • 10 Min Morning Meditation – Kirra (7/10/24) 
  • 18 Min Just Walk: Outdoor 
  • 5 Min Savasana – Nico (12/30/22) — Personal Streak

This was our travel day back to the US. I managed to do a meditation in the morning, a walk (at the airport) and a quick savasana before I fell into bed.


  • 10 Min Daily Meditation – Chelsea (12/15/24)
  • 10 Min Savasana – Aditi (11/24/21) — Personal Streak

It was right back to work for me, so I kept it easy with a morning meditation and a savasana class in the evening.


  • 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Denis (8/15/23)
  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Bradley (12/15/24)
  • 30 Min Power Zone Rock Ride – Denis (8/27/24) — PZ-W1R2
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Bradley (11/21/24)
  • 5 Min Wind Down: Nightcap – Jon (11/10/24) — Blast off into 2025
  • 10 Min Restorative – Anna (9/11/21) — Personal Streak

Hooray! I was finally back to Power Zone training again and this Rock Ride with Denis was so much fun. It was challenging after being away from the bike for a bit, but my zones still felt pretty good. Not sure I’ll have to retest.


  • 10 Min Warm Up Ride – Alex T (9/16/24)
  • 45 Min Power Zone Endurance 80s Ride – Denis (11/19/24) — W1R1
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Ben (12/12/24)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hips – Kristin (5/14/24) — Personal Streak

I am not sure how I managed to pull off the Power Zone Endurance Ride because I was already feeling pretty lousy by then.


  • 10 Min Calming Meditation – Kirra (8/30/24)
  • 10 Min Savasana – Anna (1/31/24) — Personal Streak

Rest, rest, and rest. I almost slept the whole day.


  • 30 Min Restorative Yoga – Ross (2/18/22) — Personal Streak/W1AR

More rest.


  • 20 Min Restorative Yoga – Ross (11/11/21) — Personal Streak
  • 10 min Deep Relaxation Meditation – Chelsea (5/5/23) — Serenity Sunday

More rest. I had to skip W1R3 of the Power Zone Challenge that I had planned to do with Tanja and my sister.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

I kept up with my yoga streak this week (savasana/restorative yoga FTW!) but I am already struggling with the other trackers. I just have to roll with the punches.

Streaker365 Blast off into 2025
Streaker365 Creating Space for Self-Care
Streaker365 January Personal Streak (Daily Yoga)
Streaker365 Serenity Sunday (restorative yoga + meditation)

How was your week? Did you get knocked down?


  1. I was knocked down right after Christmas, with a head cold. BAH, Humbug! It wasn’t horrible and didn’t stop me from doing things I wanted to do (meaning, I didn’t really have plans those days so it was OK), but I decided to REST. I didn’t want to break my yoga streak, so I still did yoga, but thankfully Adriene has practices for when you are sick, so they were pretty quiet and peaceful. No weights, no walks. Just yoga and then the sofa or bed.

    I’m sorry you got sick, but I’m glad that it didn’t happen while you were in Germany!

  2. Lots of people having been getting sick! There could be multiple flu strands going around, or it could have just been a bad cold. Traveling is hard.
    Rest up- plenty of time to get back on track when you’re feeling 100%.

  3. I hope you feel better soon, San! I know there’s so many germs flying around out there; hopefully the one that has you down is quick passing and you can get back to routine fully.

  4. Oh man, it’s all going around here too. I’m so sorry—don’t you get the ick when you’re sitting on a plane and people are coughing all around you? That always makes me feel so stuck! I hope you are able to kick that quickly and I’m very proud of you for getting all of these workouts and savasannas in despite travel and sickness. Also very certain I spelled that wrong lol.

  5. Sorry to read that ou were feeling sick as well. Everyone seems to be sick right now! Hope you have a better week

  6. What a bummer to get sick, but I guess a long flight is sort of a petri dish of germs. It is so hard to be down for the count when you want to get things done. I’m glad you didn’t end up with the flu. Coach had it and it was horrible. He was so sick. I hope you’re feeling better now. My week is fine, but I do miss having college kids home because when they are here while I’m babysitting I can still run errands/get things accomplished.

  7. I am sorry you felt off this week.
    Hope you feel better soon and can get back to your workout routine.
    I’ve been rather proud of having done yoga each day in 2025 so far. Currently I am procrastinating with my weight session though.

  8. Hope you’re feeling better! So much weird stuff going around. Get well soon!

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