2024 Weekly Run Down 36/52 – just keeping on!

This week’s stats:

Running: 33.9 mi
Cycling: 11.4 mi
Bootcamp: 30 min
Strength: 85 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 100 min
Warm up/Stretching: 40 min
Meditation: 10 min

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

I had another great week of training and I am hoping this is going to stay this way. I am glad I haven’t had any events so far that got in the way of my scheduled training, although I did have to switch my long run to Sunday this week (which is not a big deal). I was happy I was able to meet up with Tanja and the #BCBabes1 a couple of times and that was wonderful.


  • 20 Min Focus Flow: For Runners – Kristin (5/8/24) — Personal Streak
  • 10 Min AFO Full Body Stretch: Thomas Rhett – Matt (7/2/21) — End Zone Energy

It was Labor Day, I had the day off AND it was my rest day which meant: sleeping in! I don’t sleep in very often but it was glorious not to set an alarm and naturally wake up at 10 a.m. I guess my body needed the rest. I only did a short focus flow for runners in the afternoon and a full-body stretch. 


  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Rebecca (7/17/24)
  • 55 Min Run
    • 10 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Matt (5/21/19) — Road to 26.2
    • 30 Min Tempo Run – Matt (5/21/19) — Road to 26.2
    • 15 Min 80s Rock Run – Jon (3/26/24)
  • 30 Min Strength for Runners – Andy (7/29/22) — Road to 26.2
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: For Runners – Denis (4/10/23) — Personal Streak/End Zone Energy

I had a 55-minute easy run on my training schedule and when I got back, Tanja joined me for the strength for runners class and the yoga flow. They were both excellent.


  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Rebecca (7/17/24)
  • 50 Min Speed Intervals
    • 10 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Becs (5/21/19) — Road to 26.2
    • 30 Min Marathon Prep Run – Robin (5/21/19) — Road to 26.2
    • 10 Min Cool Down Run – Camila (10/5/22) — End Zone Energy
  • 30 Min Climb Ride – Erik (2/12/23)
  • 10 Min Core Strength – Andy (8/26/24) — Pelo Core Game Time
  • 10 Min Restorative Yoga – Aditi (5/17/23) — Personal Streak

I overslept this morning. That doesn’t happen very often. Either my alarm didn’t go off or I didn’t hear it (which is rare – I am usually awake before my alarm). I jumped out of bed and had to get going because I was scheduled for a climb ride with Tanja and my sister and wanted to get my speed interval run done beforehand. The timing was tight, but I made it. It ended up being a good run and a good climb ride. 


  • 10 Min Morning Yoga Flow – Chelsea (9/27/23) — Personal Streak
  • Flash 15 – Jess S (12/13/21)
  • 30 Min Strength for Runners – Rebecca (7/29/22) — Road to 26.2

Today was my cross-training day and I kept it short. I woke up with a short morning yoga session to get the blood flowing. Then I joined Sherry for Flash 15 for some #BCBabes Time and finished up with Rebecca’s Strength for Runners class before getting ready to go to the office. 


  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Rebecca (7/17/24)
  • 45 Min Run
    • 10 Min Warm Up Run – Susie (8/19/24)
    • 20 Min EDM Run – Jess K (12/13/21) — Road to 26.2
    • 15 Min 90s Pop Run – Jon (9/3/24) — End Zone Energy
  • 30 Min Bootcamp: Core – Jess S (8/1/24) — Blitz & Burn Bootcamp
  • 5 Min Post-Ride Stretch – Ben (8/11/23)
  • 10 Min Savasana – Kristin (4/22/21)

I got some easy miles in, ran some errands in the morning and then met up with Kristin for a core bootcamp with Jess. I’ll never say that Jess goes easy on us, but every day where she doesn’t try to kill us is a good day (so bookmark this bootcamp, if you want to survive ;)).


  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Rebecca (7/17/24)
  • 55 Min Run
    • 45 Min Endurance Run – Hannah F (2/17/24)
    • Extra 10: Endurance – Alex T (2/12/24)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Hamstrings – Denis (7/21/21)
  • 5 Min Full Body Stretch – Adrian (11/2/22)  

I switched my long run to Sunday because I had a commitment on Saturday morning and only had time for a few easy miles beforehand. That worked out well because I think the Covid booster I got on Friday made me a little tired (or all the running is catching up with me. Who knows!?)


  • 15 Min Low Impact Ride – Bradley (2/16/24)
  • 12-mile Run
    • 10 Min Long Run Warm Up – Becs — Road to 26.2
    • 60 Min Country Run – Matt (6/20/24)
    • 30 Min Endurance Run – Matt (8/28/24)
    • 15 Min Country Run – Matt (8/10/22)
  • 10 Min Focus Flow: For Runners – Kristin (6/5/24)

  • 20 Min Restorative Yoga – Aditi (6/15/21) — Serenity Sunday
  • 10 Min Peace Meditation – Chelsea (1/28/21) — Serenity Sunday

Tanja was kind and met up with me for a quick warm-up ride with Bradley and then I headed out for 12 miles shortly after 8 a.m. I am not going to lie, the long runs are always a little bit of a mental challenge (just me?) but once I am out the door, I usually find my groove. I felt good and was able to hold a steady pace. I finished with a yoga flow for runners when I came back. I made myself a big breakfast and then took it easy for the rest of the day, but I joined some streakers for ‘Serenity Sunday’ in the evening.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

As mentioned in an earlier post, I am cutting back on some of the trackers I participate in. I am trying to be smart and keep the focus on my running right now but the Streaker365 admins are always so creative and came up with a bunch of football-themed trackers (to celebrate the beginning of football season) and of course, I will at least keep up with a few.

Peloton Road to 26.2 Program
Streaker365 End Zone Energy
Streaker365 Tackling Self Love
Streaker365 “Blitz & Burn” Bootcamp
Streaker365 September Personal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates/Barre)
Streaker365 Serenity Sunday (restorative yoga + meditation)

  1. aka Bootcamp Babes (a small “subgroup” of Streakers who started doing Bootcamp Classes (Bike + Strength) together) ↩︎


  1. Smart to keep the focus on running while you are training for your race. Nice solid week!

  2. You had a great week! I’m VERY envious of that Monday sleep-in till 10 am. I need a day like that (and I can make it happen!)
    I used to get really stressed out before my long runs. It made no sense- what was the absolute worst that could happen? I would stop running? But it was almost scary to me, the day before. Now for whatever reason, that doesn’t happen. Maybe because I’ve done it so much over the years, I actually look forward to them now.
    BTW I didn’t comment on your friendship post, but I did read it and you got a lot of amazing comments! It was obviously a great post to encourage that much input from your readers. And I had the same idea as SHU- find a running group!

    1. I am glad you got over your pre-run anxiety. It doesn’t happen all the time, but still often enough to “throw me off” because like you said “What is the worst that could happen? I walk. LOL

  3. I’m so glad you got to sleep in and clearly your body needed it!!!
    A few times a year I sleep until 9 am and it is amazing. Mostly, though, I just wish I could sleep until 7:30 every morning. That is really how my body functions best and it doesn’t happen very often. Oh well! By the time my kids move out, I’ll be waking up earlier naturally anyway, I suppose. My biggest issue is not always going to bed early enough. I like having quiet margin at the end of the day and now that the kids are older, they’re up later…which means I stay up even later to get that time alone. But I’ve been pretty good the last few months of sticking to my ideal bedtime of 10:30. Not a perfect score, but more nights than not my light is out around 10:30!

    1. Wouldn’t it be something if we could just live by our own circadian rhythm? ;)

  4. I’m so glad you were happy with your week in training! That matters so much!
    And yes, you do have a lot of trackers! They are always so cute though, so I’m glad you are keeping some of them!

    1. Thanks Jenn, it was a good week… and no, I cannot do without my trackers. They’re so motivating to me :)

  5. Nice work on all those running miles! I agree, the long runs can be really intimidating, especially the double-digit ones. Myself, the 16+ mile runs were SO mentally tough, but (oddly) the 20-milers weren’t as bad… probably because I knew the Taper was right around the corner. Keep up the good work!

    1. I am glad to hear that others have the pre-long run jitters, too. It’s the oddest thing LOL

  6. Oh, I’m glad to hear the booster made you only a little tired. I had a friend who was wiped out all weekend after getting hers on a Friday. I’m so nervous since I’ve had terrible reactions to all the COVID boosters!

    1. Oh no, I totally get why you’re wary of getting the booster if you have bad reactions. My sister weirdly has too, she’s usually down for a few days.

  7. I hope my clinic gets the Covid boosters soon! I’m anxiously waiting! I’m glad it didn’t affect your training, and you had a good week.

    1. Hooray, I am glad you’re able to get the booster soon, too. It feels good to be protected.

  8. Glad to hear training is going well. 12 miles, yay! Will you be doing any races before the marathon? I should have, but I didn’t want to re-injure myself so I’ve avoided doing any! It’s always good practice though.

    1. I have one (or maybe two) training races planned before the marathon (maybe a half and for sure a 20-miler). I hope I can treat them as just that: training races.
      I understand that you didn’t want to risk anything before Berlin. How do you feel now that it’s coming up?

  9. I admire so much your comsistency with the workouts! It is motivating to see you keep at it, even when life gets busy.

  10. How fun to have Tanja around for a work out. I would very much procrastinate for runs this long. Ha.

    1. Haha, we could all be in the procrastinator club LOL

  11. Wow, what a week! You really knocked it out of the park again. :)
    I can’t remember the last time I slept in…sigh. I should see what happens if I do turn off all alarms. I suspect I’d still be up earlier than most. ;)

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