2024 Weekly Run Down 28/52 – Moo-nlight Walk

This week’s stats:

Running: 18.4 mi
Cycling: 44.9 mi
Walking: 3.5 mi
Bootcamp: 30 min
Strength: 60 min
Yoga/Pilates/Barre: 110 min
Warm-up/Stretching: 75 min
Meditation: 10 min

I am linking up again for the Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah.

I had a pretty good week. I completed week 7 of the Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge and week 6 of the Power Pack “Seven Deadly Zones” Challenge and will be finishing up both challenges next week. The heatwave here on the West Coast was still with us for most of the week and I had some pretty warm early mornings to contend with. We finally got a little relief over the weekend with some overcast skies and a breeze that pushed the temps below 100F/38C. It was great timing because Jon and I were signed up for an evening 5k on Saturday.

I also received a message from the Conqueror App that I had completed my annual challenge for this year.  Tanja and I had signed up to virtually run, walk, and bike the 1968.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail. I finished the distance on Thursday.


  • 20 Min Pilates – Anna (5/16/24) — Core on Tour/Personal Streak
  • 15 Min Reggae Ride – Denis (11/28/23) — Road Trip
  • 30 Min Power Zone 2010s Ride – Sam (11/9/22) — PZ-W6R1
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Sam (12/7/23)
  • 10 Min Lower Body Stretch – Logan (3/21/24) — Summer Radiance

I started my week with some Pilates and a Reggae Ride as warm-up for a 30 Min Power Zone Ride with Tanja. Holy mo, this ride was spicy (three 4-minute intervals with 30 sec in Zone 5, 3 minutes in Zone 4, and 30 sec in Zone 6, with 3 min recoveries in Zone 1).

I was drenched, but as Tanja always likes to say “giving up is not an option”. 


  • 20 Min Barre: Glutes – Ally (5/29/24)– Barre on the Boulevard/Personal Streak
  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Jon (3/6/24)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge – W7R1
    • 20 Min Rock Run – Matt (2/1/22)
    • 30 Min Rock Run – Matt (11/3/23) — PZ-W6AR/Road Trip
      • 15 Min Warm Up
        • 5 Min @ Easy Pace
        • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
        • 5 Min @ Easy Pace
      • 25 Min Main Set
        • 10 Min @ Marathon Pace/ 3 Min @ Easy Pace
        • 12 Min @ Marathon Pace
      • 10 Min Cool Down
  • 10 Min Full Body Stretch – JJ (7/1/24)

I started my morning with Lindsay and Sherry and a Barre class before heading out for my tempo run. I had marathon pace intervals on deck and was looking forward to getting outside because we finally got some relief from the heat and it was It was glorious 62F/17C this morning when I left the house.


  • 10 Min Focus Flow: Core – Kirra (7/9/24) — Core on Tour/Personal Streak
  • 30 Min Afrobeats Bootcamp – Tunde (5/18/21) — Highway Havoc
  • 5 Min Warm Up Ride – Denis (2/14/22)
  • 30 Min Power Zone Rock Ride – Denis (5/7/24) –PZ-W6R2
  • 5 Min Cool Down Ride – Bradley (7/2/24)
  • 10 Min Afrobeats Full Body Stretch – Adrian (2/25/24) — Summer Radiance

I started my morning with a focus flow with Kirra and I was once again wondering why her flows are always so freakin’ fast. Then I joined all but one #BCBabes (Kristin had her in-office day at work) for a Tunde bootcamp. Another Peloton lady that always pushes us to the limit. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like a good challenge, but damn. 

A little later, my sister, Tanja and I hopped on week 6, ride 2 of the Power Zone Challenge. It was a spicy Zone 4 intervals ride with Denis – sweaty, but doable. 


  • 5 Min Core Strength – Emma (7/16/23)
  • 5 Min Core Strength – Emma (4/27/23) — Core on Tour
  • 20 Min Tropical House Barre – Ally (7/29/22) — Barre on the Boulevard/Personal Streak
  • 60 Min Power Zone Endurance Ride – Denis (5/21/24) — PZ-W6R3/Road Trip 
  • 5 Min Post Ride Stretch – Denis (4/25/24)

I started the morning with Sherry and Lindsay and some core work and Barre and then Kristin and I tackled ride 3 of the Power Zone Challenge, a 60-minute Power Zone Endurance ride. I said it before and I’ll say it again: endurance is my jam and I really enjoyed this ride and Denis’ Rock playlist.


  • 30 Min Lil Jon Full Body Strength – Jess S (6/27/24)
  • 5 Min Pre-Run Warm Up – Jon (7/10/24)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge – W6R2
    • 45 Min 80s Run – Matt (5/19/23) — Road Trip
      • 15 Min Warm Up
        • 5 Min @ Easy Pace
        • 5 x 15 sec strides + 45 sec @ Easy Pace
        • 5 Min @ Easy Pace
      • 20 Min Main Set
        • 3 x 3 Min @ V02 Max Pace/ 2 Min @ Easy
        • 2 Min @ Anaerobic Capacity Pace/ 1 Min@ Easy Pace
        • 1 Min @ Anaerobic Capacity Pace
      • 10 Min Cool Down
  • Extra 10: Walk – Jess K (4/15/24)
  • 10 Min Standing Core Strength – Rebecca (4/4/24) — Core on Tour
  • 5 Min Full Body Stretch – Ben (2/27/23)
  • 20 Min Kacey Musgraves Restorative Yoga – Anna (6/26/24)

I joined the #BCBabes for Jess Sims’ latest Lil Jon Full Body Strength Class (such a fun playlist!) before I headed out for intervals at V02 Max and anaerobic capacity. I was a little apprehensive about the 3×3 intervals at faster paces, but I ended up enjoying them. Again, these speed pushes seem to make the workout go by fast. I finished with a 10-minute Cool Down walk and a little core work and stretching.


  • 5 Pre-Run Warm Up – Jess K (2/5/24)
  • Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge – W6R3
    • 60 Min Endurance Run – Susie (10/18/22)
      • 10 Min Warm Up
      • 45 Min @ Easy Pace
      • 5 Min Cool Down
  • 15 Min Hardstyle EDM Run – Jess K (4/24/24) — Road Trip
  • 5 Min Post-Run Stretch – Susie (6/24/24)

Saturday morning was still relatively warm, but it was overcast and breezy. I’ll take a headwind over standing warm air! I had a 60-minute endurance run on the calendar and I felt good and added a 15-minute EDM Run with Jess King for the “Road Trip” tracker at the end. EDM is not my preferred music genre, but I enjoyed the class.

  • Davis Moo-nlight Run 5k
    • 60 Min Ed Sheeran Walk – Jon (5/5/23)

In the evening, Jon and I participated in the Davis Moo-nlight Run again (separate recap to come). Jon is not a runner but has been walking regularly and working with a personal trainer for a year now. I am so proud of him for sticking with it! This was the third time I could convince him to do this evening race with me.


  • 10 Min Strength Roll Call: Core – Ben (3/7/24) — Core on Tour
  • 20 Min Restorative Yoga – Anna (4/30/24) — Serenity Sunday
  • 10 Min Breathing Meditation – Chelsea (7/7/23) — Summer Radiance

I attended another free class at our local Fleet Feet store in the morning. This week, the topic was “Ankle & Foot Care” and we learned some great exercises to increase foot and ankle mobility. Have you ever tried ‘foot yoga’? (Try to lift your big toe independently from the rest of your toes, then switch. It’s just as hard as it sounds but it’s a good thing to practice.)

I kept the rest of the day low-key as an active rest day and only did some core work, restorative yoga, and meditation.

Current Challenges + Trackers:

As always, I am chipping away at the trackers and fit in these strength and yoga classes as part of my cross-training routine. I somehow missed my ‘streak’ (yoga/Barre/Pilates) on Saturday. Oh well. Not going to sweat it.

Team Wilpers Summer Run Challenge 2024 – 8 weeks
“Seven Deadly Zones” Power Zone Challenge – 7 weeks
Streaker365 Barre on the Boulevard
Streaker365 Highway Havoc Bootcamp Challenge
Streaker365 Road Trip
Streaker365  Summer Radiance: Self Care & Wellness
Streaker365 Core on Tour
Streaker365 July Personal Streak (Daily Yoga/Pilates/Barre)
Streaker365 Serenity Sunday (restorative yoga + meditation)

How was your week? Did you participate in any races?


  1. The foot yoga sounds interesting! That’s something I should do a little research on, since our feet really need TLC as we’re constantly using them for practically everything. I am able to lift my big toes, LOL!

  2. The heat is really keeping me from running outside since I’ve been back. Glad you got some relief this week. A night time race is a fun change and perfect for summer. congrats to your hubs for joining you. Have a great week ahead

  3. Congrats to you and Jon! I’m looking forward to the race recap. Sounds like a great week in spite of the heat. I have heard of foot yoga and am actually pretty good at it- which is odd since I have so many foot issues! You’d think my feet would be healthy and problem-free, but nope.

  4. Since I´d lost a lot of mobility in my knees for a while (just cycling and walking is definitely not enough to keep them working the way they used to #bending) I´ve come to the realisation that we need to do this yoga-thing for almost all of our body parts. Therefore I have been doing foot-yoga for a while, not really knowing that this is what I was doing. Can´t hurt to give back to all these body parts that keep us going!

  5. Cool that Jon went out with you for your race! That’s awesome!
    Also, you are crushing those trackers. Nice job.
    Our heat wave is unbearable. I want to cry.

  6. After years of yoga, I officially do have yoga feet. I did not find the lifting the big toe independently challenging and only had to do the lifting of the other toes while keeping the big toe a couple of times to get it. I also don’t struggle with toe squats. Now, I could not possible do even a single day of your exercises (!), but I can do that! LOL.

  7. I remember the Moo-nlight Run from last year! How fabulous you got to participate together :)

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