Currently | July 

PROUD | of Jon for doing the Davis Moo-nlight 5k walk with me. I joke that I won’t leave the house for a 5k anymore, but we’re all at different points in our journey (and we all started somewhere!) and it doesn’t diminish the fact that participating in an official 5K event is a HUGE accomplishment.

HITTING | some Peloton milestones this month: 3-year weekly streak, 950 rides, 800 strength classes, 400 runs, and 15k minutes on the platform for this year. 

(equally) IMPRESSED | by my sister who walked from our hometown to the Cologne Cathedral – which is about 20 miles – last week. She’d been talking about it for a while, my mom and some friends had expressed interest in walking the distance with her, but for one reason or another it hadn’t worked out yet. She’s currently on summer break (she’s a teacher) and decided to “just do it” now, by herself, before the break is over and she won’t get the chance for a while. I am so proud of her. 

EXCITED | to harvest my first zucchini and a handful of grape tomatoes from my container garden. The tomatoes were so sweet and juicy. 

LISTENING TO | a podcast episode of “This American Life”. It’s one of the very few podcasts of which I will occasionally download an episode or two. They had a great piece about ChatGPT (I am still ignorant to a lot of the AI stuff). 

ENJOYING | some time in our backyard. We had some terribly hot days (100+F) recently when you couldn’t sit outside for more than 5 minutes, but there were also some cooler days (still hot for some people, haha) in between when it was pleasant to sit outside in the shade. We even had the occasional light breeze (imagine that!).

ANTICIPATING | the kitchen floor replacement that is finally supposed to happen in August. (The vinyl flooring was delivered this week!). Fingers crossed this one goes off without a hitch.

HAPPY | to spend some girl time with my friend Susi. It had been too long. I went to the Bay Area for 4 nights and worked a couple of days remotely. So nice to have that flexibility. 

EATING | milk rice. One of my favorite summer treats. So simple, so delicious!

RE-READING |  “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” by Bettie Smith for Engie’s virtual book club. It’s so fun to be able to discuss the book with others along the way. 

What has been going on in your world in July?

  1. Ooohhh…fresh veggies from the garden are the best! I bet those tomatoes taste AWESOME.
    Thanks for linking to the ATGIB book club. It’s been so fun to hear everyone’s views on it!

  2. I am craving those tomatoes (and what I assume is coffee in that outdoor shot?!)!
    I’m so glad you and Jon were able to complete that walk together and what an epic and fun/almost whimsical exercise and adventure goal for your sister.
    You continue to kick butt in Peloton!

    July has been pretty hectic for me, but it’s going well and I can’t believe it’s almost August?! That feels like the final push to back-to-school even though, technically, my kids aren’t even half through their summer vacation yet.

    I set out to have a full and scheduled summer for various reasons and I have gotten just that. Lots of fun memories, but I’m also feeling pretty exhausted!

  3. […] update! I hinted at it in my Currently post, the work in our kitchen is now scheduled for the week of August, 7th. (Yes, that’s 10 days […]

  4. So amazing what milestones you hit off when it comes to exercising. Really amazing. I am just happy that I managed yoga twice in the past 2 weeks.
    Also fingers crossed for the kitchen tile saga. Looks like some progress has happened.
    Also I love that you are able to harvest things from your garden. Mine doesn’t prosper this year. Not sure if it’s because of the move and the plants need to adjust or if the soil is all sucked empty and I should ffirtilze. But I decided to let nature run its course and put more energy in it next year.

  5. Look at those gorgeous tomatoes and zucchini! What a wonderful treat. This was a lot of fun to read, San. July has just flown by for me but we are all settled in now, so that feels good.

  6. It’s so exciting getting the first harvest of the season. Looks yummy; well done! The is a pretty impressive walk by your sister, sometimes when you want to do something you just have to go out and do it. Your peleton workouts are insane, so consistent, the minutes and miles keep piling up.

  7. Yum! Garden fresh veggies are the best. I sometimes miss having a garden. We’ve debated taking some shrubs out so I can plant a garden there but I fear the rabbits would eat everything and it’s a tricky area to fence off since our yard is on a hill. But someday I will have a garden again. For now, I go to the Farmer’s Market!

    July was a whirlwind month for me. I traveled twice for work (one of the trips as unexpected) and then had my week-long “vacation” at the lake. I say “vacation” because I was on work email quite a bit. But it was still a nice break from real life and we appreciated being by the water while we had high heat/high humidity!

  8. Congrats to Jon, you, and your sister! I am proud of all of you and love reading about your accomplishments!

    I can tell by looking at those tomatoes that they were delish!

    My world in July involved a lot of trips to Iowa and family time, as you know! <3

  9. Cherry tomatoes fresh from the garden are the best. Particularly when they are warm from the sun. Yum!
    And clearly physical feats run in your family – along with you and Jon, your sister is also a rock star! (Plus, how cool that they are just 20 miles from a *cathedral* in Cologne? File that under “things that do not happen in the U.S.” :>)

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