Currently | July

Well, two “Currently”-posts back to back can only mean that I haven’t blogged in a month and that I have tons to catch up on (vacation recaps, work, your blogs, etc.), but first let me slide into your reader before this month is over and fill you in on what’s currently going on with me. If I can manage to string a few sentences together, that is.

FEELING | very emotionally hungover from my vacation and family time (in the best possible way, although it is hard every single time. It’s like I know in advance that it’ll happen, but I am never prepared for it (and the first few days are the hardest). 

BUYING | hiking boots in Moab, UT. You’re probably throwing up your hands in horror to learn that I didn’t own hiking boots before this trip. I mean, I have a pair of decent hiking shoes, but no ankle-high boots (even though I had been thinking about getting a pair forever, and was reminded every time that I was called upon for field work. My colleague will be so stoked to see I finally own boots. Haha. Safety first!)

EATING | way too much restaurant food this month. Don’t get me wrong, it was delicious and worth it, but now I am really looking forward to cooking at home again.

DRINKING | Arnold Palmers. Got my mom, sister and niece into them as well during our vacation. I think I am going to keep some home-brewed iced tea in the fridge for the foreseeable future.

ENGAGING | in some “self-care” behaviors that include obsessively scrolling through my camera roll, playing stupid games on my phone (which I hardly EVER do), and eating my feelings in ice-cream.

RAN | for the first time since mid-June yesterday morning. I had planned to run during our vacation (I really wanted to go for a run with my sister and BIL), but our days were so jam-packed that we didn’t make that a priority (we were plenty active otherwise).

LOOKING FORWARD TO | getting back into my groove. The best way to combat post-vacation blues for me is getting back into my daily routine. I mean, it’s probably something none of us can avoid anyway, as we have to go back to work and deal with the shenanigans of daily life, but it also puts me a bit on auto-pilot (which is just what I need), where I don’t have to think much or make decisions, but just go through the motions (while I sort out my  mental state). I also restart my workout routine right away. Working out always, always lifts my mood and makes me feel better, no matter how shitty I feel. So obviously, it’s something I wanted to get back to immediately and I am glad I have a couple of new challenges on my calendar.

(very) EXCITED | to share more about our summer travels in the next few weeks. If you follow my private account on Instagram, you might have already seen a good amount of posts from our family road trip. I am hoping to post a few recap posts (more for me than for you, but you’re welcome to follow along). It’s been an amazing, precious time with my family and I really didn’t want it to end. Stay tuned. 

So, tell me, what is currently going on with you?

  1. Awww, what a good reason for not blogging! So glad you had a wonderful trip and looking forward to hearing more about it.

    1. Thanks so much, Suzanne.

  2. I’m so glad you had a wonderful trip and can’t wait to hear more details. I’m not going to lie, I was starting to get a teeny bit worried about where you had gone, but assumed it was related to the family time you had planned and I’m glad that proved to be true!

    1. I am sorry to get you worried… but I understand it because I also get worried when people don’t check in for a while ;)

  3. I can’t wait to hear all about your trip! I have done a lot of hiking but don’t own hiking boots either! I typically used trail running shoes for hiking but those got so worn out that I had to throw them out – but after using them for 9 years so I got my money’s worth out of them!

    July has been a busy, hectic month for us. We hosted a couple of dinners, went to some other get togethers, I saw Alanis Morisette in concert last weekend and will see Brandi Carlile tomorrow. And I presented at a conference this week in DC. So it’s been a little nutty and I’m hoping August is quieter.

    1. Yeah, I had trail running shoes before, too and they worked fine, but I always thought it would be a good idea to get real ankle-high boots. Finally!

  4. I can’t wait to see your trip recaps!! I thought of you several times this month and wondered where you were. haha! I LOVE Arches National Park so much!! We went there a few years ago now and it was so fantastic. I have the most beautiful pictures. The red rocks with the bright blue skies are so stunning. I loved Moab too. We stayed at this great condo with a pool right beneath a bit rocky cliff…one of the favorite places we’ve stayed on vacation. I hope you had a great time! Can’t wait to read more about it. (I don’t have hiking boots either Always just wear tennis shoes, or else I often wear some Teva sandals that have great tread on the bottom and work very well for hiking.)

    1. Oh, we stayed at a condo in Moab too and it was glorious…. we had a hot tub (made me think of you – ha!) and we had a glorious view of the surrounding mountains!

  5. I also don’t own hiking boots! I’ve always made do with sneakers or Blundstones (which I never count as hiking boots).
    So glad you had a wonderful time but definitely know what you mean about a vacation hangover!
    Here’s hoping you get back into your groove soon – and enjoy all the ice cream along the way!!!

    1. Thank you for the warm welcome back :)

  6. I am excited to hear more about your family trip. I can only imagine the emotional hangover.
    Yeah for hiking boots. I’ve gotten myself some for a photo trip I was taking and where I need good shoes. Now they double as safety boots for work. HA!

    1. Yes, hiking boots are so versatile ;)

  7. So glad to hear that you had a great trip and look forward to hearing more about it!

    1. Thanks Kim, can’t wait to share more.

  8. Like everyone else, I’m excited to hear about the trip (especially since it apparently involved hiking in Utah!) I know… it’s hard to have a vacation like that end. Getting back into your regular routine and working out again will definitely help. Welcome back!

    1. Thanks Jenny. I know everybody feels the post-vacation blues.

  9. Welcome back!

    I loved seeing all your photos on IG. It is such a beautiful area of the world, and one I want to explore IN MY HIKING BOOTS!!!

    I have two pair of hiking boots; heavy duty ones and light hikers. I’m a Rocky Mountain Girl after all!

    1. I am glad to hear someone is properly equipped here :)

  10. Good call on the hiking boots! The next time I do ANYTHING related to hiking, I am buying real boots because every time I have hiked, I have broken my ankle and it is 100% due to improper footwear!

    I loved following along on IG and can’t wait to hear more about the places you visited. It seemed like such an active vacation, but such an amazing one as well!

    1. Oh right, you always have problems with your ankles… so you would DEFINITELY benefit from some real hiking boots! :) I always thought they were so expensive and didn’t want to invest the money (because I do use them more infrequently), but I got a great sales price at a hiking store in Moab and just thought “this is the time to buy!”.

  11. Late comment but oh, San. I cannot wait to read more about your trip. I think I liked everyone of your posts and stories on IG. :) <3 Your time with your family seemed a bit magical from the outside and I hope that it filled your soul and your heart after so long apart. (I know you saw them earlier this year but still…)

    And yes, of course, ice cream and routine for returning to real life, and dealing with the inevitable emotional hangover. Sending hugs.

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