Around the Interwebs
How to fight for our reproductive rights, based on how much time you have. This whole topic gets me so riled up. Yeah, yeah, pro-life and all, (PSA: nobody WANTS abortions, but they can be necessary for a variety of reasons!), but what about the repercussions for thousands of women and their health and access to health care?
6 Gmail AI features to help save you time. Are you using any of those?
There is no such thing as getting ahead. Interesting read.
It’s a skill, peeps. How to make someone truly feel heard.
There Is No Such Thing as ‘Junk’ Food.
Why You Should Actually Let Yourself Eat the Foods You ‘Can’t Be Trusted’ Around. A little bit more on intuitive eating.
Living in a Frank Lloyd Wright House: 7 Homeowners Share Their Honest Experience. This article made me think of Birchie.
The Real Difference Between European and American Butter. Good to know!
Around the blogosphere
Interestingly, I’ve come across a couple of interesting posts recently related to food and food habits (see above), and Stephany’s post about her Eating Habits & Being a Slow Eater fit right in.
I enjoyed Sarah’s post about Do It Now // Do It Later. We all have things we do right away and things we procrastinate. Why do you think that is?
The Benefits of Knitting and Crochet for Mental Health.
Olivewood Cardigan. I really want to knit a cardigan someday.
FREE: Fourth of July Printable Party Sticker Sheets.
For my runner friends
How to Mentally Prepare For a Long Run. What are your tricks?
Can You Train for a Marathon on the Treadmill? 9 Expert Tips and 4 Workouts.
How to Find the Perfect Running Watch for You.
I need to know all about this. Haha. Java Junkies Unite: Tips and Tricks for Incorporating Coffee into Your Running Routine.
Tuna Lentil Salad. Yum. I think I’d love this.
Sticky Gochujang Chicken Wings. These look finger-licking good!
Authentic German Pretzel Buns (Laugenbrötchen). I wanna try these.
Creamy Kale and Mushroom Pasta Recipe. I made an adapted version of this the other day.
Pressed Italian Sandwiches. Yes, please.
Nicole MacPherson
June 27, 2023 at 9:48 amThis is a really great list, San. Thanks for posting, as always. The junk food link is something I have been thinking about a LOT lately. I think there tends to be so much value judgment attached to certain foods, and that is wrong. Food is food, and it can be a source of joy and sharing and happiness, as well as fuel and nutrition. And food deserts exist and really affect people’s health. I think there is a certain classism that attaches itself to food, like we don’t eat THAT, it’s junk. Anyway, thanks for this great link and all the others!
June 27, 2023 at 10:33 amSo many great links! I haven’t read the junk food piece yet, but I have been around a couple of people who have a wildly different approach to talking/thinking about food and it’s making me so frustrated. I wonder if I can find a way to send them that article… although I fear they would remain completely oblivious.
Now I am off to learn about how to optimize my gmail! Thanks for the links!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
June 27, 2023 at 12:50 pmThe “there’s no such thing as getting ahead” article resonated with me. And you got me! I love visting FLW houses but I am very glad that I don’t live in one!
June 27, 2023 at 3:38 pmfor long run, I always pick a good long podcast to listen to, lately has been Tim Ferriss’s, always on spot to keep me wanting to keep running to keep listening.
I’ve read good books lately and Jim Collins interviews in Tim Ferriss were fantastic!
Rachel Palmer
June 29, 2023 at 1:03 pmYour link lists are great! Fascinated about the butter article – I definitely think butter tastes better in the UK than the US but I didn’t realize why.
July 1, 2023 at 2:50 amGreat list as always San. For long runs I like listening to podcasts.
Lisa of Lisa's Yarns
July 5, 2023 at 9:42 amOh boy… training for a marathon the “dreadmill” sounds torturous to me! Ha! But I loathe running on a treadmill!!! It just sucks the life out of me.
July 6, 2023 at 6:19 amI love this, as always! The running articles are great. I don’t drink coffee, but I definitely incorporate caffeinated gels into long runs, and it helps a LOT. The mental prep for a long run is great- I definitely use a lot of those tricks. Breaking the run up into smaller segments, listening to podcasts (I usually listen to a podcast but put music on at the end when it’s getting really hard.)
So many other great links here- I’ll have to come back and read them all.
July 6, 2023 at 9:09 pmCaffeinated gels! Who knew?! I am not a fan of gels, but maybe I could do the caffeine ones. I haven’t tried to see if it makes a difference.
July 10, 2023 at 5:35 pmThanks for sharing my blog post, San! <3
July 21, 2023 at 11:00 amLove all of these, as per usual. I am still reading the Time article (I saw it but hadn’t read it) and the one on FLW houses. There is definitely a sub-population of super-FLW fans (I vote we nominate Birchie for that!).
Tobia | craftaliciousme
July 22, 2023 at 8:42 amThank you. I read the article about intuitive eating as it is something I want to learn. Thank you for sharing your finds.