Month: July 2020

Currently | July

EATING | more things from the BBQ grill and some amazing salads. DRINKING | coffee, tea, and water.  FEELING | okay overall. I keep my routine, I run, I work, I cook and bake, but I definitely also have bouts of pandemic fatigue. I feel like I want to do...

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July Link List

Around the Interwebs We could get Coronavirus under control in 4-8 weeks, if everyone wore a mask. Come one, people, let’s get our sh*t together. Read this. How the American idiot made America unlivable.  14 black women, we should have learned about in history class. 21 arguments for wearing a...

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What I read in June

I finished 5 books in June (what?!). I think with everything that was going on, I felt like reading was the best course of “action” (as you can tell from some of the titles). So yeah, June was a good reading month. It probably helped that I was fired up...

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