I know, I know, I am little late with everything, but I would still like to link up with Courtney from eatprayrundc.com to take a look back at my year of running. Courtney hosts this link-up annually and it is open through the end of January, so go and check out everyone else’s year of running!

I feel pretty good about my running year. I was injury free and even though my training was thrown off a couple of times (because LIFE), I still had fun logging many, many miles.
I ran…
680 total miles (not quite what I had set out for, but I focused more on cross-training which was a good decision).
4 officially timed races – 3 Half Marathons, one 10k,
2 virtual races,
1 new PR.
Best race experience: This is a tough one because I ran three really amazing half marathons last year, but I think the best race experience was the Moo-nlight Run that I ran with my friend Susi. There is just something about just running for fun with a friend.
Best run: I can’t pinpoint one best run that stands out in my mind, but I always love the runs that clear my head and feel easy. I feel like a million bucks afterwards!
Best piece of new running gear: I won another pair of Brooks running shoes again in a giveaway and I love them. The colors are so cool.

Best running advice that I received this year: If you fall off the bandwagon, just pick yourself up and start again. It’s easy to feel defeated when your training cycle is thrown off and you miss a few runs, but the best way to compensate is just to keep going.
Most inspirational runner walker: My Mom. Well, technically my Mom is not a runner, but she started walking (almost) daily last year after a longer recovery from surgery and I am so proud of her that she managed to pick up a new routine that gets her moving every day. We connect via Garmin Connect and Runtastic to support and cheer each other on!
Favorite picture from a race:

Race experience you would repeat in a heartbeat: The Urban Cow Half that I entered after being thrown off my training cycle and where I still pulled off my fastest race yet. Sometimes it pays off to not worry too much and just let your legs do their thing.

If you could wrap up your year in a couple of words, what would they be? Commitment. Fun. Gratitude.
I just felt a lot of love for running and was looking forward to my runs around the neighborhood. I didn’t run a whole lot of races (I am not someone who signs up for a ton of races, but rather pick my races carefully and appropriately spaced apart), but simply enjoyed (almost) every logged mile and I am so thankful that I was able to run and to stay injury-free.

Thanks for all the support this year.
How was your year of running?
What ‘s the best running adviced you received?
January 15, 2019 at 3:32 pmI started running in 2018 in late spring. I began with walking for 20 min and my goal was to be able to run 30 minutes without stopping. As soon as I reached that goal I signed up for a 5k (at least I thought so) and when I realized that it was a 5MILE run I started a more advanced training program and I ended up running 10ks at the end of the year! Hurray!
I truly fell in love with running and I consider that my new “addiction”. :)
I didn’t really receive advise on running….but when I was at the start of my first street race I got so much support and felt the vibe of all the fellow runners in the last pace group! :) They told me to just have fun…and that is what I did.
Happy Running Year 2019!
January 22, 2019 at 9:21 pmYay, I am so glad to hear you fell in love with running… I never expected it either when I started running a few years ago, but it’s definitely become such a huge part of my life :)
Are you planning any races? Are you on Garmin or Runtastic?
January 15, 2019 at 6:57 pmLooks like you had a great running year! And good for your mom for walking everyday. I’ll never be a runner, but I really need to walk more.
January 22, 2019 at 9:24 pmWalking is a great workout! Hope you can make it a habit!
Lisa of Lisas's Yarns
January 16, 2019 at 8:30 amAny year of running that includes NO injuries is definitely a good one!! Especially when you are training for longer distance races like half marathons. I’m glad you had such a wonderful year and really enjoyed the miles!
I did not run at all during 2018 besides some running intervals during stroller walks when I was on maternity leave. I am hoping to get back to running this year, though, and would like to run a 10k in the fall. That is a pretty low bar for me to set at I used to run 6+ miles 3 times a week back in my pre-baby days, but it seems like a doable goal for 2019!
January 22, 2019 at 9:25 pmI totally get that 2018 was an “off-year” for you, understandably! I do hope you get back to running this year though, I know you must miss it.
January 25, 2019 at 8:36 amLast year was not my greatest running year, but I think I learned a lot about how to heal myself and how to stay healthy as a runner, so fingers crossed for a better running year this year!