30: NaBloPoMo – It’s a wrap.


And with that, NaBloPoMo and November are coming to a close. I am always amazed how fast the month goes by and how (relatively) easy it was to blog for 30 days in a row. If you participated in NaBloPoMo and made it through, congratulations! If you didn’t quite make it, kudos for trying!

Here’s a little recap of what was going on in my world this month.

1: Hello November. It’s time again for NaBloPoMo.
2: Family Vacation Recap – Sacramento
3: Letters to the Universe
4: Five things people (might not) don’t know about me
5: In which I ramble
6: Recipe | Blueberry Crumble Muffins
7: Family Vacation Recap – my Mom’s Birthday, Paul MccCartney and Apple Hill
8: Your vote matters
9: What have you done, America?
10: Things (I can still) love (on this gloomy) Thursday
11: Sports/Activities I wish you had more (or any!) time for
12: Some more thoughts on the election
13: Recipe | Rhineland Potato Soup
14: Things you wouldn’t know: more German idioms
15: November Link Love
16: Secret Santa Mug Swap
17: Family Vacation Recap – Folsom, NBA and a new couch
18: 5 Holiday Foods
19: Family Vacation Recap – Lake Tahoe, Tahoe City and the Farmers Market
20: Recipe | Roasted (Thanksgiving) Chicken
21: Currently | November
22: My official 1-year race run-niversary
23: Christmas Card Roll Call – there is still time to get your updated addresses in!
24: Things {I am thankful for} Thursday
25: Five all-time favorite holiday movies
26: Lifelong friends
27: Recipe | Bavarian Potato Salad
28: On who I am (at the moment)
29: November Favorites
30: NaBloPoMo It’s a wrap!

I hope you had a good November (overall).

Tomorrow is the first day of the last month of 2016 and we’re wrapping up yet another year very soon.  Thanks for sticking around this month, and as always thanks for reading and commenting.

  1. Thank you for introducing me to NaBloPoMo! I’m so glad I joined :)

  2. Well I didn’t participate in writing BUT I can proudly report I have read every post you wrote AND I have written more blogposts in November then in any other month this year. So I guess it was a success.
    And again I pledge to give it a try next year. Hope I won’t forget.
    Now let December come!

  3. I’ve been blogging for (checks calendar) *11 years!* and have never committed to NaBloPoMo.

    …..maybe next year?

    Ha. See above for my problem. lol.


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