1.) I mentioned this necklace before which was handmade in SoCal from upcycled surfboard resin. It’s so pretty! 2.) I’ve mentioned this one before, too, but it definitely deserves a spot in my monthly favorites’ list. I recently started listening to the “Money For The Rest Of Us“- podcast...
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I am recapping my family’s visit and our travel adventures from earlier this summer under the category “summer tales”. On Monday (6/29), we set out on our adventure road trip. First stop: Monterey. We made it there in 3,5 hours which is not bad at all. We checked into our...
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eating boiled potatoes with greek yogurt and chives and salads, mostly. appreciating long catch-up phone calls with my sister and a dear friend over the weekend. reading Respected by my friend Akirah. looking forward to my first paycheck under my new contract! working on getting my creative juices flowing again. I haven’t had the...
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Today is the last day of my first pay period at my new old job. In case you missed my (protected) post from last week, I finally left my contractor position and got my direct appointment with the government. It’s been a long time coming. I am still working in...
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I am recapping my family’s visit and our travel adventures from earlier this summer under the category “summer tales”. We spent Sunday (8/27) hanging out in Sacramento and keeping it low key. Despite the fact that my parents had to vacate our bedroom and move into a hotel when my...
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A few weeks ago, I shared our meal planning routine and this week I thought I’d finally share a few of the dinners that find their way into our meal-plan on a regular basis. We ate out a lot when my family was here (which was mostly due to a...
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This is some good advice when you live and work out in a place where it’s hot (like Sacramento). 8 tips for exercising in the summer heat. I don’t quite relate to all of this on a personal level, but there is some truth in this guy’s thoughts about our...
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I am recapping my family’s visit and our travel adventures from earlier this summer under the category “summer tales”. My sister, BIL + niece arrived on Saturday, June 27th… but not without a previous scare. In the night from Friday to Saturday, my phone rang around 3 a.m. My display...
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This is a regular feature post on my blog. See the archives here. AWKWARD + When your mailman doesn’t bother to ring the bell to deliver a (certified) letter on your day off (even though you were home all day!), you can’t go to the post office until the next...
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