Month: November 2014

8: Recipe: Barley Stew

Mmh. November is finally here, which pretty much means switching from warm fall temperatures to the first nights waking up at 2 AM and shivering on the way to the thermostat that slaps a chilly 64°F in your face — brrrr! — and for the first time this season, you...

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7: Currently Vol. 15

Current Book(s): I am re-reading “Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon. No, I won’t be watching the TV series. Current Playlist: A couple of podcasts. Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Whole grain crackers + spicy hummus. Current Color: cranberry red. Current Drink: Vanilla-honey-chamomile tea.  Current Food: home-baked bread. Current Favorite Show: “The McCarthy’s”.  Thursday evenings...

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5: Photo of the week: Oak leaf

Hello photo friends! This week’s ‘Foto der Woche‘ is the perfect fall picture for me. My Glücklichmacher #44: Oak lef (taken November 4, 2014) The start of November has also brought cooler temperatures and a feeling that fall has really arrived. The mornings are chilly and crisp, the sun sets much earlier...

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4: Election day

Today is Election day. You already know this, if you live in the US, and I hope you already have (or are still planning to) vote(d). J and I cast our votes first thing this morning. The polling places opened at 7 a.m. and we were there bright and early....

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1: Another November, another NaBloPoMo

Good morning, Internet. It’s November 1 and you know what that means, right? Well, yes, sure, it means holy-hell-how-is-it-November-already? and it also means What?-54-days-until-Christmas! Cue the freakout!,  but it also means it’s time for National Blog Posting Month, also known as NaBloPoMo. If this is the first time you hear...

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