Euro 2012


I know many of you probably couldn’t care less about the European Soccer Championship, but you guys, I am so stoked that ESPN is actually broadcasting all the games!
To be quite honest, prior to its start on Friday, I can’t even say that I was really excited about the Euro 2012, but like every other year when the championships come around, the soccer bug bites me. It’s like a switch is turned on when the competition is about to start and I am a little bit surprised every single time. Looks like I do have something like patriotism for my home country.

The last few years have been absolutely amazing and transformative when it comes to showing some national pride in Germany. After Germany won the nomination for hosting the FIFA World Cup in 2006, something changed. Flying a German flag had been frowned upon for the longest time (what with our dark history) and nobody would have dared to put up a German flag anywhere. Something that is taken for granted and proudly encouraged here in the US, Germans had to feel ashamed about.
But you know, it’s been over a half century – when do we stop feeling responsible  for something that happened long before we were born? That’s at least how my generation feels. We don’t want to forget, we just don’t want to be held accountable for something we had nothing to do with.

The realm of sports seemed to be the only safe place to show some patriotism and in 2006, it turned into a real love fest for Germany. All of a sudden, you saw German flags everywhere – in shop windows, as bumper stickers, on t-shirts, attached to car windows. For me, it was simply an amazing thing to see my country gain back some national pride. (And where else would we feel safer to show national pride than in regards to our national sport = soccer!).

Public viewing events” became the thing in 2006 and they take place all over Germany every other year now during the European and World Championships. Instead of watching the games in front of their TVs at home, people gather in public places and share the thrill of the games with other fans! It’s exciting and absolutely moving to witness it. Goosebumpy feelings all the way.

Today Germany will be playing the Netherlands. In case you are not particularly inclined towards any of the European teams, why don’t you root for Germany today.
You know, maybe because you like me just a tiny bit and because you can! Ha! I promise, I will send you cupcakes and love you forever.
(Oh, and pllleeeease don’t tell me anything about the game while it is happening – I’ll just stick my fingers in my ears and ignore you *lalalala*. I’ll be at work and can’t watch it live, but DVR is set and  I can’t wait to get home tonight.)



  1. The same here – DVR is set and I DON’T want to hear the outcome before I see it……
    Great post – I love how you explain the Germans’ new found love to their country!

  2. Yay, lovely post! :) I think I’ll do “public viewing” tonight for the first time since the 2006 World Cup. I’m usually so into actually wanting to see every second of the game that I prefer seeing it at home where I know I’ll be close to the screen and hear the commentary. ;) But since it’s still early on in the championship, I’ll trade that in for some beautiful football love atmosphere somewhere in Cologne tonight I think…
    There are SO MANY flags here. In my street, there’s not a single house without flags! And not only German flags, by the way, which makes it all the more beautiful! :)

  3. I’m a little sad I’m missing out on the fun and festivities in Ireland since I came back home this month! I would have loved to go to the public viewings! I’ll root for Germany for you today, and I have to root for Ireland tomorrow… though Mark tells me they have no hope of winning against Spain :)

  4. I don’t think it’s just a German thing, the flag waving. In America I found that they were very proud of being American, and being extremely patriotic there is encouraged, flags in all, whenever just because. In New Zealand, unless you are overseas, or there are sports involved, it’s considered kind of tacky/arrogant to be outrageously patriotic with flags and things just because. Different from Germany, but the same outcome. I think I prefer America’s route.

    Also, I’d never heard of the Euro till I was over here! I’ve watched two games already, and I’m sure I’ll see some more :) It’s quite fun, so many people here are very excited about the whole thing, it’s infectious :)

  5. I love that you are so excited about the Euro Cup. We watched a lot of the World Cup games a few years ago, but I can’t say that I’m getting into the Euro Cup … likely because I need a break from soccer after finishing up the English Premier League season. =)

  6. I’ll be rooting for Germany! I’m not really watching the Euro Cup (soccer isn’t really my thing…) but sending well wishes from Florida. They might have already played. That’s how much I have NOT been following it. HA! I don’t think I would even know it was on if not for Twitter. ;)

    Love your enthusiasm, though, and all the important points you brought up in this post! GO GERMANY!

  7. I love that you are so excited about the Euro Cup! I didn’t even know what it was when I saw Peter tweet about it last week or this week? I am so not a sports person! ;) But I do love the Olympics, and watching the Olympics will be one of the highlights of my summer!

    Go Germany!

  8. Well I can talk about it now, but congrats! Nicely done. You guys are in the bag for the next round. Portugal (vai, vai!!) won as well, but it’s still up in the air whether or not they will make it on… Do you think Germany will play their second string in the next game so their top players can rest, or will they go for it anyway!?

  9. Soccer, or as it is better known: futbol, is big in Venezuela, and I follow the world and Euro cup whenever I can. I love the German team, always have, because they play with such discipline and strength, never give up and attack to the end. I always root for them.

  10. I must admit I haven’t quite caught the soccer fever this time around although I have been watching Germany’s games and am of course supporting our team. The most exciting bit of the Euro for me is the betting group we have at work. :)

  11. Excited for tomorrow’s game vs. Greece!!!

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