Things I Love Thursday

{via my 365 project}

This week, I am loving…

… the fact that my sister calls me – almost daily – just to say “Hi”, and that she almost always tries to bribe me with all kinds of things to move back home. (She’s getting quite inventive with her offers.) Heh. She’s hilarious. And I miss her.

… also the fact that my sister and I talked for an entire 15 minutes yesterday about spiders, that we both had recently encountered, until we were both grossed out and tingling all over our bodies. Yuck!

… my 64GB (yeah, baby!) iPod Touch. Wait, did I mention that already on this blog? Oh well. Still holds true.

… having the whole office to myself while my co-workers are out in the field this week. I can play music, dance, sing and nobody knows! :) Well, I guess, besides all you guys!

… that my best friend from home is going to be a new, first time aunt at the beginning of 2011. So exciting!

… my home cooked meals so much better than dining out. You see, cooking is really not a big deal to me, even after a long day at work. I have quite a few regular recipes now that I can throw together in no time and that practically cook themselves (aka I don’t need to stand next to the stove and babysit them).

… fresh fruits and vegetables from the Farmer’s Market on Sundays. I really had no idea how much of a difference it would make to buy local, not just because it is the right thing to do, but because the produce is so much fresher and tastier.
Also, I honestly feel so much better about eating eggs from a local farm after the whole salmonella recall scare.

… tiny oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from Trader Joe’s. OMG. Evil critters.

What are you loving right now?

  1. i love being back home :) oh and i love your #4 as well because that means i can totally call you at work tonight. hehe.
    .-= kim´s last blog ..Protected- how’s it going =-.

  2. I love these little posts of appreciation :)

    Congratulations to your friend on becoming an auntie!
    .-= Emily Jane´s last blog ..The X-Effect =-.

  3. What am I loving? The fact that I have finally found a new dog sitter that I feel comfortable with! My old dog sitter got a Pit Bull, and I just cannot risk having her bring that dog with her when she cares for my dogs.
    So yes, I’m loving my new dog sitters and the peace of mind I will have with them caring for my critters!
    .-= Maribeth´s last blog ..Snuggles =-.

  4. Aw, I’d love to have the office to myself to dance and sing and not care! I love my iPod touch too! Even though mine is cracked…heh heh. And oh, yes! Fresh veggies! We got them weekly this year and they were soooo good!

    I am loving right now…sushi (always!)…the fact that tomorrow is Friday…my boyfriend…the cooler weather…a long weekend next weekend and going on a trip then!


  5. I love cooking too- even after a big day, the only thing I don’t like is not meal planning. Coming home and having to invent a meal? Kill me now. lol :)

  6. I’m loving how positive this post is, I just finished reading some downer posts on other blogs, and this is a breath of fresh air! I’m also loving the mail I’ve been sending lately. I can’t wait to get some $$ to have some more stationary/packaging supplies to sass things up!
    .-= Kam´s last blog ..All done!!! =-.

  7. I always dread cooking at the end of the day but once I get started I remember how much I love it. It helps me relax after a long day.

    (And Trade Joe’s little cookies are the best! And evil too!)
    .-= terra´s last blog ..An Autumn Lesson- or- learning how to not be such a spaz =-.

  8. Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks

    August 26, 2010 at 11:14 am

    I’m loving the three little paintings we purchased yesterday at a local gallery by a local artist. Makes me excited to get our nursery furniture delivered, so we can begin addressing what art goes where!

  9. I’m loving working from home, in pjs with music blasting. But I’m also loving the fact they finally assigned me an office, with a brand new computer with a huge monitor at work :)
    .-= Jen´s last blog ..On Pausing =-.

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