On some activities and the weekend

First of all, I would like to apologize for the two protected blog posts back to back. I usually try not to do that, but as you know, there are certain things that I just don’t feel comfortable talking about publicly on the Internet (mainly work-related stuff).
If you are a regular reader of my blog and you don’t have the password, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’d be happy to give it to you.

Ok, now that I got this out of the way, let’s move on to something else.
I completely forgot (haven’t got around to) tell(ing) you that we went to a Baseball Game at Raley Field (the home of the Rivercats, our local Triple-A-Baseball team) last week.

Sacramento Raley Field

Sacramento Rivercats

More photos here.

It was “German Heritage Night” and what better excuse to get together with the German group to drink beer, eat hot dogs and watch the game! Precisely.
Now, just bear with me for a second and try to imagine wandering into a Baseball Stadium and (bad) German folk music blaring out of the loud speakers. Doesn’t that sound just wrong? Honestly, people, GERMANY IS NOT JUST BAVARIAN FOLK MUSIC, DIRNDL AND LEDERHOSEN . But I assume, that cliche goes either way because we Germans only think of Americans as people with Cowboy hats and boots! Heh. Obviously. So much for cultural stereotypes!

No, but to be honest, it was fun! There was German beer (St. Pauli Girl and something else, I think), “German sausages” (mostly HUGE hot dogs with sauerkraut and mustard/ketchup) and lots of German chatting. It does indeed feel good to speak German every once in a while.
Besides that I REALLY love watching Baseball. I might have mentioned that before. Once. Ahem. It’s always great to got out and see a game.
I even might have attempted to explain the game to some of the other Germans (“you know, it basically is similar to “Brennball“, which every German student should know from PE classes in school!“)

The weekend was pretty quiet and laid-back. Actually sleep has taken over half of my weekends lately, to be honest. It’s ridiculous really, but I sleep an average of 10-11 hours each night on the weekends, if you let me. I think I am one of those people who operate best on an average of 8-9 hours of sleep and since I usually only get about 7-7,5 hours during the week (which I am constantly trying to improve, but…), I obviously have to make up for it on the weekends.

Revelation of the weekend: J is a list-maker!

Ok, this doesn’t come as a surprise to me (since I’ve known him for a while), but isn’t list-making generally thought of as a female trait?
Correct me if I am wrong.
But J makes lists all the time and I love it. The most satisfying thing about a list is, of course,  that you can cross things off your list; see tasks disappear in front of your eyes, so to speak. I think that is J’s favorite part (and who could blame him. It gives you a real sense of accomplishment.)

Our list for last weekend:

Post Office (sending off yet another written complaint to get my refund back. Sigh.) Check.
Grocery shopping. Check.
Laundry. Check.
Paying bills. Check.
Shopping for stuff to take to Germany. Half-check (not done yet).

It’s a new week, so bring it on!

  1. Great to hear that your are doing good, San!

  2. I have my lists, Jack has his. Sometimes we compare. Actually Jack really loves making lists! lol!
    Uschi goes nuts about the who Bavaria is the only Germany thing too.
    I just heard she may be coming very soon for a nice long visit!!!!

  3. My husband is also a list-maker. But unfortunately he always forget the list somewhere ;)
    Hope you get everything together before you’ll start to Germany.

  4. haha. wow! I am the list maker in our family. Justin is the one following lists. And I am the one making sure he is following the lists. haha. sounds like a fun weekend!!! you are bringing stuff to germany? you should bring German stuff back here! :) love ya

  5. My whole family seems to be list makers, it’s crazy.

    It’s so funny, because it seems like I came from stereotypical America (horse racing, cowboy hates, country accents, etc.) and went to stereotypical Germany — I saw a ton of dirndls, lederhosen, and folk music while I was there! But I was in Bavaria and I know not all Germany is like that.

    I love baseball games too — live action is fun, plus all the food and the socialization!

    Looks like you had a great time!

  6. I love lists. To do lists are fun and I’m a list maker myself :)

    …for how long are you gonna stay in Germany?

  7. Lists are the best invention ever (well, I guess it wasn’t really invented).

    Looks like you had a fun weekend! Yay!

  8. Good News! Two of my babies Claus (green) and Caspar (blue) have found forever homes!

  9. I LOVE going to baseball games – they’re so much fun and a great excuse to eat food that’s horrible for you and to drink beer. We lost our local baseball team last year and I’ve been craving going to a game all year…

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