J’s birthday wish

Yesterday was J’s birthday. His wish was to go to a pumpkin patch and pick out a HUGE pumpkin for Halloween. His wish should be granted.

We started the day off with some birthday muffins for breakfast and then I gave J his presents. We also got a couple of birthday phone calls, before we headed out to the pumpkin patch :)

It was a beautiful, sunny fall day and we had a lot of fun walking around, petting the animals in the “petting zoo” (goats and bunnies) and look at the ponies, calves, laamas and alpacas.
Finally, we had to pick out a  pumpkin.
The pumpkin patch was pretty big, so finding the perfect pumpkin was quite an endeavor.. one was too skinny, one was too round, one didn’t have a stem.  But in the end, we did find “OUR” pumpkin…  :)

Our pumpkin

… and then some more:

Little pumpkins :)

(No, we didn’t buy all of them. Just a couple :))

For dinner, we went to a BBQ place – J really felt like having “BBQ ribs” *yum!* and to top a great day off, we went to the late nite show at the movie theater and watched “W.”. Priceless. Go see it and laugh your butts off (or shake your heads off – whichever you prefer).

The great weekend was a little bit overshadowed by the loss of the Boston Red Sox (J’s favorite team!) against the Tampa Bay Rays tonight. After trailing by two games, Boston came back strong in game 5 and 6 on Thursday and yesterday, but unfortunately couldn’t carry the momentum over to the last game and lost in a hard-fought battle with 1-3.
They won’t go on to the World Series this time against the Phillies.


  1. Happy Birthday to J!!!!
    Looks like you had a perfect fall day. You are still walking around in a Top. I would freeze. Here it is already only 3 degree in the mornings.
    Although it was quite nice the whole weekend. Cold in the morning but around 18 degree over the day with lots of sunshine.

  2. First up a belated Happy Birthday to Jon! What a lovely pumpkin you picked! And it lookes like a great day! I remember having gone to the pumpkin farm at Half Moon Bay like 5 times or so with my girl and we both loved it! Pity that they don’t do that here :-( It’s such a fall treat!

  3. happy belated b-day to J from me as well. *b-day-smooch*

    and the punkin patch looks like so much fun. C would LOVE that! we finally decorated for halloween yesterday but have yet to get (and carve) our pumpkin. fun stuff :)

  4. Happy Birthday to J.
    I know what you mean abut the Sox. I was bummed too.

  5. hi sweets! sounds like a great day. glad you liked the movie. i should probably watch it as well. :) yeah for the pumpkin. we picked one out a few weeks ago and justin just carved it for me the other day. can you believe its almost halloween? crazy huh?

    send you a big hug!

  6. That sounds like a great birthday! You two look so happy! Hope everything is all right. We have to see each other in the next weeks… Just sayin.. Love ya

  7. I am sure I left a comment before but just incase Happy Belated Birthday J! It sounds like you had a fantastic weekend :-)Love and Hugs from OZ

  8. Happy belated birthday to J!! I love the tiny pumpkins, sooo cute!

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