Month: July 2006

It’s SPF again…

� Stuff Unnoticed I have never got my ears pierced. For some people that’s like a big shock… “Are you serious? You don’t have your ears pierced?”… [like it’s something a girl HAS to do at some point during her life … most likely before the teenage years]. So, I’ve...

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well, we all know who wriggled their way into the World Cup Finals… so I am not even going to mention Sunday night and the outcome. I just want to quote Franz Beckenbauer asked for his impression of the World Cup, especially the gathering of thousands of people from different...

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…ja so stimmen wir alle ein! Mit dem Herz in der Hand und der Leidenschaft im Bein, werden wir Weltmeister sein! Germany played a marvelous game last night. They are the true champions of this Soccer World Cup. In the end, I believe coming out third of the competition is...

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