
…ja so stimmen wir alle ein! Mit dem Herz in der Hand und der Leidenschaft im Bein, werden wir Weltmeister sein!

Germany played a marvelous game last night. They are the true champions of this Soccer World Cup. In the end, I believe coming out third of the competition is a more rewarding situation then losing the finals. I am so happy Germany beat Portugal 3:1. It’s kind of sad that the World Cup is over now. The whole atmosphere during the last 4 weeks can hardly be described with words… so many emotions of happiness, sadness, jubilation and despair so close together… and still a huge party of all nations. It was amazing. I wish the World Cup would never end…





I watched the “petite finale” at Frank’s place [he’s a friend from College] with about another 15 people on a big screen. It was great to see some of the people I knew from College [P.E. Department] and that I hadn’t seen in quite a while. We had a potluck dinner and a great time! :)

In the afternoon yesterday Ilka came to pick me up and we met Kim and Pia for some coffee in Düsseldorf. It was great that we got the chance to see each other. We sat outside in a nice street café and had some fun chatting time. Pia is getting married next week, so we were exchanging ideas and experiences from my wedding.

Today we went to see my Granddad and my great-aunt in the afternoon. There was Schützenfest in their part of town and we usually go over to watch the parade [my Granddad is honorary member of the event] and have coffee and cake afterwards :) It’s a nice opportunity to spend some time together. Did I mention that I like those kind of family get togethers?!