Category: monthly favorites

Monthly Favorites | March

It’s time for monthly favorites again. At the end of each month,  I share things that have made me happy, new discoveries, or recommendations that I find worthwhile. Enjoy. 1. My bike*! Obviously. It’s been so fun to be able to ride my bike to work and around the neighborhood....

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Monthly Favorites | July

1. I talked about the ice-cube tray that makes humongous ice cubes in my last Currently post and here it is. I actually bought this Houdini Ice Cube Tray* at Target, but couldn’t find a link to it.  2. Hela Curry Ketchup *(Mild Sauce) is one of my favorite German items that I...

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Monthly favorites | May

1. I had these Wheat Thins Toasted Chips Veggie for the first time on my flight to D.C. last weekend (Southwest is stepping up their snack-game!) and they are delicious! I am definitely going to look for them on my next shopping trip! 2. Strawberries – need I say more? 3. ...

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