It’s time for monthly favorites again. At the end of each month, I share things that have made me happy, new discoveries, or recommendations that I find worthwhile. Enjoy. 1. My bike*! Obviously. It’s been so fun to be able to ride my bike to work and around the neighborhood....
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1. Because I haven’t mentioned it in a while and wanted to make sure you don’t forget, I love my Chemex coffeemaker. After a week of travel earlier this month and acceptable, but mediocre hotel coffee for five days, I was so glad to get home to my Chemex....
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As a surprise to nobody, my favorites’ list includes a bunch of food related items again, because I like good food and I like to share it with you. You’re welcome. 1. This month I’ve really enjoyed some nice, hot cups of peppermint tea*, have you? 2. I am currently...
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1. Do people still have alarm clocks? When we moved, we threw out Jon’s old alarm clock which he had since college. It didn’t really work anymore and we just kept it because I liked having a clock in the bedroom. I’ve been using my phone for my wake up...
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1. The Boston Red Sox*. Do I need to say more? Go read my blog post from yesterday if you don’t know why they made my #1 spot on my favorites’ list this month! 2. It’s apple season again and Honeycrisp apples* might be my all-time favorites! Sweet and tangy...
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1. I am usually not a fan of pre-packaged oatmeal (I’d rather make it fresh), but these Strawberry Raspberry Oatmeal* cups from Trader Joe’s definitely work in a pinch and when you’re on the go. They’re low in sugar and pretty tasty. I brought a couple of them along on...
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1. Here I am again talking about a kitchen item in my favorites’ list, but I beg you, if you don’t own a steaming basket*, get your hands on one. It’s so much easier to cook certain vegetables (like beans, broccoli, etc.) in a steaming basket than in water. 2....
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1. I talked about the ice-cube tray that makes humongous ice cubes in my last Currently post and here it is. I actually bought this Houdini Ice Cube Tray* at Target, but couldn’t find a link to it. 2. Hela Curry Ketchup *(Mild Sauce) is one of my favorite German items that I...
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1. Have you heard of The Skimm? I get their daily emails and it’s been a great way to start my days! I wish I could use the app, it looks pretty handy, but they charge for the subscription, so I am sticking with the emails right now. 2. I...
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1. I had these Wheat Thins Toasted Chips Veggie for the first time on my flight to D.C. last weekend (Southwest is stepping up their snack-game!) and they are delicious! I am definitely going to look for them on my next shopping trip! 2. Strawberries – need I say more? 3. ...
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